Chapter Three

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Finally! English's over! Time for lunch!

As I was exiting my classroom, I realized something.

... I forgot to pack my lunch...

... And since I don't have any money on me...

... I'm going to go hungry!

My shoulders slumped as I headed to my locker to get what I'd need for my next two classes.

... It's not like I have anything better to do anyway...

When I arrived at my locker, I saw Sans at his locker as well.

I decided to ignore him and just get what I needed from my locker.


I turned to see who had said that.

Turns out that it was Sans.

"Hi. Need something?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Sans said while scratching the back of his skull.

"... And what would that be?" I inquired.

"Do you know how to get to the cafeteria?" Sans questioned.

"Yeah. I could help you get there if you'd like." I offered.

"Sure. Lead the way."

And so for the second time this day I'm leading a skeleton somewhere.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, I turned to leave, until I felt a boney hand being put on my shoulder.

Startled, I jumped back.

"Sorry (y/n). I didn't mean to scare you." Sans apologized.

"It's fine." I said.

"I was just curious if you'd like to eat lunch together." Sans said.

"I would. But I don't have a lunch to eat." I explained.

"Then let me buy you a lunch." Sans suggested.

"I can't-"

"Relax. I have enough money to buy for both of us."

Before I could protest, Sans walked off.


Well, at least I'm getting a free lunch.

-Sans' P.O.V-

"Thank you." I said, before taking the two lunches back to (y/n).

I must admit that it's a bit hard to carry both trays, but I believe that I have enough strength in my bones to handle it.

When I walked up to (y/n), she was starring off into space.

"Hey (y/n). I have your lunch." I said.

(y/n) didn't respond.

I set the two lunches down on a nearby table.

"(y/n)." I said, while snapping my fingers in front of (y/n)'s face.

(y/n) finally came back to reality, and startled back a bit, tripping, and falling on her butt.

"Ow..." (y/n) mumbled under her breath.

"You okay?" I questioned, while holding out my hand to help (y/n) up.

(y/n) took it, and I helped her up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." (y/n) said.

"Glad to hear. I have lunch for you." I said.

(y/n) smiled.

"Thanks. I'm starving. Where do you want to eat?"

"How about outside? This room is a bit crowded." I suggested.

(y/n) nodded.


(y/n) and I then headed outside and sat down at one of the outside tables.



"Knock knock."

It took (y/n) a second before she caught on.

"Who's there?"


"Pencil who?"

"... There really isn't any point to this joke."

(y/n) instantly smiled and even laughed a bit.

"Nice one." (y/n) praised.

"Thanks." I said before taking a bite of my meal.

(y/n) looked at my curiously.

"What?" I questioned.

"Well... You're a skeleton. How do you eat food?" (y/n) curiously asked.

I thought for a moment before responding.


(y/n) raised an eyebrow.

"Guess that makes sense." (y/n) said more to herself than to me.

We then ate in silence until it was time for our next class.

"Wait... This can't be right... I'm signed up for... DRAMA!?" (y/n) exclaimed while looking at her schedule in confusion.

"Is that a problem?" I questioned.


I flinched slightly at her outburst.

I then looked at my schedule to see that I had drama next as well.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm in drama as well."

(Y/n) sighed.

"Let's just go." (y/n) said with a frown on her face.

(y/n) then led me somewhere for the third time today.

When we arrived, we were given assigned seats.

(y/n) and I were at the same circle table, but not next to each other.

"Today we'll be playing a get-to-know-you game. You'll come to the front and act as if you're being interviewed on TV. I'll be the reporter. We'll start with table one." The teacher explained.

I looked at the center of our table to see that we were table one.

"Who'd like to come up first?" The teacher questioned.

No one responded, until I raised my hand.

"I will." I offered.

"Perfect. Please come here... Uh..."

"Sans. Sans the skeleton."

"... Sans. Yes, please come up."

I then stood up and went to the front.

"Now tell me Sans... What do you like to do for fun?" The teacher said in a reporter-like voice.

"I like to do puns and jokes. I must say that I'm very punny." I said.

The teacher and some students laughed a bit.

"Interesting. Favorite school subject?"

"Lunch, where I can make a whole skeleton of puns." I answered.

The teacher and more students laughed.

"One last question. Why'd you choose to take drama?"

"So I could improve on using my funny bone for something useful." I answered.

After the laughter died, the teacher let me sit down.

Next up was (y/n). She looked very scared as she timidly walked up to the front.

"Name?" The teacher asked.

"(y/n)..." (y/n) whispered.

I could barely hear her.

Throughout the questions, (y/n)'s answers were very quiet, quickly said, and normally one-word answers.

(y/n) looked to be on the verge of tears as she sat down.

... Does she have stage fright?

... Is that why she didn't want to take drama?

... I hope she'll be okay...

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

The bell rang as class ended.

"Okay. Thanks everyone. You all did great. Tomorrow we'll start on the real work." The teacher said.

I sighed as I grabbed my things and started to head out of the classroom.

Sans was soon next to me.

"Hey. You okay?" Sans questioned.

"Yeah." I lied.

Sans didn't look like he believed me.

"Doesn't look like it to me."

"Don't worry, I'm really fine." I reassured Sans before rushing off to my next class.

Though I couldn't get that look of worry on Sans' face out of my mind.

... He looked so genuinely concerned...

... But how can I tell if I can trust him?

... The answer is a simple one...

... I can't...

... I can't trust anyone...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. There's one thing I must apologize for though. That's my lack of talent for jokes/puns. I really like them, but I'm terrible at making/writing them. So, if this story seems to lack puns/jokes, I'm sorry. That's just one thing I need to improve on as a writer. Anyway... I'll try to update chapter four and five soon so that I feel like newcomers will enough to read. But after that... Updates will probably not be as often. If you've read the message on my account, you'll see why. Later! =^-^=
