Before I Die, I'd Like To Be Kissed In The Rain

-Lacie's POV- 

I walk hand in hand with Liam down the wet side walk back to his car. Things have been completely different since the party a week ago. Last night, he stayed with me at the hospital and sung to me while I was doing my chemo. It was by far different from before. He's only stayed the night at the hospital once. I think I've been getting a little worse over the last week here. My head aches have been stronger and I'm weaker than normal. I'm not getting out of this mess. As long as Liam's here with me, I'll be strong. I still haven't told him I loved him yet, after he's said it multiple times. I just don't want to get his hopes up. I mean, I do love him; I'm just going to die. He'll need to find a new girl after me. He can't base his life after me after I'm gone. 

It starts raining a little harder and Liam wraps his jacket around my shoulders. The drops sting the side of my face and I look down, blocking my eyes. He pulls me closer, sort of deflecting the rain drops. We made it to his car finally. Spending the whole day out kind of wore me out. I look up to him, expecting him to open my door like usual. Short ringlets of wet hair stick to his face. He shakes his head a little and looks down at me. Without saying anything, he leans down closer to my face. He grabs my hand. I feel his breath, mixing with the wind, hit my face. We stand like this for minutes before his lips hit mine, stronger passion than at the party. His hand reaches over to the back seat door handle. He slowly opens it, without breaking our kiss.  Like it came naturally, we lay down in the back seat in unison. He lays over me and continues the kiss. I run my hands up and down his back. It seems like nothing is wrong. When his lips are on mine, the pain is gone. I don't notice it anymore. He moves his head down to kiss my neck, then moves along my jaw line, only to find my lips again. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else; here is the only place I feel no pain. 

Minutes later, he pulls away and looks down over me. "Well that took an unexpected turn...." He smiles. "I love you Lace...please don't leave me..." He whispers and kisses me again. 

"I love you too." I finally say. "I'll try my best." I drape my arms around is neck. "Are you ready for Paris?" I smile.  We were leaving in two days for the trip we've only took a week to plan. We aren't spending a lot of time there. Just two days. Nothing special, we are going to go see the Eiffel Tower and put the lock on the bridge. I've got the lock and everything. It's decorated purple and green, Liam helped me of course. He hasn't left my side in days. He slowly gets off of me and opens my passenger side door. I crawl in and buckle up, only for him to get in the drivers side. 

"Are we going to go pack?" He asks and starts the car. The drops pour down the windshield, making a rhythm as they hit it. I nod and we start heading back to my hospital room. Once we finally get there, he jumps out before I even get my  seat belt undone. He pulls all the bags out of clothes he bought for me to wear and a few dresses to take to Paris. He's wasting his pounds on me.... that really does bother me.

"I'd take a bag if I could." I literally have no strength anymore. I can only carry my purse around...barely. He shrugs and grabs all four of them. He's great. I can't imagine any other guy would do this. We make it back up to my room, but when I get to my room I notice something is different in the room right of mine. That was Lily's room... "I'll be right in." I say and let Liam go into my room. "Hey, where is Lily?" I ask one of the nurses. "Is she okay?" 

"Yes! She was released today, she's cancer free." She smiles up at me, only looking away from her paperwork for a minute. A selfish part of me was a bit angry. She was suppose to stay here until I was gone. I needed some hope to talk to. I knew she'd make it out. I just wanted her to be her as long as I was. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's okay and healthy. I just needed a smile once in a while. I head back into my room and lay on my bed. Now, besides Liam being here, I'm all alone in this fight. Lily knew exactly how I felt. I wouldn't feel bad if I couldn't eat breakfast while I was sitting with her. She knew I was fighting something too. I tell Liam that Lily isn't going to be around and lay back on my bed. I shouldn't be this sad that she's okay! I sound horribly selfish. 

A/N- Hey guys, I'm back for good, I'll try to get this book done so soon! Thanks for the support!  
