Chapter Ten

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

When my eyes opened, I found myself to be in my bed.

How did I...?

Wait... Everything that happened...

I soon began to panic for my mother's life.

"Mother?! Can you hear me!?" I said through my tears.

To my surprise, my mother was soon in my room, comforting me in a hug.

"Don't worry (y/n), I'm here for you. I didn't die. I'm completely fine." Mother reassured me.

"But how... I heard the gunshot.... This has to be a dream..." My voice trailed off.

"Sans saved me. He teleported just in time to save me." Mother explained.

If that's true... Then Mother isn't dead... But...

"Where's Sans?" I questioned.

"He's getting his things together to move in with us. Not only do I feel safer with Sans here, but having a nearby friend will help you." Mother explained.

"I see... Wait! Are we sharing rooms?!"

"No. Not at all. I don't trust him THAT much. Just enough to let him live with us. Relax. Nothing bad will happen as long as I'm here." Mother reassured me.


"Now, try to get some sleep. You still have school tomorrow. Though I guess if you wanted, you could stay home tomorrow. You've been through a lot lately."

"Thanks... I'd appreciate a day off of school."

Mom laughed.

"I figured. Goodnight." Mom said, before kissing my forehead, and leaving the room.

Once she left, all my worries were washed away.

She's actually home... We're all safe... Michael's gone... And I get a day off of school... Things couldn't get better.

-???'s P.O.V-

No! This can't be right! Why'd Michael have to go to jail!?

This is all that monster's fault! I'm tired of monsters roaming our domain! Monsters should either be locked away, or exterminated!

I guess I have no choice but to call daddy and issue for all monster's extermination...

Hello everyone! Sorry for the short chapter. Though if you've read my other works, you know I'm known for lots of short chapters. Anyway, I have an announcement to make. From now on, this story will be updated every Tuesday. The only reason it was updated today is because I'm going on a trip tomorrow, and won't be back until Saturday. But next week my plan for updating will officially start. So yeah, as always, I hope you've enjoyed the chapter. Later! =^-^=
