Creamy Stains On You

A/N : I love you guys ;)

After getting his favourite strawberry ice-cream, fourth ran to the fancy photo booth dragging Gemini along with him. Luckily not many were around, so they spent a good thirty minutes playing with all the props, trying all the poses both goofy and romantic. Gemini's favourite pic was Fourth hugging his big body from behind trying to give a peck, but failing miserably because of the height difference. Fourth was all pouty as his kiss landed on the cold air instead of the soft warm cheek.

"Let's buy couple hoodies, rak (love)"
Gemini remarked while stepping into the escalator with Fourth.
"Phi We have matching bracelets already"
"Awww, why ? You don't want to wear matching clothes with me? Okay."
Gemini put a little distance between them, looking anywhere but Fourth.
"No, no, phi listen to me khub"
"Phi Gemmmm khub" no reaction.
Fourth climbed a step ahead on the escalator putting himself in front of Gemini, pressing his back to the taller's body.
"Sorry Phi, let's buy them, don't sulk naaa"
Fourth couldn't see the victory smirk his phi had on his face. Gemini pressed his face on Fourth's shoulder giving him a light peck there. His big baby is so spoiled.


Fourth was busy choosing their couple hoodies while Gemini was busy staring at his nong.

"Welcome to Savoir Khun Norawit, let me help you ka"
"Thanks, but no need" Gemini cut her off really quick.
"Aww please it will be my pleasure serving you ka !"
"I told-" Gemini didn't finish what he was saying . From the corner of his eyes , he found something really amusing. More like someone. Fourth. He is trying so hard to not to be bothered by the shamelessly flirting woman.
"okay, since you are insisting, help me choose a couple hoodie."
"Gladly ka, these are from our latest collection ka, it will look so good on your handsome body ka."
"Thanks, do you think so?"
"Chai ka, lor mak (yes, very handsome)!"ย  girl was getting all excited thinking Gemini acknowledged her flirting. But someone was not having it, squinting his eyes at the girl.
Fourth quickly cut the small distance between him and Gemini getting closer to him. He hooked his hand on Gemini's arm.
"Mechai, I don't like this hoodie khub"
"How about this one, Red makes him even more handsome kha."
"Mechai ,Too bright, thank you for the assistance, but please excuse us khub"
With hurried steps Fourth took Gemini by his hand and left the store.

Only then he saw the knowing grin on taller's lips. Fourth was so embarrassed.He ran into the nearest store hiding his face from Gemini. As for Gemini, he loved this game. (you, yeah reader, enjoying this too much aren't you??)

Fourth grabbed the very first shirt he saw and went inside one of the fit on rooms.

A baggy blood red shirt. It was a little too see through for fourth's liking. Once he read the tagline,he understood why it looks too tempting. Now fourth looks like an Asian girl who is wearing tempting clothes for his husband on their first night. Well, though the occasion is not that, the item can be used for it ;)

"Be the man of his fantasies, wishful creamy night!" ( tagline)

"interesting choice"
Strong arm locked around his waist, while the other one sneakily going up inside his shirt, pickling the milky white skin under.
"thought kitten was innocent."
Gemini rolled his tongue going up and down few times on the sensitive spot of Fourth's neck.
"No-o ph-hiii."
It was hard to form coherent sentences. Fourth was under Gemini's mercy.
"Going to wear that for me? Hmmm" that whisper was three pitches lower than before.
"Phi, no, it-t was a mis-t-ake, stop pl-easee" hearing the desperation of Fourth's pleading, gemini quickly stopped. Instead he moved his big hands wrapping them on smaller's flat tummy and resting his head on the top of his head.
(sorry guys, but I promise๐Ÿ˜)
"Were you jealous before ,Rak?"
It took several seconds for fourth's brain to work.
"No-no Phi, I-"
"I love that you are jealous because of me"
"Mechai Phiiiii"

"you are so innocent baby, if I was you, I would have sued her for hitting on you, no one have the right for that, you are mine , mine only..."

"shit, I could have kissed you in front of her, too bad." Gemini whispered more like to himself.
Fourth was pumping out..... Not blood, but blush!
"Awww phiii stoppppp!!!! Let's go"
"Try this first, I want to see"
Gemini walked out of the room, like nothing happened.

Gemini saw something outside the store.
"Baby please choose our hoodies, wait for me here na, I have an urgent call to take rak."

Fourth was confused when he suddenly left. Deciding to not to think too much he continued his shopping and chose a pair of pretty navy blue and baby blue hoodie set and went to the counter.

While waiting, he stared outside trying to spot him. His phi, gemini. A big smile drew upon fourth's lips finally seeing his favourite view in his sight. There he is. His sunshine. Crossing the glass bridge from the other side of the floor. Carrying a big bouquet of white tulips in his arms. He started smiling so widely once he caught Fourth staring at him.

Fourth's blush really suited the baby blue hoodie in his hands . how could he be so loved by this sweet man? How romantic his gestures, how sweet and caring his actions, the way he makes him look like a strawberry pie every-time he teases , How patient he is dealing with fourth. Fourth knew his feelings are deep rooted. Not just a huge crush, neither a deep interest, but something more precious to be put into words. Fourth wanted to reciprocate the love he was given, fourth wants to offer his love, shower him with love because Gemini deserves all the love he has, he hasn't.

A gun shot . Followed by one, other one, another one until it was too traumatizing to count. People were falling onto the ground lifelessly. Fourth didn't hear the sound. Neither he saw any blood. He only saw the beautiful picture of his Gemini running towards him carrying a white flower bouquet. His brain refused to register anything else engulfing in the last image of his man carrying a flower bouquet.

Young shooter appeared between the sight fourth was holding so dearly. Gunman's black outfit blocked the cherishing view of his gemini.Fourth was annoyed. confused. flustered. Why couldn't he see him anymore ?

A quick splash of thick red flashed in front of his eyes. A sprinkle of blood was now covering the white tulips. It was pure blood. Blood of his love.... Blood of his most beautiful view. Blood of the prettiest pair of eyes who held fourth's world. Blood of the sweetest soul that belongs to fourth.

Gemini fell onto the ground looking lifeless. He didn't let go of the bouquet he was holding. He tightened the grip before he lost his last moments of consciousness.

/Fourth's pov /

Do you know the feeling of your loved one being shot in front of your eyes? He was smiling a moment ago, he was moving, teasing, holding my hands a moment ago, but now he is not moving, he is just lying there in front of my eyes. How unfair is this life? I had to go through it again. The same way, same scenario, but in a different time frame, different bond. This time it was my love. I loved phi gemini.

"Y-ou le-ft m-e p-phi ge-mi-ni"
Lastly my knees hit the floor .No bullet. But with the most severe wound in my heart.

Breaking news : A mass shooting in Siam Paragon mall. A 14-year-old is held on suspicion. Many were found dead some were severely injured. CEO of the Norawit group was also found in the tragedy, status not confirmed.


I wish you guys could share your thoughts about this story so farโ˜บ๏ธ
