Chapter Eighteen

-(y/n)'s P.O.V-

After my dad and I had a very fun time doing (activity), we headed back, where we found no one there.

"Do you know where Mom went?" I asked Dad.

"Just went shopping would be my guess." Dad answered.

Not helpful.

I mean, if that's the reason, where's Sans and Papyrus? Did they go shopping too? It doesn't make any sense.

"So, I heard you enjoy watching (show). Tell me about it." Dad said.

"Well... If you really want to know, let's just watch it."


We then headed to the TV, where we began to watch (Show).


After a while, I realized how late it was, and how Mom still hadn't returned, as well as Sans and Papyrus.

Just where are they?

As if a miracle occurred...

"I'm home!" Mom shouted.

I walked up to her, to see that she had two new boys with her.

"Mom, who're..."

"Hey (y/n)." The short one said.

Wait... That voice...

"Sans?! Papyrus!? But, you're..."


"How?" I questioned.

"Your dad agreed to let us use his machine which can turn monsters into humans." Sans explained.

Dad soon entered the room.

I smiled.

"This is truly incredible..." Was all I could say.

Sans then walked up to me.

"(y/n), mind coming with me to the roof?"

"... Sure?"

"But first, close your eyes."


I then closed my eyes.

After doing so, I felt Sans lead me outside, and to the roof.

"Now you can open your eyes." Sans said.

And so I did, to see a lovely starry night sky.

"Sans... This is beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as the one sitting next to me."

"T-Thank you." I shyly said.

"Here's a joke. Why'd the skeleton turn human?"


"So he could confess his love to the one he loved."

"Wait... You... Love... ME!?"

"To answer your question..."

Sans then pulled me in for an electrifying kiss. It was so passionate and heartfelt.

... Which made me sad when we had to pull apart for air.

"Lungs... Are going to take a while to get used to..." Sans said, in-between pants.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're too cute." I said with a smile.

Sans frowned.

"I'm not cute! I'm sexy..."

I laughed even more.

"Whatever you say..."


I must say that life is alright now. I have an amazing boyfriend, and my family's back together... Yep, things couldn't be better...


... And that's the end! Hope you've enjoyed the story. Thank you to everyone who's read this story, and will read this story. I've enjoyed making this story, so I hope the hard work didn't go to waste. Well, I have other undertale stories, if your interested. You can find them on my profile. Later! =^-^=
