Before I Die, I'd Like To Fall In Love

-Liam's POV-

"Can you believe we are leaving tomorrow?" I ask and she hands me another dress to lay in her suitcase. I still have to begin to pack at home; that shouldn't take long. 

"I know," She smiles and hugs me. "What are we going to do other than site see?" She winks then shakes her head. I'm pretty sure anything like that would kill her. Walking hurts her, so would anything 'exciting' like that. 

"Well, we could relax...." I help her lay down on her bed. "You could sleep and I could watch you, because you're beautiful." I smile and she gets comfortable. "We can do what ever you want to do. If you want to sleep, we can do that. If you want to come home, we can do that too." I'm doing this to make her happy, not myself. 

"You know what I've always wanted?" She looks up at me as I throw a blanket on her. I make myself comfortable next to her and we lay there together. 

"What?" I ask and she presses her forehead to mine. 

"A love letter." A smile slowly forms on her face. "From someone I care about. From someone that cares about me." She holds my hand tight. We are closer than we could ever possibly be now. 

"I could write you one of them." I smile. "Darn, now it won't be a surprise. I ran my mouth again." She laughs just a little. 

"I'm glad we are getting this trip in now, because in a week from now...I don't think I'll be able to do anything." She says and the conversation grows grim again. "I'm already too weak, do you notice that in my hugs? Be honest." She looks away from me as I nod. They've progressively gotten weaker. Her kisses are even weaker than a week ago.

"Day by day...." I whisper. "We can defeat this." I admit even though I know she's already gone. Taking her to Paris is the last thing that I know we will do together. I know she has more time left though, she just doesn't have a lot of energy left. Even after we get home and she continues to get worse, I know I'll still be here with her. "Till your last breath I'll be here, okay?" I confirm to her. I want her to know that I won't just leave her when we are done with this list. She nods and closes her eyes. 

It gets late and I sit up, after laying there with her for hours. "Liam, are you going home?" She asks weakly. 

"Yeah, I need to pack and get your love letter written." I wink and kiss her. "Tomorrow we fly away from here..." I grab my coat and put my shoes back on. 

"Wait," She sits up and looks directly at me. "Liam.... I can finally mark fall in love off my list..." She smiles and I run back over to kiss her again. "You're simply amazing. I love you." 

"I love you too..." Lastly, I leave a kiss on her lips and walk to the door. "See you later beautiful."
