Chapter 7- Life Is Full Of Secrets

Deeks' POV

I woke up in pain and I went to sit up, but my body wouldn't allow me to. Looking around the room, I figured I was in the hospital. I was taken by surprise when I looked over to the chair next to my bed, to see Hetty sitting there.

"How long was it out?" I asked her. "Ahh, Mr Deeks you're awake! Two days. You had us all worried for a while there." She replied. "Aww Hetty, you're not getting rid of me that easily!" She just laughed. "When can I get out of here?" I asked.

"Easy, Mr Deeks. The nurses say this afternoon. They need to give you your last dose of painkillers and then you should be free to go. That's if you are feeling okay?" "I'm fine Hetty. I would be a lot more fine, if you hadn't eaten my jello." I stated, tapping on my empty cup of jello. "Ohh,I'm sorry Mr Deeks. I tell you what, I'll go get the nurse to come and give you your medicine, we'll get you discharged and then I'll buy you some jello on the way to ops. That is if you are feeling up to it?" "That sounds great." I replied, as Hetty started walking out of my room. "Ohh and Hetty? Thank you." She nodded and continued walking.

About an hour later, Hetty had me discharged and we were on our way to ops, she said she had a surprise for me. At first I thought it was the jello that she brought me, considering she brought me 2 boxes full of strawberry, orange and lime jello, but then we walked into ops and I stood there shocked. I thought my brother was dead?

"Max?" I asked. "Marty! Ohh my god man!" He yelled, running up to me and giving me a hug. "Okay, okay. Eww, that's enough! Man, get off me!" I yelled. "Sorry bro, it's just, I haven't seen you in so long!" He yelled back. Everyone was staring at us, confusion crossing their faces. "So, how are you? How's Gina?" He asked. I just shook my head. "Max..." I said. "What? She okay?" He asked, this time concerned. "Dude!" I yelled, hoping he would finally get the message. "What!!! Ohh......seriously? Last I heard, you guys were buying a house together. I thought things were going great!" Ohh shit. Why did he have to go there. Dammit! That was the last thing I wanted my team to know about. What happened between me and Gina is not something I want being brought up now.

"Who's Gina?" Callen asked. Ohh shit. This is why I hate Max. "Ohh man! They don't know?" Max yelled. Why does he get to be here? Seriously, who gave him clearance?

"Know what, Deeks?" Kensi asked. "It's nothing, okay?"

"I'm sorry, man. I didn't know. There may be something you want to know." Max informed. "What now huh? You gonna start telling them how about the car crash that I caused? Huh? Or maybe the fact that I fell in love with a bitch and she left me for some tool? Huh? What's it going to be now?" I yelled, anger taking it's lead. "Bro, calm down. I'm sorry."

"Sorry, huh? Hmm, that's right. You were the one that left me. You were the one that left and got mom killed. You were the one that stood up for dad when he tried beating me and mom! You are the one that made my life a living hell!" I screamed, pinning Max up against the wall.

"Deeks! Calm down! Deeks! Stop it!" Sam yelled, pulling me off Max. If only he wasn't so damn strong. "Marty, I'm sorry, I really am. I couldn't do it anymore. I know I shouldn't have left you with all those responsibilities to tackle on your own. I know. I am an idiot for not wanting to be there for you. And you're probably right. I probably was the reason mom died. Maybe if I had of stayed with you guys, mom never would have gotten kidnapped in the first place! I'm sorry man! Please, just give me another chance! I want to be in your life Marty! I love you and the only way we are going to get through this is together. I want you to be happy. I called Gina and told her to meet us here. I thought you would want her. She should be here any minute. I thought that was what you would have wanted. I'm sorry bro, I didn't know you weren't together anymore." Max explained. The whole team looking at me, wondering who the hell this Gina chick is.

"Wait what? You told Gina to come here? This is a classified location! Oh my god. You are the exact same idiot you were eighteen years ago!" I yelled.

"Okay, Deeks. You need to calm down okay? Max was only trying to help." Kensi tried. "Well he's doing a pretty terrible job! I never want to see Gina again! She was an idio-" I started, being cut off by someone walking in the room. "Gina?" I asked.

"Hey. I've missed you." She answered. I was stunned and shocked. I couldn't move and I found it hard to get words out of my mouth. "I wish I could say the same thing. What the hell are you doing here?" I replied. Max came over and hugged Gina. "Hey Gina. Nice to see you. Thanks for coming." He stated. He turned to the rest of the team. "This is Kensi, Callen, Sam, Eric and Nell." He introduced, considering I am still shocked and can't move. "Hi, I'm Gina. Nice to meet you." She replied, shaking their hands.

"Gina, what are you doing here? Where were you? What happened? Where's....?" I asked. "I think we should give Gina and Deeks some privacy." Callen stated, starting to walk out with the rest of the team. "No. Stay. Please. You're going to find out sooner or later. Better to get it over and done with now." I stated, making them all stop in their tracks and turn around.

Where should I start?
