


Dear Jess,
Jess, Jessie, Jessica. What a beautiful name. Just saying your name makes me melt. I honestly didn't know how to tell you this, but I've gathered my wits and decided to write this letter. Crap. Now I'm getting nervous. For the past few years, I've been thinking about you. About us. About our friendship, all the years we've known each other. I don't think I can live another day like this. Just friends, I mean. I want to know you, actually get to know you. I understand if you don't feel the same way, we can stay friends if it is what you wish. No matter what though, I will trust that whatever choice you make is the right one. It may be a little late to tell you this, and though it may shock you, I love you. I've waited too long to tell you this, but you must know. I love you Jess, I love every piece of you; the way you make me laugh like no one else can, the way you smile at me when we talk. The endless nights we've stayed up until past midnight, talking to each other. Through all these years, I've loved you, though you did not.
Please, please reply to this letter as soon as possible; I cannot bear to love another second like this, not having you be mine. Reply, and I will understand.
Happy birthday,
Love Phil xxxx

Phil sat on the windowsill, deep in thought. He had read the letter over and over again for what seemed the millionth time. He had been sitting in the same position for ages that his rear had start to ache. It was not a pleasant feeling. He still had the crumpled piece of paper in his hand that had been erased so many times that it looked more like a used tissue than actual paper.

No, he thought. He was not going to do it. He couldn't. What if Jess didn't like him the same way? The thought sent unpleasant chills up Phil's spine. He tossed the ruined piece of paper in the bin, leaned back on the wall and sighed. His best friend Vincent had gone on vacation to Hawaii for a whole month and that made him lonelier than ever.

Of course he had other friends to hang out with, but still. He glanced cautiously at the piece of paper that was now comfortably sitting in the bin like it might jump out and attack him any second. He had made his final decision: he was NOT in a million years going to write that letter to the girl he had a huge crush on for as long as he knew. He'll hand over the five dollars and that's that. Case closed.

As if on cue, his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. Reluctantly, he tore his gaze away from the poor piece of paper and picked up the phone. "PHILBERT LAN!" Came the voice he knew only too well. He could almost hear the owner of the voice grinning like a lunatic from the other end of the line.

"Ugh, what now? I was sleeping! Jeez, Prithvick!" Lie. But Prithvick couldn't know about Jess. No one could.

Phil heard laughter, then: "Fine, but remember to give Jessica your present tomorrow! Oh, and by the way, I have good news for you!"

"What?!" Phil grumbled. "The suspense is KILLING ME," he moaned dramatically.

"It's a mystery, you'll find out tomorrow. Cya, dude!" Then he hung up. A few minutes later after the short conversation with Prithvick, his phone rang again, and this time it was a text message.

What now? He thought. He picked the phone up again and stared groggily at the screen.
To his surprise, it was from Michelle. She was probably one of the last people he would expect a text message from. This had better be good. God knows what girls might be up to.

Mishii: Party @ village cinemas 2moro, wanna come?

He texted back quickly.
Phil: Is this a joke or something? Who's bday is it?

Mishii: Jess! How can u not noe?

Phil: Oh. Excuse my memory loss..

Mishii: Ugh! fine but r u coming or not?!

Phil: Who else is coming? No offence but I don't want to get stuck with a bunch of girls for a whole entire day.....

Mishii: Dude I'm totally telling Jess... Reynold, Prithvick, Tom and Aaron r all coming. And u of course so calm your farm. *quoted from u no who*

Phil: Dunno, Voldemort?

Mishii: Very funny, Lan.

Phil: Whatever.

Mishii: C u 2moro then, is Prithvick picking u up?

Phil: I think so.

Mishii: OK but u still have 2 come or I'll drag you there

Phil: yeah yeah, whatever.. Do I really have to go?

Mishii: Say that again and I'll whack your butt. No kidding.

Phil: aye aye, captain :)

Mishii: Bye. 'ima start texting everyone xD

Phil: don't kill them.

Mishii: bye.

Phil: if you kill them, I'm not gonna be responsible.

Mishii: I said, GOODBYE. Get the gist?

Phil: okok I'm coming tomorrow.

Mishii: you'd better.

-Mishii888 has logged off-
