
Neose's P.O.V.

U.A. ! U.A. !

The prestigous school for heroes-in-training. A school where students are being molded into heroes of tomorrow ,where the elite learn ... Where my mom and dad studied before.

I just couldn't believe that I've been enrolled into it , and through recommendations. Grandpa... Even if I was seperated from him , he still watches over me.

Now , only one hindrance left. How can I tell this to Aunt Miwa ? She'll flip knowing that I'm going to following my Grandpa's will , or maybe she won't. Gaaahhh !!! Why must I always be stuck in the middle !?

I know , I'll think of a way to persuade her. I won't mention my mom , dad or even grandpa to her. Only that I've been accepted to U.A.. Afterall , I need my education as well , right ?

I just got to find the right words to say and the right time to tell.


"So Neose , why all of the sudden you wish to have a little meeting with me ? I hope it is important , I am very busy"Aunt Miwa said looking very impatient. She was wearing her business clothes. Good thing her secretary managed to let me squeeze in her tight schedule.

"Uhm...Uh-" I was nervous on telling her about me going into U.A. What if she won't allow it !? Will she flip !? Get mad ? I'm just to scared.

"Just spill it out already !" Aunt Miwa snapped as punched the table causing the glass of juice beside her to spill.

"I got into U.A. !!!" I finally blurted out.

Aunt Miwa was stunned. Silence filled the room. She looked at me with a surprised expression while I was looking down on m lap.

I decided to break the tension , taking a deep breath and final speak. "Aunt Miwa , I've been enrolled to U.A. academy. I-"

"You don't have to repeat it. I'm not deaf" She cutted in , she looked at me with slight anger. "But that isn't a funny joke Neose"

"I'm not joking-"

"-You can only enter that school through their exam or through recomendations" She cutted once again. "And I've never even let you enter the exam nor have recomended you"

"But I have-"

"Stop joking ! Stop dreaming you've entered that school ! You must've had a blissful nap , thinking your dream has become reality" She said with certainty. She looked at me with a face saying that I'm just a dimwitted child who needs to be guided. "Please Neose , the more you act like that the more you remind me of your brother" Then those words pierced me .

"How... How dare you say that" I muttered under my breath , but what was the point of saying this to her ? "Don't talk about my brother ..." I said again. I couldn't control the words coming out of my mouth. If this goes on ,then my chances of going to U.A. are getting slimmer by the second.

I took a deep breath regaining my calmness... I looked at Aunt Miwa's eyes , "I have the letter right here to prove it" I said to her with confidence. I took out the letter and gave it to her. "Read the contents"

Aunt Miwa took it and read it. It's clear on her face pure hatred on what she is seeing... After reading she finally spoke , "I see ... That pitiful grandfather of yours is trying to make a move again" She then crumples the paper and grins. "I'll dispose of this and forget all about this little fiasco"

I had enough ... "THAT IS IT !!!" I finally said standing up from my seat. "I'm heading to U.A. ! I will enroll as a student and I shall become a Hero !" I said full of conviction. I looked at Aunt Miwa's eyes but she had an unreadable expression.

"Aunt Miwa..."

She then started chuckling which made me freak out. Did she snap !? She finally spoke , "You enrolling to U.A. will be a great leap to your career !!!" She said excitedly. "Peppy Poppoyo , enrolling as a student at U.A. the most prestigous school. You'll be more popular by the second !"

My eyes widened at what I am seeing... She's using me as a student at U.A. to boost popularity , while I just want to be a student and follow my dreams. If only my Aunt Miwa would allow me to follow it...

"We'll advance the press conference a day before to have you prepared for school !" Aunt Miwa said.


Morning News :

Incident during at the USJ has lead to success in capturing the unknown being Nomu and save the Class 1-a students.

The heroes No. 13 and Eraser head have been injured greatly but are now at the road to recovery.

We thenk Allmight for saving the day and defeating Nomu...

We have been denied on giving interviews to the students for reasons...

In other news , the popstar Peppy Poppoyo will be having a special conference and interview after her 4 year Asia tour. Fans are excited for her appearance...

And rumour has it she will be having a special announcement during the interview.


"After the media finishes interviewing you ,  that is when you announce that you will be studying at U.A." Aunt Miwa said as I am being make-up.

"Of course Aunt Miwa" I said sounding like a robot.

"Now , smile for the camera and don't look like a ditzy girl. If it comes , I shall back you up" She said , although I mostly expect that she'll be doing most of the talking.

"Right..." That is what I only say.

After finish preparing , it was time to go and face the media and some adoring fans as well.

As I head into the convention hall ,fans were shouting "Peppy Poppoyo we love you !!!!". The papparazzi flashing camera. I had to smile for them. I gave them winks poses and wave at them.

I then went to the stage to look at the whole crowd. In front are the interviewers while at the back were the fans.

Let the interviews begin...


After an hour of answering interviews and questions from fans and reporters , it was about time for me to announce my enrollment to U.A.

"So , Miss Peppy Poppoyo , we've been told you were going to give a special announcement"

"Is it a new album release ?"

"New tour ?"

"A new project ?"

"Will we hear more about your personal life ?"

The crowd was getting wilder and wilder ... Until , Aunt Miwa took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. "Everyone , please QUITE down" She spoke out.

Then the mood in the room felt gloomy... As expected from Aunt Miwa's Quirk . It's name was Gloom : She is capable of letting any person instantly feel Sad or depressed within a 5 kilometer Radius.

