Chapter 1

I looked out the window out into the cold dark street. I've never done this before and i don't know what it's supposed to feel like. I've tried wine and vodka before but I've never actually gotten drunk before. And now here I am standing here drinking with my best friend Liza. I looked at her and took the drink. It was doctor pepper with some kind of vodka mixed in with it. I took a sip and it tasted good. So I took a big sip. It burned as the liquid slid down my throat. I swallowed hard and handed the glass back to Liza. She took a drink and i grabbed the cup out of her hand. I finished the drink off. She made another one and we finished that one off to. By the thrid one I was drunk. I was jumping up and down and singing to a song on the radio. I burped loudly and Liza and I burst out laughing.

"Erika I think your drunk." Liza slurred.

"Oh why haven't I done this before it feels so good," I exclaimed. I went to her fridge and got out a Mikes hard lemonade and slipped it into my overnight bag for later. Liza looked at me funny and then just laughed it off. The was the sound of the doorbell and Liza and I panicked. We couldn't let anyone know we were drunk. We are underage for goodness sakes. I looked at Liza and motioned her to answer the door. When she opened the door I was relieved to find that it was Jordan (Liza's boyfriend) and his friend Zack. Jordan has blonde hair and blue eyes. He is kinda chubby but he is not fat. Zack Has dark brown hair with brilliant beautiful green eyes. He is tan and tall and muscular.

"Hey Erika." Zack said.

"Hey there Zack," I said flirtingly.

They came inside and Jordan kissed Liza and said, "you've been drinking."

"Heh yeah." Liza confessed.

Zack slid his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug. Zack and I have been friends for about a year and we have always flirted with each other. Though we don't dare date each other now because he will be going off to college and plus he has a girlfriend now. But I think I love him. For a while I told myself to put that thought aside. But now I can't help bu think about him and how much I couldn't live without him. Zack Pushed hois lips against my neck. I giggled at his kiss. He worked his way up to my cheek. Then he stopped and lifted his head. He put his forehead against mine and leaned in close.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" he asked.

"Is that even a question," I said. He leaned forward more and his lips were about to touch mine but I moved backwards.

"It's not going to be that easy. I want to have some fun," I said laughing. I gestured for Zack to follow me. Then I turned around and went into Liza's room. "Ok so let's play truth or dare," I suggested. Zack nodded his head.

"Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth," I replied.

"Is it true that you made out with your dog?" he asked.

"No of course not! That was a vicious rumor!" I yelled.

"Ok. Now your turn," he said.

"Truht or dare?" I said. "Dare," he said with courage. " I dare you to run outside with a thong on." I said.

"Are you kidding it's snowing outside!" he exclaimed.

" Your not scared are you?" I mocked.

"Give me the thong!" he said. Zack put the thong on and walked out into the living room. Liza and Jordan saw him and laughed. Zack glared at them. Then he went outsde and ran down the street. When he turned to run back to the house I yelled at Liza to lock the backdoor. I locked the front screed door. Zack came up on the porch and tried to open the door.

He pounded on the glass and yelled, "open this damn door now I'm freezing my ass off!" I laughed at him. We saw the neighbor ladies curtains open and she looked out the window. She looked horrified at seeing Zack's bare butt. I laughed even harder. She ran from the window and yelled for her husband. We heard their door open and the neighbor lady's husband yell at Zack. Liza, Jordan, and I just laughed. Finally Zack found an open window and crawled through.

"You look cold Zack what happened?" I asked innocently.

"Shut the fuck up!" he yelled.

A/N This is my first story I have written on here I hope you guys like it. Vote please.
