Chapter 5

I woke up the next morning feeling groggy. I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. I dreamt that Zack was in war and I was carrying a plate of his favorites cookies over to him. Well when I was halfway across the battle field Zack yelled at me to not step there. I guess there was some kind of mine there. But I didn't hear him. So he ran towards me a pushed me out of the way. But the mine went off and he lost a leg. So I woke up crying. What am I going to do without Zack here? I heard a noise and snapped back to reality. My phone was going off. I looked at the caller ID and Liza was calling me.

"Hey, whats up?" I said.

"Erika, Jordan told me about Zack," she answered back.

"Well not much I can do about it," I told her.

"Yeah but you should be happy for him. He's doing something big. He's doing more than Jordan is," Liza whined.

"What's Jordan doing?" I asked her.

"Sitting on my couch eating chips watching t.v. being a fatass. Jordan get off your butt and go do something! You can't sit around like this all summer!" she yelled.

"At least you will see your boyfriend all summer," I whined to Liza. Liza sighed. "What was that sigh for!?" I yelled.

"Well you can't be moping around like this. And you will get to see him for awhile. He doesn't leave until 3 weeks," Liza added.

"Liza what would you do if it was Jordan going into the Marines?" I asked her irritated. I can't believe she was acting like this. Sure I do get to see hime for three weeks. But still as my best friend she should be comforting me not getting annoyed.

"I would mope around at first when he told me then I would make the most of the time that I have with him," she said with satisfaction. I know that that's not the truth. She would be bawling her eyes out too. She would spend a whole week in her bedroom crying.

"Whatever. Liza I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you!" I said disgusted.

"Erika I'm not perfect far from it at that fact. I might have an amazing boyfriend not one that yells at me all the time!" Liza yelled at me through the phone.

"He doesn't yell at me all the time. We do get in fights. Every couple gets in fights. It's what normal couples do!" I yelled back. This was a pointless fight we are having. So I hung up on her. I got out of bed and went into my bathroom. I stripped and got into the shower. The hot water felt nice against my skin. Thirty minutes later I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I was going to show Zack what he will be missing when he leaves.

I ran a brush through my hair and put on my makeup. I threw on ripped white skinny jeans with a sequinced pink tank top. I put on my wedge sandals and grabbed my purse. I went out my back door and got into my car. I had texted Zack I was coming over. It took me 5 minutes to get to Zack's house. I turned the car off and knocked on his front door. His little sister Jessie answered the door.

"Hi Erika, Zack is in his room," she told me.

"Thank you Jessie. You look adorable today," I said. Jessie is only five. I walked through the living room and down the hallway. Zack's room is the second door on the right. I knocked on his bedroom door and opened it.

"Hey babe how's it going?" he asked.

"Okay how about you?" I said.

"You know how it's been," he said smiling. I patted the spot next to me on his bed. Instinctively he sat down next to me. I entangled our hands together. I kissed him on the lips. He put his arms around my waist and pulle me closer to him. I was sitting on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We fell back together onto his bed. I lifted his shirt off of him. We made out some more and I was going to unzip his pants.

"Woah there babe slow down," Zack said breathless.

"Why?" I asked still kissing him.

"We don't have to be in a rush to do anything," Zack inquired.

"We're not rushing," I said trying to get him to focus on the kissing again.

"Erika stop I don't want to do it right now. Not when I leave in three weeks. I want to make sure you don't just want to have sex with me because you think that will make me stay here. Because either way I'm stilling going into the Marines," Zack said.

I let out an exasperrated sigh. I slid off of Zack's lap and crossed my arms around my chest.

"We can still make out," he suggested.

"I'm not in the mood to now," I told him. He laughed. I gave him my best bitchy look. That made him laugh even harder. I got up and stormed out of the room.

"Hunny don't be like that. I'm sorry," he said standing in his doorway. But it was too late I was out the door. I didn't have to sit in there watching him laugh at me.
