Cold Coffee ...

Fourth was crawled into a chair in front of the theatre. It felt like a deja vu for him. It was the same cursed door where he screamed out after losing them. What if he loose him too?
He didn't know from where he got that sudden rush of energy once he saw the lights went out. Though the little boy was uncontrollably shivering, he managed to drag his body towards the doctor.
"You are Khun Norawit's?"
"I am his fr-friend khub," paused stuttering was more than enough to create suspicion, but the doctor gave in, in front of those pleading eyes.
"um,okay... He was lucky as he was brought just in time, though he has lost so much blood, we were able to save him."
Fourth held onto the near-by pole, but it wasn't enough to give strength to his jelly feet as he fell onto the ground. But the boy was not in the mind to care for his poor body, all his heart was tattooed in a single letter pattern. He is safe.
"Oh Khun, are you okay? Don't worry khub, he will wake soon, you can rest in his room." doctor pitied the petit figure in front of him.

He wished he never witnessed the scene in front of his eyes displaying now. His head was tightly wrapped in a thick sheet of bandages and stitches . Those muscular arms were covered in bruises claiming one in a cast as it was broken.
The small boy slowly made towards the big bed compressing his loud sobs as much as he could. His baby fingers wiped those two sparkling tears of the latter who is now laying peacefully on a bed. Boy's heart was ripped when he realised how painful it could have been for the latter. He lightly soothed the tall man's forehead by parting his gorgeous bangs as he was afraid he will hurt him.
"Thankyou for not giving up na, you didn't leave me na, please wake up soon na".
Fourth slowly buried himself in his seat having no thoughts of letting go latter's hand as he was afraid he will leave him if he do that. Amidst the nauseuos pain inside him, he felt the first blooming bud of a beautiful feeling . The person he is holding onto is someone so dear to him. He is special, may be more than he ever imagined.

Gemini's pov

I wanted to throw up because of the pain I felt. My whole body felt like it was smashed into a pulp. My mouth was so dry but I felt something wet on my chest. It was warm though.
It was the best morning I have ever waken up to. I wished if I could stop the time at that moment. Little kitten was holding my hand in his sleep. His drooling was all over my chest. Literally an adorable kid. I wish I could wake upto this scenery everyday. I left out a sigh thinking about what I am going to do next . To be exact, what I am forced to do.
I removed those silky bangs too see his pretty moles.

Fourth's pov
I was slowly waken up by smooth fingers sliding over my hair. It took me a few blinks to finally capture everything on my eyes. "P'Gem! P!!! You are awake!!! How are you? Are you okay??? Are you in pain??? Let me call the doctor. While hugging him tightly I couldn't control myself.
As I was about to call the doctor, his hand stopped me.
" Listen Fourth, thanks for taking me here I am grateful, but you should leave now!"

I was taken back. I hope I didn't hear him right.
"P' W-what do y-you mean?" I want to take care of you.
Don't worry about that, I have a plenty of people for that, so you can leave now.
As I was frozen into a rock, he took my hand and placed something in it.
It was - m-money...?!
Take a taxi , do you need more? My mouth went dry.
"P can't I stay here? At least until they come? No no please leave fourth, I want to rest.
My heart was too numb to feel anything. May be he really doesn't need me here. He must be bothered by me.
" Oh, I-I am s-orry for ann-oying you P' but P-please take care"
I fastened my phase until my feet catch up on a run. I couldn't annoy him more by showing my tears. It will make him take more time to heal. I want to heal him as soon as possible, I want to see his face without those cuts. I wish I could see him again , but....

Is this story interesting even for a bit? Idk..

Anyways stay safe lovelies❤️
