
Satori wakes up , her vision very blurry , but she could shape out that a bunch of people are surrounding her.

"She's awake !!!!"
"Finally !!!!"
"Neo-Nature !"

Satori is confused at the what's happening.

"Move aside" she remembered that voice to be Amane's. "She can't see us yet"  she presumes that the figure standing beside her is Amane. "Here you go" she then gave Satori a new pair of glasses. Enabling the girl to see clearly.

She was surprised that a bunch of heroes surrounded her. On her right side were Amane and Shiozaki. "Uhm ... What's going on ?" She asked.

Then everyone cheered.

"You were amazing Satori ! You managed to stop the Nomu !" Shiozaki said loudly so that Satori would hear her over the cheers of the heroes.

Roots then came in and quickly , everyone silenced themselves. They then gave way to Roots. "Everyone of you , return back to your stations. Leave me , Shiozaki and Tears alone with Satori" he ordered. They then obeyed.

Satori looked down and dwindled with her thumbs. "Soo .... What happened after everything ?"

"Where do you wanna start ?" Asked Amane. "You slept for 2 days straight-"

"I slept for 2 days !?" Satori said in disbelief. "Agh" she then felt sores around her body.

"Woah , calm down kid , you're still healing " Amane said. "Anyways , let your Grandfather tell it all"

Satori then turned to her Grandpa. She then feels a bit tensed.

Roots cleared his throat and began to speak. "During our assault on Don Gasho's forces , he had initially planned on demolishing the agency... Along with my home. But , as I first arrived at the scene. I was stunned to sense that a Nomu was immobilized along with a girl wrapped in vines. You and Shiozaki were badly injured as well"

Satori then turned to Shiozaki who have her a soft smile. "Shiozaki..." she felt bad , knowing that Shiozaki had sustained bad injuries.

"I'm alright Satori , Tears healed me" Shiozaki reassured her.

Satori then realized that Amane was there all safe and sound . "Tears ... Amane... Y-your-"

"Yup , I'm here ! I'm alive ! I'm well-" Satori hugs Amane which caught the hero by surprise. Amane smiled at the girl and stroked her hair. "Hey ... Sorry if I made you worry. But I gotta say you were one tough cookie"

Satori then listened on what Amane is about to say. "You and Shiozaki were badly injured , broken bones , deep wounds , blood loss... My healing tears weren't enough so we called on Recovery girl and a doctor as well. You guys undergoed surgery"

Satori was shocked by this , she wanted to say something but decided on keeping quiet and continued on listening to Amane.

"Shiozaki woke up last night , we decided to have a party but she wanted to have it once you woke up...  Anyways , everyone was worried about you. Even Recovery girl told us that she doesn't know when you'll wake up but-"

Shiozaki was the one who continued Amane's sentence. "But we were happy to see you awake and well !"

"Yeah about that" Amane joined in once again. "We couldn't do anything about your hair and eyesight though"

"My hair ?" Satori then remembered that she cut her hair during the battle. Now its short around her shoulders. "I'm cool with it ... But what about my eyesight ?"

"It was badly injured during the battle.  We tried healing it even with Recovery girl's kiss and my healing tears but ... It became permanent" Amane said.

"Its fine ... At least I could still see. And , even if I become blind,I can still sense the things around me" Roots rose a brow at Satori's words. "Enough about me , what happened to the Nomu and that girl"

"Oh you mean Eterna" Amane clarified.

Satori nodded. "What happened to her ? Don't tell me she was thrown to jail as well"

"No , that kid. Over my dead body" exclaimed Amane. Satori was confused on this.

Amane then began to explain. "I actually found potential in that kid and beg the old man to let me take her under my wing"

"Amane was very stubborn , but I trust her judgement" said Roots.

"I'll mold that kid into becoming a hero" Amane muttered to herself. "Anyways , since its your last night here. How about we have a little party. To revel in our victory !!!! And your recovery" she said happily.

Shiozaki nodded.

"Roots ?" Amane turned to him. The old man sighed. "You all deserve it. You have my consent"

"Alright !" Amane and Shiozaki beamed happily. They then turned Satori. "So what do you say ?"

"M-me ?"

"We can't have a party if we don't have entertainment" Amane said.

"Don't tell me-"

"Yup ! Your gonna sing for us" Amane said gleefully.

"What !? No .. No ... No.."

But Amane was very stubborn. So Satori had to give in. Outside the infirmary

"Tch ..." Eterna clutched her fist in anger.

And so all the heroes prepared for a little celebration. Even though many have sustained grievous injuries , it didn't stop them from smiling. Half helped restore the damages , while the other half prepared for the party.

"Oh , Eterna. Come and help us here" said Detect as she and other heroes sweeped the hall but the girl ignore her.

"Eterna , can you use your quirk to raise those debris" Swap said as he cleans the ruins with other heroes. Eterna just rolled her eyes and ignored him.

"Heroes ... How dare they mock me ? I'm sure by now they're laughing behind my back" Eterna muttered to herself as she walks around the agency.

Shiozaki was walking in the opposite direction , struggling to balance a pile of plates. "Woah .. Woah !!!!"

She then tripped , Eterna then used her quirk to let the plates float.

"S-sorry ... Oh , Eterna" Shiozaki happily said. "Thank you so much"

"Whatever" she looked away. "Why are you having trouble when you can just use your quirk ?"

"My vines are kind off short at the moment , I plan on using them if they're strong once again" Shiozaki said. "Why don't you help us in preparing for the night ?" She invited.

"Hah !? Me help you guys out. What a waste of my time" Eterna said and left.

Shiozaki just looked at Eterna. "Right ..."

"Agh ! Why the heck did I even agree to this ?!" Satori complained to herself. "I could've just said no ... But why am I always a yes-sayer !?"

Amane then entered the room. "Hey , how's your performance for later ? Wanna help with practice ?" She offered.

"I don't need practice ... I'll just sing some songs that I sung before" Satori said.

"Ever since you entered U.A. , I'm starting to have a hard time believing that your Peppy Poppoyo"Amane said. 'In fact ... You've gradually change Satori. Your becoming your own person'

"Its been so long since I least heard that name" Satori said.

"What , you mean Peppy Poppoyo ? True ... But your still damn famous even if you took a break in your career" Amane said.

"Yeah ,I know that" Said Satori. "Strange , I'm starting to miss being called by that name"

"Alright ! From now on I'll be calling you Neoppy !"

"What !?"

"Neoppy , a mix between Peppy and Neose. Also , I think it would be a better name then Neo-Nature in my opinion"

"I won't choose such a hero name !"

"Awe but its cute and catchy"

Satori pouted. "Fine ... You can call me Neoppy"

Amane grin. "That's what I like about you ... Neoppy" she then chuckled.

"Its getting annoying now"
