We are sad to inform

I woke up the next day groaning. My body was in pain. A man that was taking a late run saw the whole thing. He got me to the hospital unfortunately my emergency contact was Zayn. He called my sisters and they took it from there. My body was covered in bruises and nothing else was seriously damaged. The police dismissed it as a mugging gone wrong. We left the hospital around 2 am and barely slept. it was currently 6am , I insisted my sisters go home but they didn't listen. I walked into the living room with them on the couch sleeping. I saw my phone charing but it was lighting up and buzzing. I look down and see messages from the company.

We are sad to in form all Styles Enterprise Employees that Desmond Styles the one who started this all had passed away. No other information was given to us at the moment, please carry on with work as normal while The Styles family is grieving. Amelia Lockwood will conduct a meeting today at 9am for all those in top positions an order given by Harry Styles.

Thank you All.

Styles Enterprise and Family.

My eyes went wide. I sat down trying to catch my breath. I quickly checked my email and saw I had an email from Eleanor

Hello Amelia.

I am at lost for words our family is grieving and we are counting on you and your sisters to take over these few days as we cannot , at least I cannot come into the office, I need you to conduct a meeting today. Many are asking what are next move is. I am not sure if even my brother Harry knows. I ask you to take care of the Gala, to take care of the clients and to take care of our workers. Niall will be at your disposal. Harry trusts you, and that means a lot to me and my family. We, He is counting on you

Thank you,

Elenor Styles

"Holy Shit" I yell out. I cover my mouth

My sisters both jump up and stare at me

"What is it? whats wrong?" they rush over to me G falling over a pillow. I show them the email and the text. G takes a step back to check her phone. I look at Mer,

" I don't have anything prepared." I start to freak out.

"Hey, you got a couple hours you got this, they need us right now let me start making phone calls." Mer walks away and I try to clam down, think Amelia think. I look up to see G grabbing her things,

"El texted me she wants me to come over her house and get things she obviously isn't showing up for work" I nod her way

"Can you check on Harry for me?" I ask, she nods her head and run outs the door.

"Anybody thats anyone will be at the meeting Amelia." Mer comes back and sighs.

"You have two hours to think of something." I bite my lip. When we lost our mom there were so many things I would have done differently. But we had no say in the matter. He even hosted a party in her name. With everyone she hated. Was is revenge? What my father felt was not love, has he ever loved anyone?

"I know what to do"

HELLO Everyone I am back! I have many chapter to upload, I am sorry but I have been so busy I know you all heard it all from me. Expect this book to get juicy.

xoxo M
