Achilles Come Down ~Ranboo~

a/n: heyyyyy- welcome back! to people who added this to their reading list awhile ago, you probably forgot all about me but yk :] also, i know achilles is a horrible greek mythology person to represent ranboo or whatever tf they're called, but the  s o n g-


Ranboo stood at the edge. Huh. It looks farther than he remembers. Then again, his memory was shit. Wasn't that why he was here? He doesn't know he can't ŗ̷̡̼̦̗̳̲̖̬͍̻̩̱̺̖̼̮͇̯͇͖͉̤̲͉͔̭̈́̈́̀̐̌͑̈́̈͒̾͜͜é̶̡̡̧̪̬͔̤̦̪̬̩̪̩͕͎̬̗̳̫̻͙̐̀͑͌̓̆̓̈́̌͐̈̄̃̈̃̓̈̽̂̔̓̊̕͜͜ͅͅm̶̠̩͚̥̼̣̫͍̟̖͚̉̃͆͋̈́̓̎̒̃̽̿̑͒̓͛͌̚͘ę̴̛̲̫̙̗̗͌̒́̍̌͑͒̄̂͂̆̈̕͜ḿ̷̡̡̺̬͙͉̞͕͖͊͑͆̊̀͊̽̑̎̈́̔͂̓̽͆̇͂͜b̷̯͖̗̬̝̠͔̼̻̭̬̞̠̫̰̗̳̬̣̲̪̘̹͑̔̿̀̉̍̆͂́́̄̄̇̀̏̉̕͜͜͝͠͝ͅͅͅȩ̵̡̛̙̼͙̪̟̱̫̖̳̞̣̩̼̣̱̰͉̩̼̥͚͚͎̮̻͈̈́̄̿̀̃̈́̌̌̏͌̊̿̋̕͝ͅr̷̨̩̝͍̺̫̙̺̳̯̺͍͖̫͚̺͊́̎̈́̎̈́͌́̈́͛̐̄̔̀̐̍̏̒́̚͘͜ͅ.

He let out a small warble. A sound so tiny, yet so full of emotions. His brain, his head, why did it do this to him? Why can't he just be normal? Lately he's been feeling so numb, and all the emotions were bottled up inside, saved for later like an unwanted snack. He sucked in a breath trying not to sob.

Screw it. He'd be gone soon anyway.

The sounds that filled the air around him broke the hearts of those who heard. Those who weren't meant to hear...

Techno immediately shot up. Whatever little bit of sleep he was getting could wait. 

"ACHILLES? Achilles- Achilles come down, won't you? Get up off-" Ranboo flinched, finally seeming to notice the older's presence. 

Techno continued "Get up off the roof..."

Phil, quite literally, swooped in at this moment, saying, "You're scaring us, all of us. Some of us love you- Achilles it's not much but there's proof." 

Oh right... Tubbo. What would happen to him? To Michael?

"B-But I betrayed... everyone. I can't just-"

Phil and Techno shared a look, both knowing this wasn't true. They couldn't convince the boy otherwise, though, and so they did the bets they could. "You crazy assed cosmonaut, remember your virtue, redemption lies plainly in truth..."

"Y-Yeah?" Ranboo said, starting to believe their words.

"Of course this is true, Ranboo. We love you, and so does Tubbo. You can't just throw away everything like this."

"You- I- yeah... you're right." Ranboo stuttered pointlessly.

"So please, Ranboo, just come down safely..."

He did come down.

Who's to say it was the way they asked?

Who's to say his shivering body hit the pavement, eyes full of regret as soon as his feet left the edge. Eyes that were now dull and empty.

....not quite lifeless just yet

a/n: part two? or does ranboo just die?
