
Neose's P.O.V.

Bakugou ... I'm so happy that you've arrived. But , now I'm terrified !!! I don't know what's more scary , these guys our that nasty smile on your face which is clearly ready to take on the heat.

"I've been itching for some action !!!" He cracked his knuckles and ran to us.

"Hojiou , Saro , Guuo , take care of that spoiled brat. I won't let him touch my doll" I commanded his goons , and without question they did what they were told.

Oh , Bakugou ... Please be careful.

Katsuki's P.O.V.

I guess its a small world , that moron holding Hippie Pharmacist is the same guy who had a bonner just by seeing her from afar. Clearly he's the head honcho , while these assholes , are probably morons who think they can take on a kid.

I think I don't even need to use my quirk on these bastards. Pretty good work out...

As I charge towards the morons , one of them used their quirk which was probably a mutation type quirk. Seeing his knuckles have spikes , that are like brass-knuckles...

Trying to knock me out in one swoop , stupid.

I instantly dodge him making the goon accidentally punch his buddy. I took the chance to side-kick them making them fall on the ground.

The other then charged at me like a ranged lunatic holding a knife.

"I'll chop you up and taste you ! I'll chop you up and taste you !" He repeated which is annoying.

The way he's holding a knife...  looks like an amateur. In fact , they all are.

One good uppercut will do. I dodge every time he tries to cut me. Waiting for an opening ... There !

I gave him a good uppercut , and lying him on the ground.

Guess these idiots are easy as pie. But for a safety measure...

"LET ME GIVE YOU A TASTE OF HELL" I shouted excitedly , my palms are full charged with sweat... Perfect.

One good blast !!!!

I laugh appreciating the work I've done. 3 stupid assholes , almost burn to a crisp ... I should've sweat more to send them to kingdom come.

Now , unto the Big headed Idiot.

As I looked at them , the jerk didn't run away. He was holding Hippie and pointed a gun at her.

"Are you really that desperate ?" I asked him.

He gave a smirk. "Do you not notice what will happen if you use your Quirk on us ?" He taunted.

I then noticed the scent in the air. It smelled like Gasoline . I looked at the moronic Hippie and noticed she was wet... Don't tell me the Bastard poured fucking Gasoline on her. "I've made one of my friends regurgitate some gasoline from him. While you were fighting , I poured gasoline unto my sweet Peppy here"

"Aren't you that brat who was a victim of that slime monster before ?" He asked. This guy's getting on my nerves. "Don't you think I would study people on t.v... Like you ? You were on my lists on people I wanted to play. But Ms. Peppy here is the top one" he strokex her with his fucking gun.

"Your palms excrete sweat similar to nitroglycerin and ignite it at will to create various explosions... Quite a powerful thing... But it also has its weaknesses , like if you use it near a person with gasoline , she'll burn up as well. And more painfull"

This perp may be annoying but he's also smart ... Tch.

"One wrong move boy and a bullet will go straight to her head. Use your quirk and you'll be the one killing her" He taunted appreciating his stupid plan.

What do I do ?

Realizing just now , eversince that Hippie was captured she hasn't yet shivered or cried out loud. The   Damn Pharmacist is calm ? I'm amazed a fragile , snobbish teen idol isn't afraid of being held hostage by her shitheaded stalker. She must have a trick up her sleeve. Or she just must be completely oblivious and stupid at the whole situation she's at.


Neose's P.O.V.

Bakugou's a good fighter. He doesn't need to rely on his quirk to beat up 3 guys ... But now , what should I do ?!

That creep poured gasoline on me , he knows Bakugou's quirk as well. He can't charge at us becauss of the gun pointed at me. Its up to me now !

Good thing the way he wrapped my arms were near my pouch full of rose seeds.

I just gotta reach it without making the creep suspicious ... Slowly ... Slowly ...

"You both are students of U.A. aren't you not ? I thought you'd be stronger than that . What's your motto again ? Plus Ultra ?" He was starting to taunt Bakugou and I can see he's falling for it.

I may not with that guy but one thing's for sure. He can't keep his cool. I need to move fast or else I might end up beaten badly.

Almost ...

Almost ...

Gotcha !

"I've always wondered how a victim of a villain manage to get into U.A... To be honest , I think they just took pity on you" Bakugou snapped.

"THAT IS IT YOU SHITHEAD !!!!" He shouted and charged at him.

In the same moment I made my rose grow and wrap it around the man. "What -" He was shocked at the sudden attack , then he managed to let go of me. He was about to shoot at me but Bakugou used his quirk and made sure that it all centered on the creep.

It was a great explosion and a blinding light . I looked away , but I smelled something burning in the air. Did Bakugou Kill a person !?!?!?!?

