
Okay, so basically we didn't exactly 'charge', more like move forward and let those weird gangster people kill us. Well, not exactly but they did look intimidating enough.

So this is what happened: Mishii ran straight into the big dude with the ski mask, Suki sprayed a bulky looking dude with her pepper spray and here I am, trying to get to them.

Then suddenly, I trip over a milk crate and sprawl across the cement ground.


I must've looked like an idiot but I didn't care. Pain shoots through my left ankle, but I don't stop to examine it. I push myself to my feet and run toward the back door to Dan Murphy's. I twist the doorknob, only to find it locked.

I try to force the door open but again, with no luck.

That's when I hear the agonised scream, one that I knew only too well. I turn to see Suki on the ground, her face smeared with tears and grime. Then I see her leg and immediately felt a wave of nausea. She was surrounded by a small puddle of blood.

The sight of the blood makes me want to retch.

I run to Suki's side and half carry, half drag her to the side. I tear off the bandana I was wearing and wrap it around her leg. That should stop the blood for now.

"Pain," Suki gasps, tears steaming down her face. "Make it stop," she wails.

"Shhh, it's alright. I'm gonna get help," I try to reassure her, but even I don't think I sound very brave.

I rummage through my bag but find no phone. I must've dropped it somewhere. I mentally slap myself for being so careless.

"Shit," I mutter, panicking now. I grab Suki's phone from her bag instead and dial Phil's number. I don't know how, but I had his phone number memorised.

I didn't care about that now. As soon as I punch the numbers in, I take deep breaths and force myself to keep calm for Suki's sake.

I glance off the the side where Mishii was trying to hit a big dude with a milk crate, but failing in the attempt. About two other figures were standing off the side, hidden in shadow, smirking and muttering in hushed voices.

Then where was the fourth dude?

Not that I cared, but something was wrong.

"Jess?" Phil sounded worried. I sigh in relief.

"Phil, you have to come here quickly. Please," I hurry, trying to suppress tears that were threatening to spill.

"What's wrong? Tell me!" He sounded worried.

"It''s Suki. She's hurt. Bring Percy please," I tell him.

"Alright. Where are you guys?"

"Corner of dan Murphy's. Next to happy cup, Glen Waverley station." I quickly tell him.

"Wait-so tell me exactly what-" he was cut off as I was knocked to the side. The phone dropped out of my hands as I watch a shadow loom over me.

"You stupid girl," the guy in the ski mask said.

I think of the technique Mishii had taught me in drama the week before. I had thought the idea of play-fighting was ridiculous, especially when we were supposed to be heroes and villains. Well, not now. I silently thank Mishii, then run over the routine in my head. Spin, roll, then kick the opposition between the legs. While they are doubled over in pain, run away.

The thought of actually bringing Mishii's ridiculous made-up scene to life was so absurd I almost laughed out loud.

No, I wouldn't stand a chance against this guy.

He pulls a knife out of his pocket and holds it to my throat. I was scared to death, but I forced myself to stay calm.

"You wanna end up like your friend over there?" He nods toward Suki who was propped up against the brick wall, barely conscious. The guy's voice was distinctly masculine, slightly husky. I shudder.

Without even thinking, I laugh. It sounded a bit half hearted at first, but eventually sounded almost real.

Gosh, I think. Ms Dumbe's stupid warm-up activities really paid off.

Though I had to admit it's hard to laugh with a knife at your throat, no joke.

The guy turns back to me. "What are you laughing at?!" He demands, pressing the knife deeper into my skin.


Now I was shaking uncontrollably of laughter. I saw Mishii fighting three big dudes with a single can of pepper spray. But gosh, that girl can fight like no other. Suddenly my vision goes fussy. Still laughing, I collapse and the dude with the knife lets go of me and runs to help his friends. I slowly get up and lean against the wall for support.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see three figures emerge from the distance.

I smile.

Then the world shifts as I feel myself start to fall.
