
"so club 18 right?" alyssa asked, confirming the place for kennadi's eighteenth which was less than three weeks away now.

kennadi looked over and nate who was also looking for approval. she nodded and alyssa squealed. 

"this is going to the best party ever!" alyssa beamed, clapping her hands together. "we need to make invitations! ooh, i'll make them!"

kennadi leaned in closer to nate and whispered, "i think she's more excited about my birthday than i am." she laughed. 

"i heard that." alyssa narrowed her eyes making both nate and kennadi laugh. 

nate threw his arm around kennadi's shoulder and pulled her in closer, giving her a peck on the forehead, "get excited baby. it's your eighteenth."

"um, yeah, hi." alyssa waved her hand in the air. "single friend here. none of that." she pointed between the cuddling couple. 

kennadi rolled her eyes and pushed herself off of nate. "so who are we inviting?" she asked. 

"it's your party, ken." alyssa shrugged and uncapped her pen, ready to write down whatever kennadi was about to say. "no one lame though."

kennadi shrugged too, she wanted her party to be wild but not where it was just random strangers at her birthday bash- she wanted it to be with her closest friends. "well family members of course-"

"no adults." alyssa quickly added, pointing the pen cap towards her. 

"god, no." she shook her head. "just cousins."

"cousins." alyssa repeated, writing it down. "okay, who else?"

"can i invite my homie swazz?" nate asked kennadi. 

kennadi shrugged. "sure." she had met swazz, or john, a few times when she hung out with nate. he was always incredibly goofy and kennadi saw why him and nate always hung out.

alyssa scribbled the name swazz on the paper. "okay, we need more girls." 

kennadi went on and listed a couple of girls names from her classes that she had gotten to known and become friends with along with a few boys, of course nate questioned every single one of them.

"ooh, invite katie!" alyssa smirked, wiggling her eyebrows. 

kennadi furrowed her own eyebrows. "katie? katie gibbons?" alyssa nodded. "why?"

alyssa scoffed, "because she's rich and that equals amazing present." alyssa said in a duh tone. 

kennadi grabbed and pillow and threw it at her best friend laughing, "you're terrible!"

"just her car is my whole college tuition!" alyssa joked, catching the pillow.

the laughter died down and the two girls became serious again. 

"what about johnson?" alyssa looked up at kennadi to see her face showed any change in emotion. 

kennadi knew that if she didnt invite johnson his heart would be broken and he's a good friend. he doesnt deserve that. "yeah," she nodded. "write him down."

alyssa complied. "sammy too?"

the soon to be birthday girl shrugged, checking over at nate who also gave her a shrug. "sure. sam's good people."

there was a tiny silence as alyssa wrote down the two names. she looked up again. "what about jack?" she said slowly. alyssa knew how much kennadi wanted jack at her eighteenth, it was something they had talked about for years. 

"fuck no." kennadi instantly spat. "i do not want him there."

nate quickly  placed his hand on kennadi's thigh, knowing it would calm her down as it's done many times before. 

"just asking..." alyssa muttered, glancing down at the paper in front of her once more.

"why would you even ask?" kennadi crossed her arms. "i'm sure that dick wouldn't even show up." she scoffed, rolling her eyes. 

"baby, calm down." nate whispered and leaned in and placed small kisses on her neck, making her smile.

"okay, i'm going to leave if you two are going to have sex right in front of me." she warned. 

kennadi laughed and wrapped her arms loosely around nate's neck. "don't be jealous." she smirked. 

alyssa rolled her eyes. "yeah sure, i'm jealous."

in a way, kennadi was glad her and jack weren't friends anymore. sure, it hurt when they would pass each other in the hall and not say a word, acting as if they had been strangers their entire life. but distancing herself away from jack made her see how easy it was to make other friends. growing up, she hung out with jack and jack only. no one else wanted to be around him and kennadi didnt want to leave him lonely. well know that jack and more than enough attention, he no longer needed kennadi; kennadi had to learn to branch out on her own and adjust to life without gilinsky and that's what she had done.


two weeks later

"you got an invitation for kennadi's party next week?" sammy asked, sitting down at the lunch table where johnson was already seated. 

"yeah, got mine yesterday." johnson answered, nodding.

"party? what party?" jack overheard his two friends when he sat down. he smirked and rubbed his hands together, down for partying. 

sam and johnson quickly exchanged looks of panic. 

"oh, uh, nothing really." sammy shrugged, dismissing his comment.

jack furrowed his eyebrows. "who's party did you both get invited to?" his tone darkened as he wanted to know. 

sammy sighed and slid his phone across the table to jack. jack cautiously picked it up, not understanding the big deal. johnson squeezed the bridge of his nose and shook his head, wondering why sammy was so stupid. 

jack opened the text from alyssa. he scanned over the invite saying when and where the party was. his heart stopped when he saw who the party was for. "kennadi's having her eighteenth birthday party?"

johnson shrugged and nodded. "guess so."

jack rolled his eyes and gave sam back his phone. he was pissed that he didnt get an invite, sure they weren't friends at the moment but johnson and sam both got invites and they barely even knew kennadi. 

a smirk soon spread across jack's face. 

johnson noticed and he knitted his eyebrows together. "what?" he asked. something told him that g, was up to no good.

"how do you guys feel about crashing that party?" jack asked with the smirk still plastered on his face as his licked his lips.
