Chapter 47- Every Story Has An Ending, However, Every Ending Has A New Beginning

Eric's POV

I feel like I have ruined everything! No,no, let me rephrase that. Granger has ruined everything. Nell just got out of hospital and he is making her go undercover. I was just trying to be a good boyfriend. You know, look after Nell, make sure she never gets hurt again. The other times Nell has gone undercover, it hasn't exactly ended well. And I don't want her getting hurt again. If something bad happens, she won't be up to her best game. Which just puts her in more danger.

Granger was talking to Hetty, at her desk. So there was no way, no way in hell that I would be going to see Hetty any time soon. I think now, Granger can happily add my name to the very long list of people that hate him.

Kensi's voice came through the coms, and immediately I hope that they don't forget that I'm listening today. They do that a lot. "Okay, Eric. We're at Mia's there's someone else there, so we're going to wait it out. What's Nell got?" I frowned. " Nell has just been signed in as Brent Bolton's replacement. She's through security and is currently heading for his office. I'll let you know if she finds anything." I replied. I heard Kensi sigh on the other end. "Eric, are you okay? What exactly happened between you and Nell before? It seemed pretty intense."

"I don't exactly now how to answer that, Kensi. She shouldn't be going undercover, especially considering she just got out of hospital. I just told her I didn't want her to, because I didn't want her to get hurt, but she didn't take that very well. I don't think things are going to work out with us. I don't know how I'm meant to be in the same room with her. She practically hates me for sticking my nose in." I replied, clear sadness showing in my voice. "Man, you guys will work it out. You're in love. Everything will be okay. Hang in there, dude." It was Deeks' voice now. I didn't reply, instead just looked at the screen blankly, before finally being pulled out of my thoughts.

"So what? You think this guy could be her lawyer?" I asked, through the com. "I mean, yeah. It's a possibility. But, not a very high one. They look a bit more intimate than lawyers and clients should." Kensi replied. "Yeah. Apparently the lawyer-client privileges include benefits." Deeks spoke, as Granger walked into ops and stood behind me. " What have you got, Beale?" I rolled my eyes. "Kensi and Deeks spotted some guy at Mia's apartment. They are about to take him to the boats shed for questioning." I informed. "Okay. Find out where he was headed." He stated, walking out of ops again.

I went through phone records, surveillance and kaleidoscope, until I finally found out that the guy from Mia's apartment was meeting Fredrick Patrettes for a buisness meeting. Patrettes has been arrested for things from burglary, to second hand murder. This guy was dangerous. Kensi, Deeks, Callen and Sam were already at the park, where the meeting was being held. They were undercover and waiting to make their move. I was listening over the com like usual, when Sam's voice came through. "You know, if someone was shadowing Mia Bolton, it's pretty good place to do it from. You see her come and go from work." "Yep." Callen responded. "And they have free city wi-fi." I spoke. "How convenient!" Kensi joked. "Let's not forget about future soccer mom. Babies are a magnet. Before you know it, she knows the names and ages of your kids, what school they go to and where they take their karate." Deeks informed. "Of course, you'd have to be paranoid to think like that." Kensi stated. "Well, paranoid or vigilant. And that's just low-tech human intelligence gathering." Deeks replied.

"Eric? Have you got eyes on the meet? It looks like something's going to down. Mia just drew a gun. We're moving in!" Callen yelled. I looked at camera footage and could see Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks crowding Mia. "Drop the gun, Mia. Don't do this." Sam stated. Mia ignored him and kept her gun pointed to the guy I had identified to be Fredrick Prettres. "Mia! Give me the gun!" Deeks yelled. "This is only going to end one way, if you don't drop the gun, Mia." Kensi added. Mia dropped the gun and surrendered, kneeling on the ground and putting her hands on her head.

Granger walked back into ops. "What's the situation, Eric?" He asked. "Mia Bolton drew her gun. The guys are taking her to the boat shed for questioning. Haven't heard anything from Nell, as of yet." I explained. Granger nodded. "It's okay. Nell notified me. Everything seems to be clean at Brindell Research. She is returning in the next hour, after she can gain more information on an employee." He replied, walking back out of ops. His visits seem to vary from one to three minutes. No longer than that. He usually quickly explains what he knows, tells me to keep working and then leaves. For which I am very greatful. I don't think I can handle being in the same room as him for longer than five minutes. Not after what he did. He tore Nell and I apart. Without any hassle. And to be completely honest, I think he enjoyed it.

