
As I hit the ground, I see Phil, Tom and Prithvick running toward Mishii and joining the combat.

I have no idea why, but I felt like my strength was returning and my vision cleared. I dash over to them and join the battle. I pick out the nearest milk crate and smash it on the head of a black-clad figure.

Phil and Prithvick were fighting barehanded along with Mishii. I had to admit, they made a really good team. I admired their skill as they lashed and kicked and deflected.

Tom runs over to where Suki lay and was trying to rouse her out of a coma.

Suddenly, another wave of nausea sweeps over me and I drop the milk crate and fall to the ground, preparing for the pain.

But it never comes. Instead a pair of strong arms wrap around me, carrying me to safety.

"It's okay now," Phil whispers. "It's over."

He was right. The gangsters were gone.

He sets me down gently and I lean against the wall, exhausted.

"Thank you," I say, my voice barely audible.

Phil opens his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Mishii and Prithvick, who were arguing. Again.

Sheesh, couldn't those two get a long for once? We almost freaking died, for goodness sake!

"You idiot! You have to turn away so you get a good punch!" Mishii half shouts at him.

"Woman, you gotta turn, JUMP, THEN you can punch! That way the bad guy gets confused, you idiot!" Prithvick shoots back at her.

Mishii clenches her fists and throws a punch at Prithvick, but he dodges and catches her arm.

"You ignorant-" Mishii didn't have time to finish her sentence.

"Enough, you two!" Phil hollers, separating them both. "YOU GO TO THAT CORNER, YOU GO TO THAT CORNER, AND STAY THERE!"

"HAHAHAHAHA," I clamp my hands over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. Aaron was going to be so mad Phil stole his line.

"Isn't that copyright?" I ask, but grimace as my head started to throb.

I lean against the wall for support and stand.

"Haha, Aaron is gonna kill me," he says and winks at me. I blush and mentally slap myself. I have to admit he is really cute when he does that. "OMG I'm sooooo scared," says Phil, back to his annoying but cute self.

I giggle.

"Guys, why didn't Reynold come to help us fight those people?" Mishii asks absentmindedly. "He's SUCH a wuss!"

"Ah, he's still at the arcade, probably finishing off a game," Tom answers as he held Suki's hand. She moans in pain.

As if on cue, Reynold appears and walks casually toward us.

Mishii looked like she was about to scream at him for not coming for the 'fight' but I shoot her a warning glare. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to notice.

We all watch in amazement as she strides toward Reynold.

Before anyone could stop her, she slaps him across the face.

"Ow!" Reynold complains, rubbing his face. "What the hell was that for?!"


"Enough!" Tom yells over Mishii's gibberish-like screaming. "Seriously guys, can't you see Suki is hurt? Stop arguing and let's go home! I need to take Suki to the hospital."

Mishii's face turns bright red.

"Yeah, you idiot," Prithvick sniggers.

Mishii stares daggers at him.

Tom picks a still unconscious Suki up in his arms and starts walking back toward the car park.

Once they were both out of earshot, PHIL laughs. "Those two are perfect for each other," he sighs.

I had to agree with that one. Meanwhile, Prithvick and Mishii were still glaring at each other.

Reynold backs away from them. "Seriously, that girl has attitude," he mutters, half to himself.

I sigh. "I'll never understand her. But she's a good friend once you get to know her better. But she just doesn't get along with Prithvick, that's all."

Reynold nods and jingles his car keys. "Well, it's getting late, we'd better go home now, eh? Unless you want to stay where all night, which I don't think will be very pleasant."

"Yeah, let's go. Hey Mishii! Wanna come with us? I'm dropping jess off as well," Phil calls. That took me by surprise. Since when did Phil voluntarily take people home? I shake my head.

"Thanks Phil," I say and feel my face heating up. I look away.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow at school?" Reynold asks.

Phil nods and he walks away, leaving the four of us.

"Shoot, I forgot my phone at the arcade," Prithvick smacks his forehead. "Cya tomorrow guys, gotta get my phone first," with a wave, he disappears around the corner of Dan Murphy's.

Only the three of us left. Me, Phil, Mishii.

"Okay girls, who's house is the closest from here?" Phil asks, saving us from the awkward silence. Mishii was staring at the ground with that faraway look in her eyes. God knows what that girl is thinking about.

"Mishii's house is the closest. She lives right next to the park," I put in.

"Okay then, off to Mishii's house we go!" Philbert exclaims and starts running toward his car.

Mishii runs after him and I hobble along after them, trying to work the stiffness out of my limbs.

"Shotgun back row!" Mishii yells.

She hops into the car and spreads her legs out on the seats.

I roll my eyes and reluctantly climb into the passenger seat. Phil gets in and mutters loud enough only I could hear: "gosh, what has gotten into her?"

I shake my head. "Too much sugar from the movies, I bet."

He laughs. We both turn towards Mishii. She had her earphones in and was singing to Boom Clap. We both start laughing but she doesn't seem to hear.

While Phil starts driving, Mishii does a ridiculous dance made by Nikitha.

I shake my head and suppress a smile.

Minutes later, Phil stops the car outside Mishii's house.

The door of her house opens and a girl comes running toward the car.

It was Mishii's sister, Megan. I smile. "Hey Megan!" I call.

Mishii thanks Phil, gets out of the car and gives her sister a hug.

Megan waves at me. "Hey, Jessica! Happy birthday!"

I smile.

Megan seemed to realise that Phil was here, too. "Ah," says Mishii.

"Megan, meet Phil, Jessica's um..friend," Mishii says. "Phil, this is Megan, my annoying sister. "

Megan scowls.

Then she turns to Phil. "Hi, actually I've heard all about you from Mishii," she says. "Are you Jessica's boyfriend?"

I slap Mishii. "What?" She looks at me and attempts to deadpan.

"Well, we'd better go now," Phil says, checking his phone.

"Bye!" I wave at Megan and Mishii as Phil pulls out of the drive.

As soon as we reach my house, I start to get out if the car, thanking Phil.

"You okay?" He turns to me, looking concerned.

"No, it's fine," I wave him off.

"No seriously, are you okay? You guys were in a lot of trouble. If you hadn't called me-"

"Really, I'm fine. Just a bit shaken, that's all." I smile, trying to at least look convincing.

"Oh. Alright, then. I'm going to the hospital to check on Suki and Tom later, I'll fill you in if you want."

"Thanks," I feel a surge of gratitude. "You're a great friend, you know that, right?"

Phil's eyes darken. "What do you-" he was cut off abruptly by the blinding security lights of my house being flicked on.

I sigh. "I'd better head inside before my whole family comes outside and kills both if us."

I reach over to give Phil a brief hug.

"Cya," he replies.

As I unlock the door to my house, I turn around to wave at Phil, who was just pulling out of the driveway.

Now lying in bed, I stare up at the ceiling, recalling the events of the day. I had to admit it had been a great birthday, minus the getting attacked by mysterious people at night part.
I thought of Phil. What had he been about to say in the car?

What do you-
What do you what?
I let the unanswered question remain as I drift off into unconsciousness.
