I looked in the mirror. The Gala was one week away. 

 Today was The funeral. Harry asked me to come with him and how could I say no. My sisters were also asked. The way my hair laid on my shoulder gave my neck and shoulders so much exposer. The bruises were still there barely visible since the accident two weeks ago. 

Harry and I have gotten much closer. It scares me how much I started to get use to his presence around me. I sigh thinking about his lips pressed against mine. His lips were so full and soft, his breath smelled like alcohol but I didn't care. He never said anything though, I doubt he even remembers. I sigh and pick up my black clutch from my side table. I check to see if I have my phone, wallet and keys.

As I ride down the elevator of my apartments I start to get nervous. Not only was I attending this funeral with Harry but I was going to the Gala with him. The most important and influential people were going to see us together. A Lockwood and A Styles. I step out of the elevator and make my way to my car. Suddenly I hear a car honk. I jump dropping my keys. I turn around groaning in frustration.

"I'm sorry Ms. Lockwood." James, Harry's body guard bends down to pick up the keys. I smile softly and thank him.

"Mr. Styles is waiting for you" He extends his arms pointing me to the limo.

I thought we were arriving separate. I walk slowly to the limo, James opens the door for me. I peep my head in first, I see harry sitting there with a small smile on his face. His eyes, nose and cheeks red. I sit next to him he moves closer to me. I can smell his colon. His hair was pushed back and he was wearing a normal black suit. I lean in closer to him, and intertwine my hands in his. He doesn't say anything, he tightens his grip on my hand on the way to the funeral. I knew how much it hurt to lose a parent you love. It's heart wrenching.

Once we made it to the funeral Harry stepped out first, he extended his hand and led me to his family. I met his mother, grandmother and grandfather. I met his other sister, which I didn't know he had and his uncles and aunts.

"If I'm honest I don't know who they are" he whispers in my year, I look up at him I can tell his eyes are filled with sadness.

"If I'm honest, I lost track" I say with a soft smile, he chuckles.

"Harry!" His mother calls for him, she waves at him to come over as more people show up. He sighs,

"I'll be back." He lets go of my had and suddenly I was cold. I cross my arms over my chest and look around. No El, G, Mere or Niall in sight. I take out my phone to check if they had texted me nothing.

After a beautiful service and eulogy from Harry we stood in Harry's house. It was huge, I stood next to him greeting people. My sisters were helping his family make sure everyone was taken care of. El and G disappeared, While Niall and Mere were moving people to the dinning hall.

I could tell Harry was exhausted.

"Harry we can take a break" I whisper to him

  He kept shaking peoples hands. He looked down at me and nodded. As I greet the last pair of people, a pair of high heels stop their tracks in front of me. I slowly meet the eyes of the girl where the heels. Gigi, my oldest best friend, well now Ex best friend. She had a smirk on her face and a black top that reveled her chest, a pin skirt and a leather jacket over her shoulders. Her long blonde her curled and her face covered in noticeable horrible make up. She stares at me up and down as well.

"Melia !" She says in a high pitched voice, she extends her arms and pulls me in a hug tight, as I let a gasp out as my body collides with her, I can see people staring at us including Harry.

"I bet you thought you had seen the last of me?" She squeezes me.

"No, I know roaches don't die easily" I let out a breath, she pulls away her smirk was replaced with a frown.

"I am only going to tell you once, leave Zayn alone he is mine now" Her hands fall down to her side, I glare at her. Her demeanor changed completely.

"How about you and Zayn leave me alone?"

"HA!" She yells, everyone looks again. I can feel my face turning red.

"You always thought everything was about you, but look I stole your sisters, dream man and whats next? Your inheritance? And you know how much your dad loves Zayn, so why wouldn't he leave his company to him?" I try not to laugh,

"Face it I took your perfect life from right under you."

"You took my scraps Gigi," I say, clenching my fists tight trying not to jump on her.

Zayn walks up next to her and he tenses up when we make eye contact.

"Gigi, uh this is Harry my oldest friend" Zayn says, she puts her fake smile on

"Nice to meet such a man of your status." She shakes his hand, I clearly annoyed roll my eyes, I can feel Harrys eyes on me.

"Babe," Harry says laying his hand on my lower back.

"You two are-"
"if you excuse us" Harry cuts Zayn off, Gig glaring at all of us. 

I walk with Harry further into the house. I follow him upstairs. We stand in front of giant white walls. He takes out a key and opens the door. His room was massive, it was like my apartment.

"How do you live in a small apartment when you have this?" I ask in aw.

"Amelia, we both come from this you know why." He says jumping on his bed. He grabs a pillow and hugs it.

"I need a power nap, I cant take it anymore all these people want, is to know who is taking over." Harry groans. I rub his back, at first he tenses if up but then relaxes.

"Thank you." I say, he didn't have to stick up for me but he did and it meant a lot.

"I heard what she said," he shrugs.

"Your father, do you think he would leave the company to Zayn?" He lifts his head up.

"No," I say confident. Harry looks at me.

"When you are ready to talk about Zayn, I'll talk about my father." I say smiling, I kiss his cheek.

"Rest." I say getting up. He smiles at me

"Next time lips." He says, I blush and shake my head

"It wouldn't be the first" he smirks, he remembers! I turn to walk out of his room. I lean against the doors.

I sit in silence when I start to hear moaning coming from down the hall. I push myself off the wall and walk slowly towards the moans. Why would people be having sex right now? That is just rude. I could feel myself getting angry so I walked faster. Finally I stood in front of the door, the moaning was loud.

"Oh Gen!" I hear a girls voice yell, I cover my mouth. I place my hand on the door knob I, my heart was racing and I slowly turn the knob. The moaning was getting intense. I open the door quickly making the door hit the wall. Elenor and Gen started back at me naked. My heart was racing so fast, El jumped off gathering her clothes and Gen just stared at me frozen like a deer in headlights.

"We can explain Amelia!" El scrabbles around the room trying to get dressed.

I find myself running away from them into the streets I just kept running. 


hello everyone ! I really want to keep writing this book!

I have time between my college classes and work.

you will get a update soon. 

feed back is always welcomed !

