
Friday. My favourite day of the week. It's the day you don't have to worry about anything, just to let everything that's happened in the past week go.
It's now officially the last period of the week. I honestly can't believe I've survived my first week here. Hooray to me! No sarcasm in that at all.
As soon as the bell rings, I grab my science textbooks and dash out the door, down several hallways and through another door until I reach my locker, out of breath.
I silently thank Alex for his one-week lecture on the whereabouts of everything in this ginormous school. I'd already gotten lost in the science building twice on Tuesday. I remember having to run around like a madwoman looking for any familiar faces. Then as I'd walked into class half an hour late, the whole class was looking at me weird. How embarrassing.

"Sup, lil sis."
I turn, slamming the locker door shut, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
Seeing Dulhan leaning against the locker next to mine, I roll my eyes.
"Really? Nice to see you too, big bro. Where've you been all day, anyway?"
I don't recall seeing Duly in the last two periods.
"Basketball training," he says, indifferent. "We've got a season match next week."
"But it's like, the start of the damn year!" I protest.
He merely pats me on the back. "Missing me?" Smirking.
I start to conjure up a snarky remark, but in that moment, Duly's phone rings with a message.
"Must be Vincent. I gotta go for training, oh crap."
"Ok, have fun! Bye!" As I start to walk away, Duly grabs my shoulder, spinning me around to face him. "Wait!"
"Really? If it's another request to make you pancakes for dinner or to wash your dirty laundry, I'm telling mum. And trust me, she's gonna kill you." I jab my finger at his chest, trying to emphasise my point. "Or even worse, I'll tell Charlotte. And she'll tell mum to make curfew 8 o'clock. Everyday."
"Aww don't worry, it's nothing like that; I'm not that rude." He smirks. "Though I'd like to see you try dobbing! This is gonna be funny."
Seeing my raised eyebrow, he breaks into a grin.
"I was gonna ask if you wanna come to the party tonight."
"What? Are you freaking kidding me? It's Friday!"
"Exactly. So, wanna come? It's at the bar on the corner of Williams street, seven sharp. Wait! Don't worry, I already told mum and Charlotte knows. Alex is coming too."
"So mum is letting you go to a party alone. At night. You're not even of drinking age yet!" I protest.
Duly laughs, and the sound echoes down the emptying hallway.
"I'm eighteen, a legal adult. And don't worry, I won't be alone. You and Alex and basically the whole school is going to be there. See ya!"
With that, he skips off, basketball tucked under his arm.
Shaking my head, I head off in the opposite direction, toward the main gates, where Alex will be waiting to drive us home.

As soon as he sees me, Alex grins.
I run over and hop into the passenger's seat.
"Wassup, had a good day? I heard you're coming to the party tonight. Just don't get too drunk, okay? Who knows what drunk people are unaware of." He smirks.
I reach over the console and slap him lightly on the arm, the realisation hitting me like a cold block of ice.
"Stop right there!" I exclaim. Alex immediately slams his foot down onto the brake, and we halt, half-in and half-out of the school gates. An angry chorus of car horns follow steed.
"What the hell? Go!" I clutch at the armrest, shocked.
"You just told me to stop!" Alex protests, and the car suddenly comes to life, dashing down the road.
"It was an expression, idiot."
"Ah, I see what you did there."
"As if you can."
"Yes I do."
"Whatever!" I throw my arms up in exasperation, hitting the ceiling.
"Watch it, woman! Anyway, how was your day?" Alex asks, staring intently ahead.
"It was ok. You? I didn't see you in any of the classes today. What's up?"
"Yeah, school's boring, as usual. I'm only with you for the core subjects, except science. Remember?" Alex replies with a shrug.
"So what-" I start, breaking off as we pull into the drive of the Roberts' house.
Only to see a familiar-looking figure perched on the stairs, arms folded.
"Jessica!" I exclaim, half surprised and happy to see my new friend.
"Oh crap. What the hell is the leader of the Mean Girls squad doing here?" Alex face-palms as he parks into the garage.
"Dunno, to watch Mean Girls maybe?" I grin.
None too excited, Alex gets out of the car and waves dramatically at Jess. She smiles back, waving.
"So she's nice on Fridays," I catch Alex mutter quietly to himself.
I bound over to Jess and she stands.
"Hey! It's so nice to see you!" She then engulfs me into a huge hug, one that I wasn't ready for. I stumble and hug her back, regaining my balance.
"Why are you here?" I ask when we break away.
"I've come to help you prepare for the party tonight! Isn't it exciting?" Jess claps her hands together.
"Uh, why?"
"Because you're new to this! Everyone's been to at least one of Dulhan's parties and you haven't! And since he's your brother, you gotta look absolutely fantabulous."
I cringe a little at the choice of words she'd picked to describe me.
"Thanks for the offer, but I think I know how to dress for a party." I smile a little to show my appreciation. Don't want to seem like a stuck-up, you know?
"Aw honey, it isn't an offer. Now get upstairs! Shoo! Once I'm done with your makeover, even Alex here will be all over you!"
Jess them ushers me none to gently into the house, and, casting a glance over my shoulder, I see Alex shaking his head in bewilderment.
Help, I mouth.
He only smiles and rolls his eyes.

