

I needed to find out what Zayn and Amelia's past was. It was driving crazy. When Zayn had dropped off the invitation I thought it was a perfect way to see what her reaction was going to be. I didn't imagine it was going to be that bad. I should have followed her, I should have checked up on her, truth I was being to like Amelia, more and more each day. But knowing she could be trusted I kept my distance. Although she was a triplet I could see she was different, her smile, voice, laugh and her sarcastic ways. I like how playful she is. I sigh knowing it could never be. I closed her office and mine. I grabbed my stuff when my phone started to ring. I look down and it had Amelia's name on it.

"Amelia, are you okay?" I asked worried.

"Uh Hello, there's only one number on her phone" 
"Who is this?" I asked harshly.

"I am a bartender you're girl is really wasted." I groan and tell him I would be there in 10 minutes. I quickly get in the elevator I text my body guard to have the car ready when I get down in the lobby. Goddamnit Amelia what is it with you and Zayn that you got wasted on a Monday.

I make it to the bar to find Amelia dancing on top of the table with her top off. I stare at her for a moment, he body was toned. The way she swayed her hips. Get it together Styles.

"Amelia!" I shout over the loud music, she ignores me and I get on the table, she looks at me and smiles.

"HEYYY ITS MY BOSS" she shouts, the crowd around her cheers and I smile and wave awkwardly.

"Come on" I say taking her arm, she pouts.

"You are killing my vibe," She shouts, I sigh and start to drag her down, I step down off the table and turn around to help her down. But instead she throws her self at me. My eyes go wide and I catch her, everyone cheers.

"Amelia" I groan, she laughs and wraps her arms around me.

I start to walk out the bar, my body guard opens the back door and I slide Amelia in. I close the door and jog to the other side, I step in and Amelia scoots closer to me. She rests her head on my shoulder.

"Her house." I say, I put in the address in the GPS, I sigh and look down at her. her shirt was still off and my cheeks start to turn red.

"Amelia, we have to put on your shirt," I say lifting her head up, in that moment she begins to cry. I look at her scared I might have hurt her.

"He's getting married." she cries and lays her head on my lap, my arms go up and I watch her break down in front of me.


"Zayn," She cries out again. I sigh and not push it.

As soon as we get to her house My body guard helps me get her out. I walk into her building and the elevator with her in my arms. She was still crying.

"Amelia, I need your keys" She sobs and digs through her purse, I help her look and finally pull out her keys. I unlock the apartment and Walk her inside. Her house was just as clean as her office. I lead her into her room.

"Will you be okay or should I call your sisters?" Why did I think I could get an answer from drunk Amelia?

She sobs,

"He left me and now he is getting married to my best friend." She crawls into bed, my eyes widen.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Zayn left me." she repeats.

"We were going to get married. Summer 2018" She covers herself up. I sit on her bed and she rubs her eyes making her make up smudge.

"I loved him," she sobs I sigh and get up, I look around for make up wipes. My sister was known for her parting and so I picked up a few things while helping her. I took a wipe and cleaned her face off.

"He left us on our 5 year anniversary" She pouts and looks at me.

"Amelia I-" My heart broke for her.

"I'm blind!" she screams sitting up, I remember her telling me she had contacts in, I helped her take them off and clam her back down. She took one more look at me. Thats when I saw her brown eyes. I was taken away.

"How could someone ever leave you" I say. She sighs and shrugs closing her eyes. Was I falling for a lockwood? 
