Chapter 12

I stood there still not moving just staring. This time I was staring at a picture of Zack and I. Ezra started crying. I knew I should go pick him up, or change his diaper. But I couldn't move.

"Erika sweetie Ezra needs you," my mom said.

I nodded and slowly walked to his room. I picked him up and carried him to the living room. Then I sat down on the couch with him. I look down at his little face. He looks so much like Zack. Tears started forming in my eyes. I tried to hold them back. But I had lost, the tears started streaming down again.

"Here give me Ezra, you go take a nap," mom tells me.

I obey and give her Ezra. I shuffle to my room and slip under the covers. I stare up at the ceiling and slowly drift off to sleep.

I'm standing in a dessert. I cam see Zack. I try to call out to him. But he's too far away. I run towards him. Then I see someone sneaking up behind him. I scream at him telling him there is someone behind you. I see the guy who snuck up behind Zack stab him in the back. I wake up then.

When I wake up it is dark out. I crawl out of bed and go into the kitchen. There I make myself a sandwich. I saw my mom is still here. She's sleeping on the couch. I pour myself a glass of milk. I sit at the table eating.

When I finish the sandwich and milk I take a shower. After my shower I dress in one of Zack's t-shirts and sweatpants. Then I go into Ezra's room and gently pick him up, making sire I don't wake him. I sit down in the rocking chair and hold him watching him sleep.

I don't know how long my mom stood at the doorway. I didn't know she was even there until she spoke, "Erika you are a great mom. I'm sure everything will be alright. Think positive. I'm sure Zack is alright and will be home soon."

I look up at her and smile, " thanks but I have this feeling telling me he is dead. I wish I could shake this feeling but I can't. I don't know what to do if he is dead. I'll be a single mom. He is my first love. I'll never get this feeling back."

"Yes you will. If he is dead it will take time to heal. But you will find someone else to be with. You will love again," she says.

"But I will never have the same feelings as I do for Zack. And I can't bear the thought of Ezra growing up not knowing his real dad," I reply.

"I know sweetie," is all she says.

I realize I take her for granted. Whenever I need help she is always there for me. She doesn't hesitate to come help.

"Thank you," I tell her.

"For what?" she asks.

"For always being there for me. I want to be the mom you are to Ezra," I reply.

"It's all about being a mother. You'll find that whenever your child needs help you will always help them. But times won't be easy for you when that little guy is a teenager. Not if he is anything like you. But whatever he does you will love him unconditionally."

"I was a pretty bad teenager. But you are right. I love you mom."

"I love you too."

A/N Hey peoples! So it's coming closer to the end of this story. Didn't you just love the little mother daughter bonding? I did. This is a short chapter. I know I'm sorry. Well vote, fan please and have a good day/morning/afternoon/night. Haha.
