Chapter Eight

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

Okay... I'm officially scared...

Michael has been staring at me for the last twenty minutes, and it's no happy smile; it's an intense death-stare.

... What have Id one to upset him so much?!

As soon as class ended, I was the first out of the room, racing towards my locker.

When I saw Sans, I instantly slowed down to prevent suspicion.

... I can tell that he's going to do something if he learns who's scaring me, so I have to keep calm at all times...

... Though it's easier said than done...

"Hi." I said as I opened my locker.

"Hey. How're you doing?" Sans questioned.

"Just fine." I answered.

"Want to eat lunch together again?"


Sans and I then headed to the cafeteria so Sans could get his lunch.

Luckily for me, I had remembered to bring my lunch with me.

"Be right back." Sans said before heading to the line.

I decided to sit down while I waited for him.

While doing so, I received a text from an unknown number.

The same number from before.

Meet me outside the school near the track right now. If you don't, I'll kill your mother.

I froze.

... Who is this person...?

... Is this person Michael...?

... Does he have my mother...?

... What do I do!?

-Sans' P.O.V-

When I had finished buying my lunch, I returned to the spot (y/n) Was, to not see her there.

... Just where is she?

I focused to search for her soul, and was luckily able to catch sense of her soul.

... Why's she already outside...?

I sat my lunch down, and teleported outside.

... That's when I saw a horrific sight...

Some guy approaching (y/n) with a gun.

The guy looked like he was a high schooler, and (y/n)'s age.

"Hey!" I shouted, trying to catch the guy's attention.

Both the guy and (y/n) turned to me.

"Sans..." (y/n) said, her voice shaking, and barely above a whisper.

"Oh, so the real target has arrived." The guy said with a smirk.

"Real target? Wait... So, you were the one who was terrorizing (y/n)!?"

"You could say that. Though I never actually hurt her. I just scared her a tad bit. Not my fault if she gets scared easily."

I glared.

"You have five seconds to leave or you'll be in for a bad time..." I warned.

"You don't scare me." The guys said.

I instantly summoned my gaster blasters.

"You want to repeat that?"

"Sure. You. Don't. Scare. Me."

Just as I was about to fire, the guy raised the gun to face (y/n).

"The second you fire, I shoot." The guy warned.

I glared, before eventually letting the blasters disappear.

"Good. Now... I want you to kill yourself. That's the only way I'll let (y/n) and her mother go."

"You have her mother too!?" I questioned.

"My friend's dad does. He's been instructed to kill on demand, or if I don't respond in thirty minutes. My phone's locked, so good luck trying to contact him. Now, stop stalling and kill yourself!" The guy ordered.

... Crap... I'm cornered...

... What do I do now...?!

Later! =^-^=
