Sweeter Than My Dessert


Gemini snatched the phone from the holder.

"Where's my coffee?" he growled into the phone.

"I apologize Khun, coffee hasn't arrived y-" Gemini cuts his secretary's voice in the mid air.

He walked towards the glass wall taking the view in front of him, sighing.

"He is never late, should I check on him? Should I wait?"

While struggling with his worry filled thoughts , he heard a faint knock on his door before someone stepped inside.

"Are you finally done making me starve her-"
Gemini swallowed his complaint after seeing the beautiful face in front of him. Instead of the annoying face of his secretary, there he was, his favourite human.

"Nong Fotttt????"
"Phi Gem, I wanted to deliver this myself, but I got caught up in the traffic, I am so so-...... HUH"

Fourth didn't get the chance to finish his words as he was squeezed between his Phi's big arms,like a plush toy. Well, he was Gemini's favourite plushie, his human doll indeed.

"You came.....I missed you sooo much ," Gemini muttered to the crook of Fourth's neck inhaling his favourite scent. Pulling him by his waist, he leaving no space between them.

"Phi Gemmm let me go, we are in your office na."
"Nooooo" Gemini tightened his hold on fourth's body, though it's humanly impossible.
"Phi Geminiiiiiii"
If Fourth thinks pampering him with his extra sweet baby tone will make Gemini let go of him, he is wrong, very wrong.

A sudden knock on the door made Fourth to jump out of Gemini's embrace. Fourth got all shy thinking that they caught their sweet moment. His panicked eyes scanned the room until they land on the CEO's dark Amber table.

"Khun, chairman ordered to deliver these to you, he asked you to call him and report about the new shipment by 7pm khub."
His assistant informed after entering the room. But he couldn't understand why his boss keep glancing under his table with a smirk ?? Wait ....so knows other expressions except anger ???

"Khun is everything okay khub?" his secretary was alarmed seeing the unusual demeanour of his CEO.


"Chairman also asked you to... -". From there Gemini's hearing was muted . He heard nothing at all.His complete attention was focused on something more interesting under his table.

Maintaining the icy spicy eye contact with his secretary, Gemini elbowed his pen making it drop near the foot of the table. Slowly he bent down behind his table while signaling his secretary to continue, pretending to pick up the pen.

Fourth's doe eyes got bigger in size seeing Gemini bending near him. He pulled himself away from Gemini trying to move deeper inside the hollow under the table. But the big hand, now snaking around his waist had other plans. Skillfully it pulled Fourth towards Gemini's body until smaller's pretty face was hit with Gemini's hot breath. They were so dangerously close.

A peck kiss landed on the smaller one's rosy lips. Fourth closed his eyes praying for his guardian angels.

Another peck, but this one took a bite from his lower lip. Fourth's soul left his body.

For a second Gemini paused his game taking the beautifully flustered view of his kitten so close to him. Then lips. Then again eyes.

with that Gemini gave another long peck before sucking Fourth's peachy lips between his teeth. Taller took his time with each lip of the kneeling pretty bundle in front of him. Eventually Fourth placed his hands on Gemini's nape letting himself be controlled by his Gemini. Lost in the moment, Fourth left out a muffled moan. Gemini quickly covered it with his mouth, saving his baby getting caught by his secretary.

Gemini broke the kiss amused by the reaction he got from his kitten. He was curving his body into a ball trying to hide his face with his petite hands. Gemini was thrilled.

Gemini raised his hand above the table towards his secretary , "Send everything through email , leave". Though the poor secretary was confused by the sudden cutt off of his boss, he decided to not to question anything choosing to save his job.

With that clicker of the closing door, taller pulled the small boy by his nape angling his face downwards and started dominating the pillowy lips. The taste of plushy lips between his teeth was a part of the heavens for him. Slowly he instered his tounge parting his lover's pretty mouth coating each and every spot with his own saliva.

Gemini eventually broke their heated kiss as he noticed the boy turning a little purple with the lack of air. Fourth hugged the big body of the taller hiding his face on his chest, refusing to show his now bright red cheeks. They stayed in that interesting position for a while all cuddled up under the table.


"Bye bye Phi Gem, I am leaving khub" after about twenty minutes Fourth decided to leave.

"Where are you going Nhoo, hmm?" Gemini pulled fourth's body from behind.

"cafe khub, you have work too Phi" Fourth tried to get himself released from the hug, but the big octopus behind him was strangling him with his tentacles.

"Nooooo, you stay with me, let's go on a date" sighhhh Gemini is one clingy baby trapped in a big body.

"Today work,tomorrow date, okay khubbb ?"
"Stay with me na na na" Yup, just like that Fourth gave into those boba puppy eyes and ducky pout, fair enough!

Gemini happily took Fourth's tiny hand in his, picking the dessert from the other hand. After making himself comfortable in his seat, Gemini pulled Fourth making him sit on his lap.

"See you fit so good here , teerak... feed me" Gemini's raspy whisper made the pretty boy's swany nape blush in baby pink.

Trying his best to not to gulp, Fourth removed the wrap of the dessert and start feeding the taller man.

"Wait, it tastes different today!"
"Aww is it not tasty Phi?"
"No it's just different"
"Here taste it"
"Awwww Phiii, why did you kiss me???"
"I didn't love, I just gave you a taste! Wait it taste even better there, care to feed me with your mouth?"
The urged to kiss off that pout on his now sulking kitten was hardly swallowed by the strongest soldier Gemini, being careful to not to make his kitten more angyy!
"Okay okay phi will stop, don't sulk na, I will take you shopping!"
Fourth turned his face away from Gemini.
"Then how about ice cream?"
That made the boy to peek at him.
"There there my baby and his ice-cream! You like ice cream more than me!!"
"Okay pick one, ice-cream or me?"
Fourth brought his face near gemini making a kissy face. Taller one was beaming with a proud smile.
A small peck landed on Gemini's plumpy lips "Ice-cream".

"NONGGG FOTTT...." Fourth's mischievous fit of giggles were brighter than the last rays of the sun peering through the glass wall of their office .

Hello there after six months😭
Happy bday my loveliest hooman, Gemi🥹💫
You are the absolute best , wishing you everything you wish for❤️

(Too tired to edit okay)
(I think I can update this now🧚🏻)
