Together ~Ranboo~

a/n: PART TWO OF ACHILLES COME DOWN WILL BE OUT IN A FEW HOURS. OR DAYS. it really depends on my motivation but SOON-

TW: Tics/stims, a slur but in the form of a tic (not used as hatred towards that group)

Ranboo had always known he wasn't like the other enderman. Not in just the way that he wasn't entirely— well— one species. But... he would let out random words in english at random moments. When he tried finding a pattern, all he found out was that they got more consistent when he was stressed or excited. Most of the time, though, he kind of just had those days.

He could tell today was one of those days.

Waking up with a feeling of dread in your stomach wasn't the greatest, but he was used to it. The problem for today was that he had plans. With other people. Normally, on regular days, he could repress the urges (? he still wasn't quite sure what they were) until he was alone, but on bad days he tried to avoid others at all costs.

The game plan he made the night before was: 

-tend to the farm, and basically do everything of a normal day in the morning.

-meet up with techno and phil for lunch.

-finish making his gift for tubbo, and give it to him at dinner

It really shouldn't have been such a task. But he couldn't let them. He couldn't. He was already weird enough not knowing half his heritage, being freakishly tall, and having horrible memory problems. Not to mention the enderwal-

FOCUS! He knew he was spiraling. He needed to focus on the tasks at hand. He got through the morning easily, stimming and ticking as much as he needed. Now it was time for lunch. Despite practically starving, the growing pit in his stomach made him wonder if he should just skip out. He couldn't though, and he knew that. Phil and Techno had been kind enough to invit him into their home, he couldn't just bail now.

All through the lunch, he couldn't focus on anything other then keeping his tics (stims? he barely knew about this, his parents always just said he was being dramatic) at bay. He didn't care much about the physical ones, shaking his head aggressively wasn't as noticeable as yelling "RETARD!" every 5 minutes. 

Techno, seeming to notice his discomfort, tried to wrap up the lunch as quickly as possible saying "he had places to be," though they both knew that was a lie. 

With that, he realized, the first obstacle was out of the way. for a while he sat on his bed whispering "pow" to himself and flapping his hands. He finished Tubbo's gift i  the morning, knowing his... problem would be worse after lunch. Besides, he had time then. Now he just had to wait until dinner.

Dinner didn't go so smoothly. He gave Tubbo the gift, and everything was fine until Tubbo noticed his shaking hands and the way his head would jerk to the side every once in a while. "Ranboo?" "Hm?" "You don't have to hold it back, you know. It happens to me sometimes too." Tubbo said, hoping he didn't phrase anything the wrong way.

To his surprise, Ranboo started tearing up. "Woah Ranboo? Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it— what did i say?" Ranboo let out wet chuckle at that.

"I-I'm sorry it's just no one has ever— wow! —done this for me before." Ranboo said sheepishly, tics interrupting his words, "I never thought anyone would notice if I held it in, and frankly I was too scared to research it because I didn't want to— vwoop —face it."

Tubbo, quite frankly, felt horrible for not noticing before. I mean, who wouldn't? Not noticing something that important about your spouse? For now, though he could only comfort the ender hybrid. "Well, let's find out together. Big Man."

a/n: PLEASE DON'T COME AT ME I'M SO SORRY IF I MISINTERPRETED SOMETHING I'M JUST GOING OFF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. also this isn't proofread like at all so sorry for any mistakes.
