
"okay, who do you keep texting?" alyssa asked the girl that was constantly on her phone. she was a little annoyed that kennadi was paying more attention to the phone rather than hanging out with her. 

"oh," kennadi said sending her last text before looking up. "this boy i met at the mall. cameron."

alyssa raised her eyebrow. "cameron? picture?"

kennadi scrolled through their messages before flashing alyssa the screen. 

alyssa hummed in approval. "he's cute." 

"i know." kennadi smiled, going back to he phone. 

"what about jack?" alyssa questioned. 

"what about jack?" kennadi furrowed her eyebrows. 

"aren't you guys?-" alyssa stopped herself, not sure how what to call their relationship. 

kennadi sighed, "jack and i are just friends. like i told him, we need to get our friendship level back to where it was before we get into anything else; like a relationship."

alyssa nodded, understanding. "so how's that going?" 

kennadi exhaled with a shrug. "it's going. it's hard. i know jack is trying so hard for us to get back where we were but it's just not working." alyssa gave her a look that told her to go on. "i just think of how rude and disrespectful he was towards me. i never thought in a million years jack would treat me like that... now i know he's capable on doing so."

"but what about the ring?" alyssa questioned. "that was a pretty big gesture."

"i know," kennadi huffed. "that's why i'm trying here too. he did something that proved my jack is in there somewhere, i just have to dig him out through new jack's humungous ego." 

there was a slight pause while kennadi kept typing away on her phone. she then suddenly gasped. 

"what?" alyssa asked, drawing her attention away from the tv to look at her best friend. 

kennadi looked up from her phone. "cameron just asked me on a date." 

"don't reply." alyssa shrugged. 

"bitch i had read recipients in." she rolled her eyes. 

"well," alyssa shrugged again. "what're you gonna say?"

kennadi squished up her lips. "i don't know. i just ended things with nate-"

"but you and nate were never official." alyssa added. 

"yeah..." kennadi nodded. "but it felt like we were. i mean we were talking when me and jack weren't... a good four months." 

alyssa shrugged for the third time. "well.... just reply to the kid. he's probably freaking out because you haven't answered."

kennadi sighed as she thumbed over the letters, typing her reply: yes

"jack's not going to be happy." alyssa sang, already knowing the answer her friend gave without even having to ask. 


short chapter i know i'm sorry but because it's so short, ill do a double update today :)

( or least try... if it's not within two hours then it will be later on in the middle of the night.)

~ kacey
