
night fell and the friends were still chilling at sam's. his parents were gone for the weekend and he didn't feel like throwing a huge party but was majorly content with having his friends around.

jack and stella were cuddled up in the corner; stella's head was on his shoulder and jack was playing with her fingers and they talked.

"hey," alyssa nudged kennadi who was glancing over at stella and jack every few seconds. "are you sure you're okay jack and stella?" she asked, "i know you really like him-"

"he's just my best friend, alyssa." kennadi snapped. "and that's all we'll ever be." she said, taking a sip of her water bottle.

alyssa sighed and shook her head.

"besides, i think nate likes me and i like him." kennadi smiled.

"are you sure you don't just like him because of jack?" alyssa lifted any eyebrow.

"what do you mean?" kennadi furrowed her eyebrows.

"i think you're just using him as a distraction from jack." alyssa said truthfully to her friend.

"that's bullshit." kennadi dismissed the idea. "i like nate. he is a nice guy."

alyssa shrugged and lifted the beer bottle to her lips. "whatever."

kennadi rolled her eyes at the thought of the idea. it was stupid. her whole world did not revolve around jack gilinsky.


kennadi returned home late at night  but her mom was cool with it because she made sure kennadi kept checking in her every now and then to make sure she wasn't dead on the street or something.

she just finished her shower and received a FaceTime call from her laptop. the name read 'gilinskyyyyyyyy'. kennadi wrapped a towel around her body before accepting.

"hey g." she greeted when the call connected.

"hey. what are you doing?" he asked.

"nothing." kennadi responded as she searched for clothes. she made sure she was out of the camera when she changed into a tank top and pajama pants. "what's up?" she asked, plopping onto her bed.

"why'd you say that to stella today?" he asked, getting straight to the point.

"i don't know what you're talking about?" kennadi furrowed her eyebrows.

jack rolled his eyes. "you know what the fuck i'm talking about."

kennadi sighed. "jack, she deserved it-"

"i don't care. she's my girlfriend kenandi and you will respect that." jack spat harshly.

kennadi was more confused that ever. jack never acted this way, this was not her best friend. 

"are you jealous?" jack spat.

"what?" kennadi scoffed.

"you're jealous aren't you? you're used to having all my attention but now that i have a girlfriend, you're mad." jack narrowed his eyes.

"you know what? fuck you jack gilinsky. i don't know who you think are, just because you might be good looking doesnt mean you can talk to me any kind of way." kennadi shook her head. "just know that i'll never ever need you before you need me. goodbye." she quickly tapped the red button, ending the call.

she slammed her laptop shut, extremely pissed off. she wanted no part of this new jack. she wanted her old best friend back.
