"I Promise" ~Ranboo~

TW- crying? panic attacks

a/n: hello! to be clear, there is no shipping in this oneshot! i do not condone shipping of minors or people who are uncomfortable with it. i also see like no content on wattpad with ranboo in it, so i decided to write some myself. enjoy!

Ranboo woke up to the sound of sobbing. "Tubbo? Are you okay?" Ranboo already knew the answer. By now, this was his daily routine.
1. Comfort Tubbo about missing Tommy.     
2. Visit Tommy and Techno, and tell Tommy what's been happening in L'Manburg.      
3. Listen to Fundy's issues, then hang out with him.        4. Try with all his might to become friends with everyone, but end up disappointing everyone.

Ranboo was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of a sob. He rushed to hug Tubbo, and it comforted him as much as the other in his arms. Tubbo soon pulled away, though, and left with a quick thank you. Ranboo stared after him, sitting on his knees, in the silence of his house.

After going through his 'routine', Ranboo was exhausted. He sat in the corner of his room, keeping his crying as quiet as possible. Tommy had yelled at him earlier, taking out all his pent-up feelings out on Ranboo. He understood, of course he did. He always did. He was always there. But where was everyone else? When he was crying in his bed, sobs shaking his body, why were they laughing and talking without him? He knew he did something to deserve it. It was always his fault. His breathing quickened, and he couldn't tell how loud he was being anymore. He didn't care. They could laugh at him. He tried the breathing exercises his mother taught him, but nothing was working.

Unbeknownst to him, someone had picked up on the crying. "I'll be right back..." Tubbo said. He was surprised to see that the crying was coming from Ranboo's house. "Ranboo..?" Tubbo called out. There was no response other than erratic breathing and sobs. Tubbo realized he had no clue what he was doing. He had one thought. I need to get the others.

"Fundy! Come quick please! It-It's Ranboo!" Tubbo called out, panting.

Fundy's face became serious as he sprinted in the direction of Ranboo's house. He could hear sobs as he came closer, and could practically feel his heart break into a million pieces. "...nboo? Can... ..ear us?" Ranboo nodded, and strained his ears to hear their words.

"Hey, big man, it's Tommy. You're gonna have to try to breathe ok?" Ranboo felt comforting arms wrap around him, and he sobbed harder. "It's ok. Try to match my breathing, alright?"

Okay. He. He could do that. Ranboo listened to the comforting sound of Tommy's beating heart as his breathing evened out.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered. He just had to fuck things up, didn't he?

"What- no, you shouldn't be apologizing, it's our fault we didn't notice. Could you tell us what's going on?" Fundy said, feeling guilty.

"It's just... I'm always the one who has to be there for everyone. I'm stuck being Tommy's Tubbo, and Tubbo's Tommy. Then once they're okay again, they leave me in the dust. I try to be everyone's friend, but they just end up hating me." Ranboo muttered.

Everyone sat in silence, shocked for a moment. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" Ranboo started.

"No." Tubbo immediately shut him down, "We're sorry Ranboo, next time we'll be there for you. I promise."

Ranboo smiled. Maybe it was bad that it took him breaking down for them to notice, but at least they knew. He would be alone anymore! I mean, Tubbo promised! You can't break promises.

That was the day Ranboo learned that promises were just lies in disguise.
