Before I Die, I'd Like To Go On A Shopping Spree

-Lacie's POV-

I'm free to leave this stupid hospital! Well I'll be back, obviously. I'm always in the hospital now. I hate hospitals. They're full of dead things. It's gross. The way they smell. They way it's all quiet. It's like they know. They know you're going to die and when you're going to die, they just don't tell you. I'd really like to know when I'm going to die. It would comfort me. I'd know how long I have to deal with this dumb ass cancer. I know I'm going to die. There is no getting out of this. I will. no matter how hard I try, I'm dead in the end. Well everyone is dead in the end. I'm just dead first. That's how my life works. I didn't even do anything! I'm a nice person! What did I do for this! Nothing. Alright, I guess I can live with this, for another two weeks. If that. Now today, Liam is taking me out on a shopping spree. Which is pretty pointless wasting all the money on me. Like I said, I'm pretty much already dead. What is he going to do with it all when I'm dead? I still don't feel the best but the hospital is letting me out. I guess that's okay, I'd rather spend my last days outside then in a stupid hospital. 

"Ready to go?" Liam asks as I slip back into my sweat pants. I nod and grab my purse. 

"Wait!" I drop it and run back into the bathroom. I spike my hair up and come back out. "Like?" I come up and hug him. 

"Yeah, you remind me of Zayn now love..." I walk out of my room and shut my door. That room was always my room. I could come back whenever I wanted to, I had to be back at night though. I was pretty much living at the hospital now. We head down to his car and he helps me into the passenger seat. 

Oh my. Not here. Not now. 

The feeling in my stomach was back. "Don't move the car yet Liam." I say as he gets in. He nods and I look up the ceiling and take a few deep breaths. 

 Screw you headaches. Just leave. Let me have a good day!  

I tell him that I'm fine and we head off to the mall. I'll be fine. I'm not letting Liam know I feel like shit today. This is going to be a long car ride. The mall isn't far, but with this pounding headache everything is far away. 

"Lace..." I feel Liam shake me and I open my eyes. "Love, we're here." I look around and we're sitting in the parking lot. "I'll get you out." He jumps out of the car and comes to open my door. I crawl out and lean against him, feeling a little light headed. He sets me back on my feet and takes my hand. We walk slowly up to the door and he opens it for me. We head to every little boutique in this mall. I feel sort of bad. I'm dragging him in this girly stores. All in all, I only get one dress. I have talked him out of buying a lot of things for me. I really don't want him to waste his pounds on me. The headache was kind of numbed by the half pretzel I ate earlier. Igave the other half to Liam, since I couldn't finish it. I swear my stomach has gotten smaller, I used to eat everything! 

"I'm ready to go back now." I say as I take my purse off of Liam's lap. ns

"Alright..." He stands up and I follow him out to his car, his hand tight next to mine. I get in the car and he helps me buckle my seatbelt. I don't really need the help but I like it. He's a good guy. He leans down and kisses my forehead before going to the drivers side. I smile and lean back in the seat a little. "Did you have a good day?" He asks as he gets in. 

"Yes, thank you very much." He grabs my hand on the console and starts the car. We ride in silence back to the hospital. It's a short ride and I actually don't fall asleep. He walks be back up to my room and sits me on my bed. 

"Have a good night now." He says as I set all my stuff in the closet. "Would you like any help?" 

"No, that's alright. You can  go home and sleep now." I answer and go into the bathroom and change into my onsie. I love onsies. They're so warm and comfy. I'd live in them if I could. 

"Alright love. Get well." He says and walks out the door. "Love you." Is the las thing I hear before I lay down for the night. Liam loves me again?
