A Locked Dungeon

Gemini's pov

I couldn't stop laughing. Tears were flowing out until my surrounding went all blurry. I threw my phone to a side and started spinning the poor vine glass mercilessly. Suddenly it was crashed into thousand pieces near my feet.

"You loser!" I ripped my hair paired with a bitter chuckle. I couldn't control my laughter yet. Cause I was never allowed to cry. Instead I trained myself to laugh whenever I feel like crying. Once again I stare at my screen.

Pa ๐Ÿ’”: What the fuck Norawit! Who do you think you are?

Me : Hi to you too Pa! What is this about?

Pa ๐Ÿ’”: Don't you dare play games with me! Why the hell you replaced Mr. Park with that fucking small company???

Me : Pa, Mr. Park has cheated on us again, I can't keep a blind eye all the time!

Pa๐Ÿ’” : Are you fucking dumb Norawit? Do you want me to teach you how the buisness world works? It's normal.

Me : Pa he is doing that for 4 years for now, if we didn't do something he will never stop that.

Pa๐Ÿ’” : Norawit! Don't try to teach me how to do buisness , it is my company you are nothing valuable than a mere employee! What the fuck were you thinking?? If Phuwin didn't choose to follow his dream, I will never let you lay your hands on my company!

I might be an adoration in everyone's eyes. But I was just a mere decoration in my family's collection. The people I expected to cherish me, love me and trust me.. I never had a worth in their eyes. "Expectations...." once again I chuckled at my own thoughts.

After halting every thought with a loud sigh I was forcing my feet to stand up, because no matter what the show continues. But in the next minute, my energy was sucked all alone by the couple of messages appeared in my phone.

P'Phu๐Ÿ’™ : Guess what, you won't be able to tease me anymore buddy!

P'Phu๐Ÿ’™ : your P found the one finally!

P'Phu ๐Ÿ’™: I asked out nong Fourth!!! Will treat you later!!!

I failed to find a single drop of energy in my body to form a reaction. I want to stop. I was too tired. I had to swallow it up. I couldn't vent my anger on anyone. I couldn't despise my brother. He actually did nothing wrong. He never knew how much I suffered. It is not like he stole my spot, he stole the person which my heart wants. It is just I was below the point of deserving them. I was not enough.

Third person's pov

Gemini forced himself to get on his bike throwing the jacket over his shoulders. After few minutes he realised he made the wrong decision . The familiar serenity which he was usually enveloped from these rides were not there anymore. It was replaced with a strange silence where he couldn't feel anything. Though the bike tires were technically jumping over speed bumps, it wasn't enough to wake him up.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard at the end of the street. The bike fell on the top of him. But he didn't struggle a bit, he wanted to accept his fate. No one was there for scream for him. Gemini was used to it. He was embraced in a thick red liquid instead of a warm pair of arms, he was encountered in a dust mixed metallic taste instead a chain of soft spoken words. He was laid in the pitch black darkness instead of feathery duvets of a comfortable bed. He was lonely. He wished to put an end to this loneliness.

Steps were approaching Gemini .

Oh god! Help!!!! P' you are hurt!!! Wait let me help you, please don't close your eyes... P-

WAIT - P'GE-GEMINI ???? MY P'GEMINIII ??? IS THAT YOU ??? !!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ? PLEASE STAY WITH ME NA , I BEG YOU PLEASE DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES !!! PLEASE HELP ME !!!! Finally a painful mourn tore the awfully quite darkness.

Fourth's pov

My arms were covered in his blood. The person who was there for me, the man who playfully teased me a few hours ago was now laying still on my hands.
I couldn't scream, I couldn't breathe, once again I was helpless... It is happening again, the same scene happened ten years ago. I couldn't save them. Even after many years I was helpless.ย 

"Fot - fo?"
A faintish voice woke me up from my nightmare.
P'Gem, do you hear me na, please stay with me na, don't leave me, please!
My voice was broken at the end .
After a light touch on my skin , his eyes started to get heavy.
Nooo Gemmm, please!!!

