Chapter 54- Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun

Nate's POV

I can't believe I just told the team that Nell and I used to date. I think I made a mistake. Things are going to be incredibly awkward between Eric and I now, not to mention Nell. She probably feels humiliated at the fact that she used to go out with a geeky idiot, like me. I didn't even think about how this will effect Nell and Eric's relationship.

"Wait. So let me get this straight. You asked Nell to marry you, and she said no? Wow. This is awkward. " Kensi said, stating the obvious. I nodded sadly. "How have we not known about this? You guys have been together in NCIS before and we didn't detect anything. How sad is that, I'm a detective and I didn't detect. I should get fired right now." Deeks joked, although I think he was being serious. "You don't still have feelings for her, do you? Because that would just make this situation so much more awkward." DiNozzo voiced. I shook my head quickly. "No! Oh my god, that was ten years ago. I'm over it. I actually have a girlfriend now, thank you very much." Sam and Callen stepped back, smirking at me. 

"You do, do you?" Sam asked. I nodded and smiled at their reactions. "Well, do we know this 'mystery' girl?" Callen asked. I nodded, once again. "Well, aren't you going to tell us who it is? Come on, you're killing me here!" Kensi added. "Fine.....It's Rose." I admitted. Kensi's jaw dropped with excitement. "Wait, as in, Rose from the morgue?" Sam asked. I nodded. "The one and only." 

"Oh wow. Nell and I were just talking about how she needs to get out and meet guys. I guess she doesn't need to, anymore." Kensi stated. "Yeah. I mean, at least you have a pulse." Deeks joked, making everyone laugh. "How is Rose, anyway? I haven't seen her in ages." Ziva added. "She's good. Well, I guess as good as you can be, working in a morgue." I replied. 

"I don't assume you all have finished all of your paperwork?" Hetty interrupted, instantly making everyone run back to their desks and sit down, continuing with their paperwork. I laughed, sitting down in the chair next to Sam and Callen's desk. "So, what about you guys? I haven't heard of any relationships in D.C..." I stated, making Mcgee, DiNozzo and Ziva look up. "People say they can't live without love. I think oxygen is more important." Ziva laughed. DiNozzo looked back down at his paperwork, trying to hide a frown. 

"Yeah, I totally agree with Ziva, but only because I'm a loser and the girl I love doesn't love me back, so you know. But who needs love, anyway?" DiNozzo stated. I smiled. "Don't undermind yourself. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you truly want to become." I encouraged. "Haha, nice one, Nate. You're a psychologist, you shouldn't need to quote freaking Steve Jobbs!" DiNozzo added. God dammit! These agents are really up to speed with their quotes. I thought  I could get away with that, but I guess not.

"I don't need to quote Steve Jobbs, it just makes sense to...You know what, never mind." I stated, before Deeks chipped in. "Wait, who's Steve Jobbs?" I and everyone else, stared at Deeks in complete shock. "How the hell do you know who Maxwell Maltz is, but have no clue who Steve Jobbs is?" Kensi asked. Deeks shrugged his shoulders, placing his last file in his 'done' pile. "Whatever. I'm done here, so I'll see you guys tomorrow." 

"Wait, where are you going?" Kensi asked, turning towards Deeks, who was packing up his bag, getting ready to leave. "I'm going out with a friend." Deeks replied. "Oh, is this that same 'friend' of yours from this morning?" Callen asked. I rose my eyebrows up and looked at Deeks intrigued. "No. It's not. Sadly she has plans tonight. I'm actually going out with Ray. I made a meeting with him in a safe house. He has a little daughter now. Him and Jenna actually sound like they're happy. Anyway, wouldn't want to keep them waiting, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Night. Hey, Kens? Would you be able to come open your car? I think my keys are in there." I smiled as Kensi nodded, getting up from her chair and following Deeks out of ops. 

"Alright, I'm done here too. Who's up for a drink?" Sam asked, packing up his bag, with Callen following suite. "Only if you're paying," Callen agreed. DiNozzo and McGee got up, as Sam nodded. "I'm in!" Mcgee smiled. "Nate? You up for a few drinks?" DiNozzo asked. I nodded. "Yeah. I mean, if Sam's paying, then sure." 

"Cool. Should we ask Hetty and Gibbs?" Ziva asked. "Yeah, sure." Sam agreed, walking over to Hetty's desk where her and Gibbs were talking. "Hey. We're going out for some drinks, do you guys want to come? I'm paying?" Hetty smiled and looked to Gibbs. "That depends. Have you all finished your paperwork?" Hetty asked, making Sam nod. "Okay, then. I guess I wouldn't mind a scotch." Hetty agreed, standing up and walking out of her office, Gibbs following behind. 

We all walked out of ops and got into our cars after deciding what bar to go to. When we got there we walked in, sat around a table and ordered a round of shots and beer. Ziva and Kensi were sitting next to each other talking about some martial arts class they took, while DiNozzo and McGee versed Callen and Sam in a game of pool. I was sitting with Hetty and Gibbs, totally zoned out looking down at the table, where I was swishing my beer around in my glass. I looked up to the bar and saw Rose sitting down, doing the same thing. I smiled, surprised to see her and walked up to her, kissing her neck from behind. She jumped, turning around to face me. Before she even saw me, she kicked me in the stomach, making me jump back, holding my stomach. I definetely underestimated her abilities. She works in the morgue, but she has the mad skills of an agent.


Hey guys!!! Okay, so I want your advice. I'm not sure what scene to do for the next chapter. It could be Nell and Kensi's outing, Deeks' meeting with Ray and his family, or it can continue from where it left off with Nate and Rose..... What do you guys think??? Please let me know!!!! For everyone that comments or inboxes me feedback, I will dedicate the next chapter to you and give you a shoutout on my profile. So please comment below or inbox me!!! Love you guys, 

Molly L. Brookes
