Before I Die, I Want to Learn How to Play Piano

-Liam's POV- 

"Are you okay?" I ask Lacie and swiched sides that I was holding the phone on. I haven't talked to her since we broke up in high school. "I've heard so many things. You're fine, you're dead, you're in the hospital, you-" 

"Have cancer." She inturpted me. I pulled my car off to the side of the road in shock. "Yeah." She says in response to my quietness. "It's fast paced."

"Oh long..." I try to ask. 

"Six weeks." She answers. Wow, the moment I leave someone to do something else, they go and change their life. Dramaticly. That's the moment were I made a big, giant choice. 

"I'm coming over now; I'm an hour away." I was on my Christmas vacation now from work with the boys.  I was already heading back to Wolverhampton. It wouldn't hurt to just stop and talk. I do feel bad about what I did. I left her for another girl. That relationship was far from working. It was a stupid mistake. Lacey and I were perfect together! She made me laugh. I made her food. That's how it worked. I screwed it up. 

"Well, I'm home." She said under her breath. "I'll be here. Just come in." I agreed and set my phone back in the cup holder. I think I caught her by the surprise when I told her I was coming over. This was going to be a long, suspenseful, boring ride to her house. Just then, as perfect for the mood, it got gloomy and started raining. Perfect. I turn my wipers on and that's when it hits me. A small tear runs down my face. Then another one. 

"It'll be alright." I tell myself in the car. "I'm almost there." I say again. 

I pull into her driveway; her house is dark. Not even the lamp in the front window was on. I slowly pull myself into one piece and head for the door. Not knowing what to do, I stand quietly. Just a second before I raise my hand to the doorbell, it slowly opens and Lacie stands there in her housecoat. I pull her into a hug. I didn't care about the awkwardness of the two of us. A break up is only as awkward as the couple makes it. "Thanks for coming." She says softly. I can tell she's been crying. She pulls me over to the couch and we sit down. "I just don't know why you did." 

"Because I feel bad. This happens after leave you for a stupid reason." I shake my head. 

"Let's get upstairs." She says and I follow her with my hands in my pocket. . When we get to her room, it looks exactly like it did before. Except no posters, and card board boxes everywhere. 

"You moving?"I ask and pick up a stuffed animal. She continues shoving things in boxes. Some of them were labeled attic, some GoodWill, some garbage. 

"No, just making it easier for my parents when I'm gone. You want that?" She says, pointing to the cat in my hand. I shake my head and set in on her bed. "No really, what am I gonna do with it anyway?" She picks up some picture frames and puts them in the attic box. "I'm going to get us something to drink." She says and walks out. I sit down and start flipping through a picture book Lacie put together. There was us. Wow, we're all around this book. There is us at prom, the home coming dance. We were a cute couple. Why did I want another woman? I'm a moron. When I put the book back, a smaller little decorated notebook falls out. I flip through that. Yes, I know I'm being nosey. I don't care. I want to know what goes on in her head. It was a bucket list.... To play Piano? Alright. I play piano! I can do this! I will complete this list! What else can make a dying girl any happier?!  She comes back with a plate full of her favorite, cheese, and some fruit punch. 

"Do you wanna get out of the house today?" I ask and drink punch. "Let's go, please. I mean, if you're feeling up too it." 

"I guess I can get out now and then." She says and tapes a box shut. 

"Let's go." I grab her hand. "Do we have to ask your parents?" I look down at her. I already know where I'm taking here. To our old high school. It's never locked on the weekend, I honestly have no idea why though. 

"They don't care anymore." She says and we go get into my car. "Wow, luxurious." She grins. 

The whole way there we talk about everyting. Her survial rates. Slim. How she's been feeling. Just everything. She still doesn't know I know about the bucket list. If I do this right, she never will. I will just slowly cross everything off her list and make her the happiest girl alive. I smile while holding the steering wheel tight, just thinking of it makes me smile.We pull into the school and I jump out to get her door. 

"Well thanks." She smiles in shock. "Why are you doing this?" She asks. 

"Just being nice, thought I could teach you something to take with you." I say and we walk into the auditorium. I flip the stage lights on and take her over to the piano. "Let's play." I say and sit on the bench. 

"But I don't know how." She says. I get her to the piano. 

"I'll teach you silly." I say and she smiles. 

"Alright." She answers. 

By the end of the day, she could play one simple song. I think I've taught her well. She can play Over The Rainbow with both hands. It's actually really touching that I was actually making a difference here. 

"So, you know about the bucket list?" She asks. I look away from her and continue playing What Makes You Beautiful slowly. "Liam..." I continue staring away into the curtain of the stage. 

"Yes, I know..." I answer and look up to her. "I'll help you finish it too." I say and look back over to her. She has tears in her eyes and I hug her. "It's alright, we'll get it done." I look down at her. 

"Liam I'm going to die...." She says into my shirt. "Do you get that? You don't know that feeling. That feeling when there is no light at the end of that long torcherous tunnel I'm currently stuck in. Right now, I have the biggest headache, you can't even imagine. That's something I've gotten used to. I'm not just sick Liam, I'm dying." She says and looks down. "It's not alright." 

"If you feel bad, let's get home." I say and stand up. I follow her out to the car and help her in. "I'm sorry, I thought you'd like to get it done." I get in the car and buckle up. 

"I do, I just don't want you to lose time on me." She looks down on the rain drops running down the pane of glass. "It's not worth it." 

"Of course It's worth it. And I'm not going to let you die. Not at least until we get this done."  I say and we pull into her driveway. 

"Thanks again Liam." She says and I get out to get her door. "Really, I can do things myself." She scuffs and we walk to the door together. I stand there as she unlocks it with her gold key. 

"You just get to bed and rest up. I'll be here in the morning." I smile and she walks in. I have big plans to finish this bucket list. Big, Crazy plans. 