I hated her Quirk , since she would use it as some sort of punishment to me if I defy or either misbehave. It made me remember the pain I've endured in the past ... No- I must move on !

As Aunt Miwa stops using her quirk , it was about time for me to announce my enrollment. "Go on " Aunt Miwa told me.

I took a deep breathe and stood up. "I , Peppy Poppoyo , was recomended to enroll at U.A. academy and will be starting to study at U.A.'s hero course" I said...

Many were excited , cheered , many raised their hands hoping to ask a questions , mostly about the quirk I possess. But I would rather keep it quiet. I really don't give them information about my personal life. I decided to answer some questions...

"But Miss Poppoyo , haven't you heard the news of villains attacking some students at USJ ? Are you sure that school is safe ?" One interviewer asked.

"I know that U.A. is one of the safest school's in all of Japan. And by far the best when it comes to training heroes... Which is why I've decided to study there"I replied.

"Why do you wish to become a hero ?" Another interviewer asked.

"Because -" I couldn't tell them it's because my parents are heroes as well ,it would lead them to ask who they are and then- my whole identity revealed !!!

My Aunt Miwa took the liberty of answering it. What will she say ? "Peppy Poppoyo is made to enroll there to show that she can't just be an idol but also a hero as well... She can do both and one day , she can go beyond-"

"PLUS ULTRA!!!" I said happily raising my fists in the air.

It made everyone hype up. Many asked more questions , but I was starting to get tired and decided it was time to end this conference.

"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise on what lies in store at U.A. "I gave them a smile and wink hoping to satisfy the answer I have for them.

And that concludes the conference


Ochaco's P.O.V.

Me , Mina , Tsuyu , Momo , Tooru and Jiro went to watch Peppy Poppoyo's conference. When we heard the news she was about to attend U.A. , than that means we might see her in school not to mention , she might become one of our classmate !!!

"Oohhh , Peppy Poppoyo's going to study at U.A. , I can't believe it" Mina said.

"I wonder what her Quirk is ?" Asui wondered.

"Probably a strong one ... She went in through just by being reccomnded" Momo said. "But she never told her quirk to the public"

"It's so exciting !!!" Tooru said.

"I can't wait to meet her soon !" And maybe , be her friend...

"One thing's for sure , she'll be the talk of the town once she's entered U.A." Jirou said.

After awhile of chatting , we all headed home. I couldn't stop thinking of being classmates with a teen idol. I wonder what she's like ? Is she strong ? What's her quirk ? Will she be spontaneous ?

But one thing's for sure , I know that Class A's gonna have a new addition to the team.

I wonder what will be Deku's reaction ,when he hears about this ? He'll probably be excited and write notes about Peppy Poppoyo's skill.


Izuku's P.O.V.

"Achoo !" I sneezed. I guess someone's talking about me...

Now where was I ? I then went back to reading my notes and excercise


Neose's P.O.V.

My school uniform has finally arrived , and it fits perfectly on me. I can't wait to wear this at U.A. ! But-what Aunt Miwa told me earlier..

You will wear your Peppy Poppoyo disguise to gain popularity , with that you might gain more attention and fans...

No one needs to see your ridiculous Lavender hair and Blue eyes ... Show them what they want to see...

Even in school , I had to be Peppy Poppoyo. Why must my real identity be hidden ? She wants me to be fake to the public , and she wants me not to be myself even in private ?!

But even if I complain ... Aunt Miwa will just use her Quirk and let me relive a nightmare ,until I obey her.

I'm weak ... I can't face her ...


"Neose , I've made some delicous salad , do you want to eat together ?" Granny Lei asked as she knocked at my door.

I opened the door for her. "Of course , I would love to" I welcomed her in and gave her a soft smile.

We had a silent dinner , I was thinking of Aunt Miwa's plan on making me wear my Peppy Poppoyo disguise.

"The more you think of your dilemma , the more your food gets cold" Granny Lei said which made me realize I hadn't even yet touched my food. "What troubles you child ? Are you nervous of your first day of school ?"

"It's nothing like that ... It's just" I looked at my pink wig and contact lenses place at the shelf. "My Aunt Miwa wants me to dress up as my Idol self...But I don't want to. How can I enjoy being at U.A. if I can't be myself"I said looking down.

"How can I become a hero if all they see is an idol ? I want to carve my own path. When will I get to do wha I want ?" I told Granny Lei pouring every emotion I got inside. "I just want to... Find myself for once"

"Than do it" Granny Lei said , yet I don't understand. "Nothing good comes from going with the flow... There are times you have to take risks and break the rules. Your young Neose , playing safe won't get you anywhere. You have to make your own choices"

"Granny Lei" I was speechless... Break the rules ... Breaking Aunt Miwa's order... Disobeying her commands... Taking risks ...

Only then can I grow...

"Alright , Granny Lei !" I said giving her a determined smile.


"Don’t have to be alone (da da da),
Anymore (da da da)
So shout out to the world with your unyielding heart!"

I was singing one of my songs as I head out to U.A.

I left early , since I don't want my Aunt Miwa to take me to school...

You might be thinking I'm wearing my Peppy Poppoyo make up , or either thought I'm not and just showing my natural face ...

Well , I am wearing one of my glasses since I have very poor eyesight and rather showing my mouth ... I decided to put on a white face mask , just in case some people have keen eyes and are able to recognize me.

As I head out of the Apartment building , I had my head held high. Ready to face my future in U.A. !

"Right !"
