An unexpected visit

{Monday afternoon}

Why did afternoons have to be so boring? I swear if I don't do anything I'm gonna die soon, I know it. Heck, I could even use a little conversation right now, what with my social awkwardness.
I flop onto the bed and stare up at the ceiling. You know, just doing typical after school fun stuff.
Suddenly, the doorbell ring downstairs, snapping me out of my reverie.

Saved by the bell, I thought giddily. I expected my mum or someone to answer the door but then remembered I was home alone. I creep toward the door and look through the peep hole. What I see surprises me: It was a distorted image of Philbert Lan, standing at my door, dripping wet. I open the door and was greeted by a gush of wind that almost knocked me off balance. It was raining heavily outside. How on earth did I not notice?

"Hi," Phil starts, a little awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot. He scratches the back of his neck self consciously.

I gape at him. When I don't reply, Phil goes on. "Um, I was driving and I don't have the keys to my house so I'm kinda locked outside and I didn't have anywhere to go and all I could think of was your house so here I am sorry to bother you but it's-" he takes a deep breath. I realised he was saying all this very fast.

"Come in!" I shoo him inside.

After I made Phil some tea and helped him dry off, the weather wasn't getting any better. Phil was sitting comfortably on the couch, scrolling through the channels on the TV. Just then, my phone rings. It was my mum.

"Mum? Where are you?" I ask hastily after the third ring. (I'm stuck at home with a guy and this is getting awkward, so don't blame me for being nervous.)

"Sweetie? Dad and I are at a meeting and won't be home until Wednesday," my mum explains. "Leonard is with us and your sister is on camp," she says. Damn this life.

"Okay mum, see ya, love ya!" I hang up.

Noticing Phil watching me, I look away.

"Looks like the weather isn't getting any better so you'll have to stay for the night," I tell him. Great, this is gonna be fun. (Note the sarcasm). "My family isn't gonna be home till Wednesday," I add. Crap. Take that back, take that back, take that back.

He merely laughs and looks at me real seriously and says, "you're lucky I'm here." His frown did not waver.

I paled. Then I realised what he meant and whacked him in the head with a pillow. He had me there. Then seemingly out of the blue, a pillow fight started and we were soon laughing so hard I didn't realise my laptop was ringing with an incoming Skype call. It was Ning. Crap.
I hesitantly click the call button and gesture for Phil to hide. He instantly dives behind the couch.
What will Ning do to me if she finds out I'm home alone with a guy? Especially Phil? I'd die with a lifetime's worth of embarrassment. Probably.
Ning's face fills the screen.

"HEYYYYYY JESS!" She sounds high.
"Hey Ning," I reply with a small smile.
Curse my friends for being so bloody friendly.
"How's life? I heard there's an incoming blizzard." A blizzard, what the hell? It's Melbourne for god's sake!
"I'm at Joe's so I'm safe," I hear sniggering on the other end of the line, then Joe's face appears.

"Hey Joe," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Hey Jess, are you alone or do you have company? I see a butt sticking out from behind the couch!" He wiggles his eyebrows. Curse him.

"Uh.. " I stutter.

"Just kidding, cupcake," Joe smirks. Damn. Him.

Then Phil pokes his head out from behind the couch. I hiss at him to stay down but it was too late. He sticks his head in front of the camera. "Hey guys! I'm here with my friend Jess and we're having fun!" He sniggers and wraps his arms around me.

"Oh my gosh Jess!" Ning sounds like a dying cat. "I knew it I knew it I knew it!" She and Joe laugh.

I glare at Phil. If only looks could kill. He just laughs and wraps his arms tighter around me.

"Gerroff!" I try to wrestle out of his iron grip but, of course, making no progress.

"Um guys? Guess we'll leave you two lovebirds, bye!" Ning and Joe's faces disappear.

Suddenly the house was quiet, except for the quiet sound of snow falling outside. Until I realised we still had our arms awkwardly around each other. We quickly untangled ourselves, but Phil was on top of me. He tilted his head to one side and grinned at me. Gosh, he was so cute when he did that, I found myself staring at him more than I wanted to. We were like that for what seemed like minutes, until Phil broke the silence.

"What you looking at?" He asked.

"I could ask you the same thing," I reply, grinning.

"Hm.. Okay, I was looking at how beautiful you are," he says with a goofy grin.

I knew it was just a joke, but I could feel my face getting hot. I looked away. Time to change the subject.

"Since we're stuck here, why don't we watch a movie to kill some time?" I suggest.
