Chapter 25- Happiness Is The Sercret To All Beauty

Hetty's POV

My head was throbbing and I felt like I was going to throw up. I knew I shouldn't have gone on that damn ride! But I was almost certain that I could deal with it. I mean, it used to be my favourite ride, growing up. I guess I'm just getting too old.

I heard the team say something about Mr Beale and Miss Jones dating, but I'm not sure. I could have been imagining it. I was starting to feel better now and Miss Blye was sitting with me, while the rest of the team went on more rides.

I looked over to Kensi, to see her munching on a snow cone. "Ahh, Miss Blye. I am feeling better now. Come on, there is still one ride I want to go on!" I informed. She looked at me and laughed. "Ohh I don't think so, I can't chance you throwing up or feeling worse than you do now. Plus, what about my snow cone? I can't go on a ride after eating a snow cone. Things won't end up well." Miss Blye argued. "Well, I am going on Splash Mountain. If you want to come, come. If not, stay here, get murdered." I joked as Kensi got up. "Okay,okay. I'm coming!" She stated, getting up, finishing the rest of her snow cone off and walking beside me.

When we got to Splash Mountain, I handed the person managing the ride our tickets and we climbed into one of the wagons, trying our best not to get wet. We were kidding ourselves. We can't go on this ride and not get wet!

Kensi sat next to me and we talked a little bit. I asked her to fill me in on the latest dirt, concerning Mr Beale and Miss Jones. After hesitating a little bit, she finally came clean and told me that Mr Beale and Miss Jones finally admitted their feelings for one another and how they kissed and were currently a couple. At first I was against it because I thought it would interfere with their work relationship, but then I thought again. Mr Beale and Miss Jones work great together. Maybe them being a couple will improve their partnership.

The ride had started and I threw my hands up in the air and screamed "Wooo!" Kensi looked at me and laughed, soon joining in on my madness.

When we got to the end of the ride, Kensi and I were drenched as if we jumped into a pool with our clothes on or something. We got off the ride and started to walk back to the meeting table, when I saw someone I knew Kensi wouldn't want to see. She probably has so many questions.

I tried to get Kensi to walk faster, so she wouldn't notice him but it was too late. She had already seen him.

"Jack?" Kensi asked, running up to him. "Kensi!" Jack yelled. Kensi punched him in the shoulder. "Oh my god! I thought you were dead! Where the hell have you been all of these years?" Kensi asked. I thought I would give them some privacy to talk, so I continued walking to the meeting spot, where I was joined by Sam, Michelle, Aiden and Kam. "Why the hell do you look like you just walked through a water fall?" Sam asked. "Mr Hanna, I don't think that is the kind of language you want to be using around your daughter. Is it?" I asked. Sam shook his head. "Hetty? Why are you so drenched?" Nell asked, walked up to us, hand in hand with Eric. "Kensi was nice enough to take me on the Splash Mountain, if you all must know!!" I yelled, annoyed. "Hey, where is Kensi anyway?" Eric asked.

"Kensi ran into an old friend. She is catching up with him." I explained. "Kensi ran into a friend? Do we know him?" Deeks asked, walking up to us, with Callen following behind.

The team laughed at Deeks' sudden questioning. "That does not concern you, Mr Deeks. Now if you will all stop acting as if I am on hot seat, maybe we could go get some Cotton Candy! What do you say, Kam?" I asked, turning to Sam's daughter, who looked bored with all of this gossip and boring 'adult' talk.

Kam jumped up and down, screaming "Cotton Candy! Cotton Candy!" We all laughed at the sudden joy that was making it's way across Kam's face. Mr Callen had offered to come with us, but I asked if Nell and Eric would come with me. I needed to talk to them about their 'relationship' and also ask Nell to check on Kensi once she had come back.

Nell and Eric looked nervous as they got up from their seats and walked over to me. I could see the rest of the team smiling and quietly laughing. They probably thought that I was going to fire them or something.

We walked up to the cotton candy stall and ordered eight cotten candy sticks. "Hetty? If you want to fire us, fire me. Don't fire Nell. Please?" Eric begged. "Ahh, Mr Beale. You think I am going to fire you? No! I wanted to congratulate you. All these years I have watched you have feelings for each other but never actually tell each other how you feel. I am incedibly happy for you both. Just do me a favour and try not to let it interfere with your working together." I explained. They both looked at me shocked. "Thankyou, Hetty. We won't." Nell replied, taking three of the cotton candy sticks from the lady over the counter. Eric took the next three and I took the last two.

We walked back over to the table and Mr Deeks made a joke almost as soon as we sat down. "Ahh, I can see she didn't kill you! That's got to be a good sign!"

We all laughed as Nell, Eric and I handed out the cotton candy. We all looked over when we heard a woman yelling at a man. Kensi.
