Sunglasses off.

Amelia POV

I sat in my office making call after call. I had to cancel everything I had already planned for the original theme. My head and body were starting to hurt. I wasn't fully recovered from what had happened last night. I jumped at every little noise. I had Niall and Mer help me all day. I had to take calls for Harry. He was not taking any calls he said. I looked at the notebook in front of me, everything was scratched out.  I needed a new journal to remember all the new things I had planned for Harry's Father. 

"Its perfect" I heard Harry say, I repeated in my head over and over as I made the calls. I knew he knew what the Golden Era meant. I had met Harry's  father at the gala when I was 16, he had everyones attention he had beaten the great Lockwood, my father. He let us go that year because he wanted to show everyone he still had support form his family. My mother had a fake smile the entire time. My sisters and I having the best time of our lives. That night I head so much about Harry Styles but never saw him at the party. I looked his office door he was locked in his office with Zayn since we had left the meeting. It made me uneasy but they were business partners.I never even knew Zayn had contact with his company or with Harry. Then again I was never allowed to talk about it with him. I was my fathers favorite no doubt, yet I was kept from so much.  I played with the glasses on my face, I had to cover my body head to toe to make sure no one saw how beat up I was. My door was wide open just to see when Zayn left the building, he picked me up insisting that I needed protection. I was getting annoyed he was acting like he cared. He kept bugging me up letting him get me body guards. Harry stepped in when I was about to go off on him. He was marrying my best friend he needs to worry about her. They only reason he knows was he because he was my emergency contact, he saw me in bed blood on my face and my body was covered in purple circles. My body was sore beyond belief. I hear the door click, I look up my mouth drops when I see Harry and Zayn hug.

"Thank you" I hear Harry say, They look at my direction and I look away. I hear steps and I look up. It was Zayn. I roll my eyes.

"What?" I said getting annoyed,

"I  am getting you body guards" he said crossing his arms, 

I stand up annoyed and walk over to the door,

"Zayn, I am done talking to you about this please leave."

"No Amelia, you got mugged!"

"Sh!" I yell

"No I won't Shhh, you got injured pretty bad. I saw you on that hospital bed." 

"I mean look at you at you!" He grabs my arm and pulls my sleeves down. My arm covered in buries show.

"OW" I yell, 

"HEY" I feel Zayn's hand being snapped away from my arm. Harry has him pinned against the wall. I could feel my heart beating faster. What do I do?? 


"DON"T TOUCH HER" he yells, Zayn pushes him off, Harry stumbles back and glares at Zayn.

"Look at her Harry!" he yells walking around to me, I stand still , Zayn rips the sunglasses off my face. Harry steps forwards not wanting him to touch me and then stops when he gets a good look at my face. A black eye, Zayn lifts my sleeve up, bruises, my leg pants, more bruises. I stand frozen. Harry starts to breath fast. 

"You see." He says breathing fast too. I stare at both of them.

"She was mugged Harry." 


"Last night" I softly say, He looks at Zayn. He sighs

"I'm her emergency contact and I-"

He didn't finish his sentence, Harry shoved him aside and slammed the door. I look at Zayn. What the Hell. 

Next chapter will be long! 
