Olivia's View

Why'd you gotta go? You know that you're better here

"Olivia." Iris says.

"What?" I ask.

"Take that shirt off." Iris says.

"No." I say.

"It needs to be washed!" Iris says.

"If I wash it, it won't smell like Y/n!" I say.

Taking all my clothes, I could smell your sweater here

"Oh. You miss her." Iris says.

I nod and I start to cry. Iris hugs me and rubs my back.

I just want you close, baby, bring your presence here
Why'd you gotta go? Why, why'd you gotta go?

Y/n broke up with me because I can't make time for her while I'm working my album. Whenever I did have time, I was cut short. There was nothing I could do. I have deadlines I have to meet and meetings I have to attend.

Why'd you gotta go? You know that you're better here

So now that she's gone, I'm left with a backpack full of clothes they smell like her.

Taking all my clothes, I could smell your sweater here
I just want you close, baby, bring your presence here

I miss her so much.

Why'd you gotta go? Why, why'd you gotta go?

"Liv, I hate seeing you like this. I need you to cheer up. Get up and move around." Iris says.

"I'll cheer up when Y/n calls me." I say.

I wanted you to come back but you never came
Why did you go? Without you, I feel like its novocaine

"Liv, that's not gonna happen." Iris says.

I groan and she rubs my back.

I can't a catch a break
Thought I wasn't in the clear, it seems I'm never safe

My phone rings and she grabs it.

"No way." Iris says handing my phone to me.

I loo at the name and quickly answer the call.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, um are you home?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"You mind if I come by and get my backpack?" Y/n asks.

She wants the only thing I have left of hers.

"T-That's fine." I say.

"Okay, I'm like 20 minutes away." Y/n says.

"Okay." I say.

Y/n hangs up and I sigh.

"So?" Iris asks.

"She wants her clothes back." I say.

"Damn, I'm sorry." Iris says.

Tears fill my eyes and she hugs me.

20 minutes later...

There's a knock on the door and I open it.

"It's on the couch." I say.

Y/n nods and walks inside.

"Y/n." I say.

"Yeah?" Y/n asks.

"I miss you, I feel so lost without you." I say.

She don't know it but I think about her everyday
I'm feeling terrible, she put a smile up on my face

"Those 5 months were the best months of my life." I say.

She make me feel some type of way

"Hey, babe." Y/n says smiling.

"I miss you. Come see me." I say.

(You call me and I'm on the way)
I really wanna see your face

"I'm on the way." Y/n says.

I catch a fight across the state
Catch me a flight across the country just to see you

"I want you back, Y/n." I say.

Baby, baby, did you really have to go?
I know I don't hit back on time no

"All I think about is you." I say.

But I, but I still think of you in my mind so

"Olivia, I don't like being alone and you never have time for me. It's not gonna work out." Y/n says.

"I have one more week until this release and then you'll have me too to yourself. Please just stick it out with me." I say.

Even if a difference in time zone
I hope you can stay by my side

Y/n sighs and nods.

Why'd you gotta go? You know that you're better here
Taking all my clothes, I could smell your sweater here

I smile and hug her tightly.

I just want you close, baby, bring your presence here
Why'd you gotta go? Why, why'd you gotta go?

She smiles and kisses me.

Why'd you gotta go? You know that you're better here
Taking all my clothes, I could smell your sweater here

Time Skip

"I missed this." I say putting my head on Y/n's chest.

I just want you close, baby, bring your presence here

My phone dings and I grab it.

Why'd you gotta go? Why, why'd you gotta go?

"You're gonna hate me." I say reading the notification.

Why'd you gotta go? Why'd you gotta go? Why'd you gotta

"Go ahead." Y/n says.

You don't gotta go, you don't gotta go, you don't gotta

I smile and kiss her.

Go, go, go, go, go, go (Why'd you gotta go? Why'd you gotta)

"I love you." I say getting up.

Go, go, go, go, go

"I love you too." Y/n says as I leave.

Go, go, go, go, go, go (You don't gotta go, you don't gotta go, you don't gotta)

848 Words

I need them to get married 😭