After this case, I honestly think I am done working at NCIS. Yep, it's decided. As soon as this case is closed, I am officially quitting. Yeah, I think I could enjoy unemployment.

I pulled out some of my unfinished paperwork, considering I had nothing else to do, until the rest of the team updated me. I was about half way through the last sheet, when Callen and Sam came walking into ops, not happy and not impressed. "Wow. What's gotten you guys in such a foul mood? Did you find out why Mia held a gun on that guy?" I asked, curiously. Sam shook his head and gave an angry smile. "Ohh, yeah. We found out why Mia held a gun on that guy. Granger interrupted our interrogation and released her." He stated. "What? Why the hell would he do that? She is our main suspect at this stage!" I replied. Callen looked at me and frowned. "Because Mia Bolton is an alias. Her real name is Reece Watson and she is a special agent. Just like her husband, Brent Bolton. Brent Bolton's real name was Ian Watson." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, so all of this was just because of an agent? We wouldn't have gotten this case, if Granger hadn't assigned it to us? Nell had to go undercover for one of his 'personal investigations', if that's what you can even call it." I asked, in confirmation, looking at both Sam and Callen, who nodded annoyingly.

"Yep. Granger's still with her now. From what we know, Brent died protecting her. Granger's leaving it at that. There's no further suspects or evidence that would say otherwise, so we have no reason to believe that it's not the truth. Case closed." Sam added. I sighed of relief. Finally. "I'm kinda tired, I'm gonna head home. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Callen stated, starting to walk out of ops. "Yeah, me too. See you tomorrow, Eric." Sam agreed, following Callen out of ops. I ran up to them and stopped them. "I'm not so sure about that. I quit. Thanks for always being there guys. Can you just tell Nell, I'm sorry." I informed, nervously.

Sam and Callen stepped back and turned around quickly, to face me. The amount of shock that was showing on their faces was drowning. "What? What do you mean, you quit?" Sam asked. "I mean, I quit NCIS. As of now, I don't work here anymore." I couldn't figure out if Callen looked angry or betrayed. Probably both.

"Eric, you can't be serious? You can't just leave NCIS." Callen stated. "Uh yeah, Callen. I can. And I am." I frowned, grabbing my tablet and bag and walking past them out of ops. They followed me as we walked down the stairs and got to the bullpen, when Sam grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Eric. What is this about? You love your job. Wait, is this about what happened between you and Nell this morning?" He asked. I pulled my arm back and didn't say anything. Bad mistake.

"Eric. What happened between you and Nell? Yesterday you were all lovey-dovey and romantic, now you're not even talking to each other? Come on, man. Nell couldn't even give you the information directly. She had to go through Granger! Now that's saying something!" Callen announced. I knew they were not going to give up on this, so I finally came clean. "Fine! I'd by lying if I said this had nothing to do with Nell. Granger putting her undercover today, was just a bad mistake. I was worried for her and told her she shouldn't be going undercover, especially considering she just came out of hospital a few days ago. She didn't take my advice very well. I love her and I can't stand the thought of her getting hurt, again. I was just trying to protect her!" I stated, tears forming in my eyes. My arms became shaky from my nerves, but I calmed down and looked at Sam and Callen who both had looks of pitty, shining over their faces.

"Eric, I'm sure if you just talk to Nell, you guy can work it out. This isn't a reason to quit your job!" Sam argued. I looked at him. "She doesn't want to talk to me. And I don't think she will ever want to again. She ended things with us. Hetty was wrong to ever think that this could work. Hetty said that our being a couple, couldn't affect our work and Nell's right. We let it do exactly that. So, It's only necessary. I'll see you guys around. Look after Nell for me. And tell Kensi and Deeks I said goodbye!" I yelled, speed walking out of ops. That may have just been the stupidest thing I have ever done, in my life. But I'll deal with it. Just like I deal with every other stupid thing I've done in my life. 

"Goodbye, NCIS." I whispered, getting into my car and driving off.
