Adopted (pt2) ~Ranboo~

a/n: ahaha... it's been a while. sorry about that. anyways i wrote this so here you go. (also sorry this one is shorterrr D:)

TW- panic attacks, misgendering, self harm, derealization 

Ranboo found themself thinking about the old woman a lot more often. She was the one who got their name legally changed... Ranboo missed her so much. As they sat in their room for nearly a week, they realized they HAD stayed with another kid before... Niki. She was with them at the old woman's house. They got separated when the old woman died... God, Ranboo missed them both so much. 


Wilbur asked for advice from his closest (most trusted) friend... Niki. "I just don't know what to do-- I-I fucked up, Niki."

"Wil, you never even said the kid's name." Niki said, slightly amused despite the situation.

"Ranboo." Wilbur breathed out.

Niki froze. "...Ranboo?"

"Yeah." Wilbur said before seeing her face. "You know him?"

"THEM!" Niki nearly shouted. "I... sorry, did they not tell you?"

"No... h-they never told us." Wilbur replied, still concerned.

"Let me see them." Niki said, more serious than she had been all day.


There was blood on their wrists... when had they--

They didn't remember, oh god they couldn't remember, they promised Niki, why couldn't they just-

"Ranboo? Oh, Ranboo..." Someone broke through their thoughts.

"N-Niki?" Ranboo whispered, not daring to turn around. "Oh. You're the fake one again... Why would she even come? God, you're such an idiot, Ranboo."

"No, Ranboo, it's me.." Niki whispered, touching their shoulder. When was the last time they had been touched lovingly? Years ago? Ranboo nearly collapsed under her gentle touch.

"No. No, no, no, you're not real this can't be-" and that's when Niki pulled them into a hug.

"It's okay, Ranboo, you're going to be fine." Niki whispered.

Ranboo fought the tears, but soon sobs were wracking their body. "No, no, no, no. It's not, I broke our promise. I'm so sorry Niki I-"

"It's okay. I'm so proud of you for keeping our promise for so long. It's okay that you're not perfect. You're amazing to me, and I know you tried really hard." She said, moving herself onto the bed next to Ranboo.

"Niki why are they nice- Niki they won't act normal! They won't punish me- why haven't they hurt me yet?" Ranboo sobbed, sounding so sincere in their words that Niki's heart broke.

"Ranboo, people hurting you isn't normal. Phil is safe, and Wil is safe, and everyone in this house will never let you get hurt again. I didn't even know you were here, but now that I do I promise to visit as often as I can." She promised, running her fingers through Ranboo's hair.

"Promise?" Ranboo asked softly, sounding like a little kid.

"I promise."


In the days following Niki's visit, Ranboo came out of their room more often. After Niki accidentally outed them to Wilbur, she made him promise not to tell anyone else until Ranboo wanted them to know.

A week after, Phil knew that Ranboo had to head to school. It was important for a kid their age to go to school, even if Phil didn't want to make them go. Phil made sure to get the kid whatever they needed for school, but Ranboo was more reluctant ever since that night.

Either way, Monday came way to soon, and Ranboo had to head to school.


Ranboo sluggishly got up and got dressed for the day, dreading the thought of having to go to school. They put on the best clothes they had: black jeans, black and white shirt, several rings, and a maroon beanie.

They piled into the car, everyone kind of squished. It was going to be a long day...