It should be officially illegal for anyone, absolutely anyone to look this good. And yet, as we prepare for the party tonight, I can't shake the thought that Jess looks way better in blue than I do. I am sitting on my bed, watching as she does her makeup in the full length mirror. When she's done, Jess turns around to face me.
"How do I look?"
"You look-wow, really good." I clap my hands together.
"Thanks, your turn!"
The next few minutes were agonising, what with choosing a dress from my limited wardrobe.
"You barely have any clothes here!" Jess protests.
"Uh, they're all in the shipping."
"Don't worry; I've got it all covered." She then rummages through one of her many bags. Pulls out a beautiful, intricately designed red dress. Not too fancy, but giving off a hint of importance and beauty.
"Woah!" I blink. It really is beautiful.
"You'll thank me for this later! I picked it myself, so, do you like it?" Jess looks at me hopefully.
"Are you serious? I love it!" I take the dress in my hands, feeling the lovely texture of the soft material.
"And good news; you can keep it!" She looks delighted.
"No, no. I can't. It must've cost a lot! I can't ask this much of you." I start to push the dress back towards her.
"Don't be silly. My sister owns a dress shop so everything I wear's basically free!" Jess smiles.
"Oh, thank you so much!" I hug her again.
"You people can be so polite!" She breathes.

After wriggling into the dress, (with Jess' help) I turn to face the mirror. And gasped. It was beautiful. The red fabric clung to my skin and hung off my shoulders in layers of different shades of red. My waist was well-defined, showing off the curves I'd developed in the past few years. The dress comes down just above my knees.
I resist the urge to fight back as Jess plonks me down onto a chair and orders me to close my eyes. I hesitantly obey as the I hear the sound of a box being opened. She then brushes and applies unknown substances onto my face.
"Open your eyes," Jess orders.
I obey. And there, sitting in front of me, was a girl. She was breathtakingly beautiful, in one of those Vogue magazine kind of ways, completely effortless and still looking stunning.
I am at a loss for words.
"Thank you!" I stammer.
"Aww, you're welcome. You look amazing! Though you'd be surprise to learn that there'll be people dressing much more flamboyantly than either of us!" Jess rolls her eyes. "People these days."
Then the door flies open, sending us stumbling backwards.
"Guys-" Alex stops mid-sentence, glancing at first Jess then at me.
"Woah! You look- I mean- how- aggafbdms!"
Jess laughs. "Told you Alex would trip over his tongue! See? Santhiya the beautiful. Like your new name?"
"Ha-ha. Now can we hurry up and let's party!" This is about as crazy as I've been all my life. And seems like tonight will be even crazier.
Brace yourself, Santhiya, I think. What can go wrong? After all you're going to your first party with people you know! Live your life!
