
nate's drunk and just left with some girl.

read alyssa's text to kennadi when she finally arrived home. she's not sure why she walked, especially in the heels she was in. the walk back home was painful and she was too angry and set on going home to even think about calling an uber to take her there. 

"great." kennadi mumbled and she yanked off her heels; she wanted the night to be over with so badly. she stripped off her birthday outfit and groaned, realizing she would have to clean off the cake later. she put on sweats and a black top, crawling onto the couch. she avoided social media because she knew people would talk about how much her party sucked and jack was probably boasting about how he crashed and ruined it. a this point she wanted to be swallowed up by the ground or hide under  her covers and never come out. any plan that meant she could hide from the outside world forever, sounded just fine to her. 

she pushed her knees up to her chest and cuddled herself as she decided to watch old reruns of her favorite show, friends; at least something could cheer her up, joey and chandler always put her in a better mood. in the middle of watching, she heard a knock on the door. she rolled her eyes, getting up and figured it was just alyssa coming to check on her.

she was surprised when she saw who it was- jack. he looked different, it was just the glasses he had worn last year before he had gotten contacts. 

"before you say anything," jack started, taking off his glasses. "i can't become shorter, i can't lose my muscles... at least not overnight, i'm not cutting my hair, i can't make my acne come back; the only thing i can bring back from the old jack are these glasses." he held up the glasses before putting them back on. "i don't want the old jack back but i don't want to be the new jack without you." he said, watching for kennadi's reactions. 

kennadi remained still and silent. she didn't know what to say or how to react, so jack kept talking. 

"i'm sorry i've been a dick these past few months and i'm sorry i've been the biggest fuckboy you've ever met," he took a deep breath. "i don't expect you to forgive me right away, i understand if you need to take some time." jack pulled a small black box from out his pocket. "happy birthday kennadi." he pressed his lips onto her forehead and slipped the box into her hand. he didnt say another word and turned around and left. 

kennadi closed the door behind her, more confused than ever. she examined the small, velvet, black box that jack had just given her. she slowly opened it and gasped.

how on earth could he afford this? why did he spend so much? he couldn't have just bought this overnight, he must've been had this. 

kennadi slipped the ring on her finger and grinned from ear to ear. she remembered in ninth grade telling jack that she wanted one so bad. 

"look at them!" fourteen year old kennadi exclaimed, flashing the computer screen towards fifteen year old jack; several cartier rings showed in several colors. she heart eyed the rings with a goofy grin.

jack cleaned the lens of his glasses with his shirt, leaning in to look at the screen with kennadi. "those are nice." he nodded. 

kennadi scoffed. "nice? they're more than nice, they're beautiful! and expensive..." she muttered the last part. 

"why don't you get one?" jack shrugged, not really seeing the big deal. it was just a ring.

"i wish i could. i could never afford these." kennadi frowned closing her laptop with a sigh. "i think my mom's making lunch, you hungry?" kennadi said leaving her room, thinking jack was behind her. 

jack opened the laptop up again and examined the rings once more. if kennadi wanted one, he was going to get it for her- no matter how long it would take him to save up for it. after all the things she had done for him, it was the least he could do. she deserved it. 

it was going to be his way of saying thank you. 

"jack?" he heard his name being called from down the hall and he quickly slammed the laptop closed again. kennadi soon appeared in the door with furrowed eyebrows. "you coming?"

"yeah." jack nodded and tucked in his short more, following kennadi out.

kennadi smiled at the memory. she never thought in a million years she would have one, she never thought in a million years jack would get her one. she didn't know what this meant for their friendship anymore, just earlier she confessed to being in love and few minutes ago he came bearing apologies and a gift. of course, she would need time to think about what to say to him and if she should even say something, but the expensive ring on her finger just might have shaved down a few days. 

she smiled and took out her phone, opening up the app snapchat. she held out her hand and snapped the picture, making sure the flash was on so people could see the shine of the ring. she pulled her hand back, captioning the picture: forgiveness
