
I know its a slow start but I really want to get a little back story so please bare with me it will get juicy. 


I looked at all three, I grinned ear to ear. I had a big case on my hands and with all three I could surely win. Niall, Looked as amazed as I did.

"Did we just win the lottery?" El, My sister asked. I nodded my head.

I stood up making my way to the door, I motioned the other two sisters to come in.

"Ladies please exit the building , we have found our three winners of the day, Thank you so much for coming in to day, best to everyone , please check emails for letters of recommendations from me." I smiled, I shut the door behind me. All three looked identical. Amelia was the one that stood out to me. She looked tense. She stood away from her sister.

"Welcome to my team ladies." I smiled clapping my hands, Niall and My sister stood up and capped with me.

"I need you to start right away." They all looked each other. Amelia's mouth turned into an o shape and started to come forward.

"I -

"I know we were looking for only one person, and maybe you guys have some sibling completion but we could really use you" I say cutting her off. I knew rivalry, El and I were no strangers to it. Amelia stopped and looked at her sisters. She looked away quickly and made eye contact with me.

"Pleasure to be on the team" she said. I smiled and opened the door.

"Follow me." I walked out and walked towards the elevator , I could hear them behind me. Small whispers between them, the doors of the elevator open and I turn to look at them. All quite. I step in smiling with everyone behind me. Niall looked nervous standing next to one of the triplets. I started at them longer and noticed there was nothing that could really help me tell them apart. The doors opened and I was the first one to step out. They followed me to a conference room.

"I will be right back with the offer letters" I smiled. I closed the door and left all three alone. El and Niall went to my office, there was hidden cameras in the conference room. We would see how they react before making them sign the letters. I walked towards my office until my PA interrupted me.

"Mr. Styles, your father is on the phone." I groaned. She smiled sadly handing me the phone.

"Can you go get those letters for me then." I asked covering the end of the phone, She nodded and I sighed mentally preparing myself for this call.

I looked at the sisters, My father was on one of his moods, always wanting to win and when the Lockwood's won the last case and almost destroyed our company he went mental. I needed all three to defeat them in the next case. I had given them all contract to work with Styles enterprise , Two of the sisters signed and one was left. She spoke up saying she needed to read the contract but it was too late her sisters had signed. She sighs and clicks her pen and starts to write her name. As she finishes Niall and El come running in.

"STOP" They yell, I look at them confused and collect the papers from the girls. They looked worried and tug me out of the room.

"What the hell" I say angry almost tripping over the mat.

"They are The Lockwood triplets." El says out of breath. Thats when I can feel my heart sink. 
