
jack made sure to get under kennadi's skin that night. he would be with different girls, drinking, or just being reckless. 

kennadi sat in the lounge with alyssa, swazz, johnson, and sammy along with some girl with him. she was in nate's lap and wasn't really paying attention to jack on the other side of the room with a girl in his lap- reyna to be exact. 

kennadi knew something was off with her and knew she didnt like her.

jack noticed kennadi staring at his exhaled the smoke from the hookah pen. he leaned in closer into reyna's ear and mumbled something to her as she giggled and kissed down her neck.

kennadi rolled her eyes and tried to continue to ignore jack. if it weren't for nate rubbing her thigh, she'd be stressing. 

"i'm going to get a drink." she leaned in and whispered to nate so he could hear her. he nodded and released her from his lap. 

jack noticed kennadi stand up and leave nate and pushed reyna off, following kennadi. he watched her fill up her drink with vodka and mixing it with other drinks.

"thanks so much for making me a drink." jack swiftly stole the cup from kennadi's hand and took a drink before she could do anything. 

"fucking asshole." she rolled her eyes, pushing him out her way and grabbed a water bottle instead. 

jack smirked to himself and went back over to where his group of friends were.


"okay, okay!" alyssa shouted into the microphone to shut everyone up. "it's time for cake!" she yelled. 

everyone and kennadi gathered around the birthday cake that stood in the middle.

kennadi squealed and clapped her hands together at how beautiful her cake was.  sammy placed in a few candles and lit them for her. 

"one, two, three," alyssa counted down as everyone started singing happy birthday to kennadi. 

nate wrapped his arms around kennadi's waist and rocked her back and forth as he sang to her along with everyone else- she knew he was a little drunk. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENNADI!" everyone shouted in chorus as they finished singing. everyone clapped their hands as kennadi blew out her candles. 

all of a sudden, loud voices came from somewhere in the crowd. kennadi furrowed her eyebrows and got on her tiptoes to see what was going on. the voices got louder and everyone could tell someone was arguing. kennadi looked at alyssa who just shrugged- she had no idea what was going on either. 

before kennadi's eyes, a body was being flung towards her and ended up smashing into the cake. kenandi gasped as cake went flying everywhere. everyone around her had cake on them, including herself. when the guy went down he mustve tripped over a wire because then after that, a speaker fell along with a few of kennadi's decorations.

 she looked up and saw the guy that fell on the cake on the floor and jack standing over him. 

she balled her fists at her side, knowing that jack was behind all of this. of course he was. she shook her head and pushed everyone out her way, storming out.

"kennadi! kennadi wait!" jack yelled, following he out. he pushed the club door open, going after kenandi outside. "kennadi!"

"what?!" she snapped, turning on her heels to face him. "what could you possibly want jack gilinsky?" 

jack slowed down but kept his distance from her just to be careful. "look- woah, are you crying?"

"what do you think!" she yelled at him. "you fucking ruined my birthday."

"i'm sorry." jack frowned. he actually didnt mean to, he wanted to mess with her but he didnt plan for it to go this far.

"you're sorry?" kennadi scoffed with a laugh. "you're sorry?" she reiterated and shook her head. "your apology is four months too late, jack."

jack sucked in his bottom lip as he stayed quiet. 

"i hate this jack, where did my best friend go?" she said softly. 

"you don't understand." jack's tone copied hers.

kennadi knitted her eyebrows together. "what do i not understand jack?!" she raised her voice. "please! help me understand."

"people like me kennadi!" he shouted back. "people finally know me, i have friends; i'm finally someone. i was tired of being a nobody!" he raged. 

"i liked you when you were nobody!" kennadi yelled back at him causing jack to soften up. 

"what?" he whispered. 

"i was fucking in love with you jack gilinsky." kennadi cried. "but now i have no idea who you are and i don't want to know. i want my old best friend who i told everything to, who i fucking trusted with everything, the one i was in love with." her eyes teared up again. "but now, i just want you out my life. goodbye, enjoy the rest of the party." she yanked the crown from off her head, throwing into the ground and continued on her journey home. 
