Chapter Two

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Ugh... The first day of school came WAY too fast...

I'm currently walking to school since we live so close. Well... That's not the real reason...

My mom refuses to drive me and says that I need to get more exercise. I would take the bus... But... Need I say anything else?

As I approached the school, I saw monsters of different kinds amongst all the humans.

... This is going to be an interesting school year...

As I headed to my locker, I tried to avoid everyone.

I'm not a very social person. But I have a good reason.

The only friend I ever had betrayed me. Because of that I don't really trust anyone except for my mom.

When I arrived at my locker, I noticed how it was being blocked by a door of another locker.

And that locker belonged to a semi-familiar face.

... It's the skeleton I saw walking down the street the other day...

Just great. I'm going to have to ask him to move so I can get to my locker.

... Yay...

"Uh... Excuse me... Can I please get to my locker?" I shyly asked.

The skeleton turned to me, before realizing what he was doing.

"Oh. Sorry." The skeleton said, before moving the door to his locker so I could get to mine.

"Thanks." I said, before dumping my stuff in my locker.

After closing my locker, I looked at my schedule to see that I had math first.

... Yay...

I then headed down the hallways to math.

As I was doing so, I noticed the skeleton following me, which honestly was scaring me.

After a few more hallways of this, I finally turned around to the skeleton.

"Why're you following me?!" I questioned.

The skeleton looked a bit confused.

"I'm heading to my first class. Math with Mr. Darwin." The skeleton said.

Oh... He must have the same class as I...

... I'm such an idiot!

"Right... Sorry about that." I quickly apologized.

"No worries. Name's Sans. What's yours?" Sans introduced himself.


"Nice to meet you (y/n)." Sans said.


The warning bell then rang.

Ah! We're going to be late!

"We better hurry, or else we'll be late!" I exclaimed, before grabbing Sans' hand and leading him down the hall.

... It feels so weird holding a skeleton hand...

Luckily, we were able to get in the classroom before the bell rang.

Mr. Darwin gave us a mini glare as we sat down in the only two available seats... Near the middle of the classroom...

Sans and I ended up sitting next to each other.

... At least I'll know someone in this class...

Though I really don't like sitting in the middle of the class, surrounded by everyone...

"Alright everyone, listen up! I'm not a carefree teacher, and I will NOT take any misbehaving. Got that?" Mr. Darwin explained.

Everyone gave their own response. I just shook my head in fear and understanding.

"Good. Now, let's open our textbooks to chapter one." Mr. Darwin instructed.

... Guess I can say goodbye to an easy first day...

-Sans' P.O.V-

... Why did I let Toriel convince me to do this?

School is absolutely horrible! I already hate it!

... And the first class isn't even over yet!

"Time to pair up with the person next to you to compare your work. No fooling around!" Mr. Darwin instructed.

I then turned to (y/n), who was looking at her work in worry.

"Don't worry. I bet you did better than I." I said.

(y/n) sighed, before turning to me.

"Doubt it. So, what'd you get for number one?" (y/n) questioned.

"Option two." I answered.

"Really? I got option four. Maybe I messed up somewhere..." (y/n) said, starting to calculate different formulas out.

After a few minutes, (y/n) finally came to a conclusion.

"I knew you'd do better than I... I suck at math..."

... How'd I get that correct?!

"To be honest, I just gusted. No skill was used." I said.

(y/n) looked a bit surprised.

"Then you have good guessing skills."

"I guess." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

We then continued to go through the problems. Most of them we both got wrong.

... At least I'm not the only one who's struggling in math...


"Class dismissed. Make sure to finish your homework." Mr. Darwin said.

I then began to gather my things together.

"What's your next class?" I questioned (y/n).

(y/n) looked at her schedule before answering.

"English. Why?" (y/n) questioned.

"Just curious. I have gym next. Though I don't have any idea on how to get there." I answered.

"Do you want me to take you there?" (y/n) offered.

"If you don't mind."

"I don't. Let's go." (y/n) said, before leading me to the gym.

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

I'm not sure why, but I offered to help Sans.


I'm not big on interacting with others, I barely know Sans, and he's a skeleton!

This makes no sense!

"Here you go. Just go to the left to go to the boy's locker room." I explained.

"Okay. Thanks (y/n)."


I then headed to English.

I don't know why... But this skeleton... Sans... He intrigues me...

... I must be getting sick or something...

Hello everyone! Hope you're still enjoying the story so far. If you have any suggestions, let me know! And if you're curious to see my updating schedule, check my activity feed. It has all the details there. Later! =^-^=