"That will teach you" I heard him say.

I hesitated to look at what he has done but curiousity took over me. I was about to scream at what I just saw but Bakugou cut me.

"He ain't dead moron , I just blasted him unconscious" He reassured me , but it wasn't enough.

"T-thank you for coming to save me Bakugou !" I stuttered.

"What ever , use your stupid quirk to tie them up" He ordered. I just followed and did as he said.

"You know Bakugou , I never expected you to come" I said while doing my work.

"Don't think I came to save you. I just passed along by chance. When I recognized that moron before , I know its trouble" He said tieing them up. Tightly.

"Your choking them" I sweat dropped. "Even so , you didn't know I was the one in trouble and yet you came and saved me. I just couldn't help but being grateful to you" I smiled.

"Geez , your always grateful to everyone. Its sickening" He scoffed.

"I am ... Everyperson I  met , every who has helped me along the way. One day , I'll return the favor and become the hero I envisioned myself to be" I said with determination.

"Stupid" He muttered , I looked at him. "Why is that ?" I asked.

"With that kind of resolved your not getting anywhere" He responded.

"Oh , what's your resolve then ?" I asked.

"Beat up the competition and be no. 1" He said plainly. "Take down anyone who stands in my way... Like that stupid Deku and that stupid Half-and-half bastard"

Deku ? Oh , Midoriya ... And Half-and-half bastard is - Shou-kun !

Bakugou then stared to talk. "To be honest , when I heard you'd be a new addition to class 1a , I'd thought you'd be more of a competition. Since you got in because someone reccomended you to the school and that your parents were former Pro Heroes. I'd thought you'd be another challenge" he said.

"But I think I overestimated you. Seeing you easily get captured , the way you use your quirk. I can see I've already surpassed you " He said.

Normal people would get hurt by what Bakugou said but strangely I didn't. I think it gave me drive.

With determination and confidence in my eyes I spoke. "Well then , I guess I have another reason to do my best" I said.

I spoke up "I'll get stronger and show you , I'm going to get better and become a great hero ! You'll regret  saying that I'm not a challenge ... I'll show you"

He looked quite displeased , I expected him to scream at the top of his lungs but didn't.

"Come on" He sighed. "I've already called the police. They'll be here soon. We'd better get going , they'll handle these goons" He then dragged me away.

We then walked , to anywhere , I don't know. We just walked. Good thing we weren't in a crowded place , or else people might wonder why theirs a girl covered in gasoline.

It was a very quite walk , so I decided to talk. "So , Bakugou ... About what that man said earlier. Were you really a victim of a slime villain"

I think I pushed the wrong button. "Shut up" He growled.

I then silenced myself ... But because I am very stubborn. I continued on talking.

"I never knew ... I guess its because I was out of town. In fact , out of the country to be precise. What was the feeling of being held hostage ?" I asked.

"Are you deaf ? I said shut up" He growled.

"It was embarrassing...." He finally said. I eagerly listend to it.

"Being ambitious to become a hero. Being no. 1 . Its my dream ... I could've taken that monster down , but that stupid Deku came along and mocked me. Thinking I can't save myself" He was grittin his teeth.

Midoriya saved him ? I really don't know much about the fued going on with Bakugou and Midoriya , all I know is that Bakugou's a bully toward him .. But why all the hate ?

"I know its not my business ... But why do you despise Midoriya so much ?" I asked.

He then glares at me. "Because that stupid moron needs to know where he should be place" he said with anger in his voice.

I couldn't say anything more ... It may not satisfy my question , but it will have to do.

This guy seriously has some issues ...

"We're here" He said. I didn't realize that we were at the apartment building.

"How do you-" I was shocked.

"I often pass by this place when I head home. I often see you here" He said.

"Thank you so much for today Bakugou" I said.

He just scratch the back of his head looking annoyed. "How many times do I have to tell you quit it with the thanking you Hippie" he said.

"I won't stop thanking you ! Its in my nature" I smiled , but I doubt he could see it because of the mask. "By the way , stop calling me a Hippie... I have a name you know"

"Don't care , of and before you go" I thought he was going to say something tender and sweet but his face looked like a demon as he spoke. "Don't you ever mentiom this to anyone in our class if you don't want to die early" he threatened.

I wasn't scared of him ...

"Sure !" I said in a happy tone. "See you around Bakugou !"

He then left without saying a word...

Better go inside and take a bath then !


Well that concludes the story ...

Just kidding !!!

Its only the finale of the first arc of the story.

Next chapter is the beginning of the sports festival arc !!!!

Wooohhhooo !!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the first arc !!!

Issa Out !!!

Pluuuuuusssssss Ullllltttrrrraaaaaa
