Chapter 6

I didn't want to go home. I knew that if I did go home then I would start crying again for the hundreth time. I'm so sick of crying. It doesn't do any good. So I walked to the very end of Zack's porch and sat on the swing. Zack's little sister came out and sat next to me.

"Erika is everything ok with you and Zack?" she asked looking concerned.

"Jess hun everything is fine. I promise. We are just having a little dispute. It's nothing to worry about," I assured her. I put my arm around her tiny shoulders.

"Good because he's leaving soon. And he loves you," she said.

"I know he loves me. And I love him. Jess we need to plan a going away party for him. Would you like to do that with me?" I said.

"Yes I would. And Erika will Zack die when he goes into the Marines? I heard mommy and daddy talking about how a lot of Marines have died in war." she told me tears filling her beautiful eyes.

"No no hunny he won't die. Zack is strong he won't die," I reassured her pulling her closer to me. She buried her face into my shirt and started bawling. I felt so bad for her.

I got up and lifted her up so I was holding her. I walked back into the house. We went to Zack's bedroom door. I knocked lightly then opened the door. Zack was sprawled out on his bed with earphones in his ears. He was lip singing to some song. Jessie and I both bursted out laughing. Zack turned to look at us aware of someone watching him. He smiled embarrassed.

"I thought you left," Zack said confused.

"No I was never going to leave. I shouldn't have rushed into it. But I was thinking that we could all go to the fair tonight," I told them.

"Can I go!" Jessie screamed excitedly.

I gigled," of course your coming with right Zack."

"Yes Jess we wouldn't go without you. Let me get my wallett," Zack said hesitantly.

I smiled I knew that Zack didn't want to take his little sister. But I felt bad for her seeing her cry. I had to make it up to her. So I thought going to the fair would cheer her up. Zack grabbed his keys off his desk. Then he walked out of his room and held the front door open for us. I smiled at him walking out the door. He gave me a half smile back. I didn't look into it. I put Jessie in the back of Zack's truck. I buckled her into her carseat. Then I climbed into the front seat. Zack hopped into the driver's side and cranked the engine over.

I looked over at Zack on our way to the fair. He didn't look happy. He looked sad. I grabbed his right hand and held it. He looked at me and smiled. Tears were in his green eyes. I looked at him confused. Then I knew why he had tears. One lone tear slid down his cheek. I squeezed his hand. This would be the first time I have ever seen Zack cry. He pulled into an empty lot and turned the car off. I got out of his truck and went over to his side. I opened the door and pulled him out. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked into his eyes and saw that tears were sliding down his cheek uncontrollably. I hugged him. He put his arms around my waist but didn't hug me.

"Zack it'll be ok," I whispered.

"Erika I'm going to miss you soo much. What about Jessie? She needs a big brother. She's my only sister Erika. I'm going to miss her soo much too," he whispered back.

"I'll take care of her I promise," I assured him.

"Erika I can't ask you to do that," he tried.

"You didn't ask me to. I'm volunteering to do it. Besides she does have another older brother. And what she needs is a big sister," I smiled.

"I know she has another brother. But Erika he's not here. Did you see him at the house. Do you ever see him. NO! BEcause he's in jail!" Zack said hastily. I pulled away from him and saw that he wasn't crying anymore.

"Come on we promised Jess we would go to the fair," I said kissing his cheek.

We got back into the truck and Zack pulled out of the lot and headed towards the fair.

A/N It's been awhile since I've updated. So here it is. I've been busy with semester tests. :( But now school's out! Sadly next week I start my job. Anywho vote? No oh well umm. This is a little awkward now. HAha. Tell me what you thought.
