
Satori was very much pleased with herself in the improvement she made. "A little more ..." she muttered to herself.

"Impressive Satori , but that doesn't mean training is over. Continue on until you've mastered it" Roots ordered. The girls then nodded.

"Master Roots ! Master Roots" a hero barged into the training room which startled them. He was panting heavily and looked frightened.

"What is it ?" The old man asked.

"It's Tears and the others-"he panted. " They're..." as the hero told everything , the two girls' eyes widened at the news. They quickly went to the infirmary where Detect was.

She was badly injured and in her eyes show fear. She trembled as she told everything that happened.

"One girl ... They have this girl whose quirk is probably Telekinesis... We first thought she was alone but .... They have other comrades..." Detect paused , afraid to say the next words.

"What is it Detect ?" Roots as but the girl shivered in fear. "Spill it out !" commanded Roots.

"THEY HAVE A NOMU !!!!" Detect said as she trembled. Silence filled the room.

"A nomu ..." Satori's eyes widened. She remembered her classmates once faced a nomu before she transferred. It was during the USJ incident... Her classmates told that the Nomu they faced equalled to Allmights. Satori knows this isn't good news

"The girl and the Nomu wiped us out ... Tears she..."


Detect was thrown back by Eterna's attack. "Are you alright , Detect ?! Can you stand" Tears asked her comrade.

"I expected more from pro heroes ..." Eterna muttered. "I guess I expected to much"

"You watch your mouth brat !" Tears charges at Eterna.

Eterna thought Tears would land a neat punch at her , and so she conjured up a sword to cut her but she was wrong. Tears takes a side step.

"Oh no !" Eterna muttered.

Tears prepares her water pistol filled with her acidic tears. "Gotcha !" She said as she was about to pull the trigger.

But the next moments were gruesome...

"TEARSSS !!!!"

A Nomu suddenly appeared behind Tears and threw her away. Tears landed badly on a tree.

"T-they have ... a nomu !?" Detect trembled. "Are they colleagues with the league of ... villains !?"

Eterna sighed. "How annoying can that man be ? Does he not believe in my powers ? Tch ... Very well then , I guess I have to show them my full power then" The girl then became serious.

"Detect ..." Tears muttered. "Go back ... to the agency"

"What ?"

"You heard me" Tears struggled to stand. "Return back and tell Roots what's happening..."

"What about you ?! Don't tell me-"

"Yeah , pretty crazy right ?"

"Your going to kill yourself tears !!! Don't do it"

Tears struggled standing because of her injuries , but makes an effort to stand.

"I have to do this... Its the only way to buy you some time to escape. Getting killed ... Isn't that one of the things we signed up for? Funny , I'm not...  afraid. Trust me on this Detect. I can handle the heat"

Tears stood up and looked at Detect a smile on her face. Her eyes filled with determinatiom.

"After all I am a Hero !!!!! Now go !!!"

Tears then charges at the two enemies. As Detect tried to return back to the agency.


"Amane ... Grandpa we gotta go back for her ! We have to !" Satori grabbed Detect by her collar.  "Tell us where she is Detect ! Tell us !" the girl demanded.

Shiozaki calmed her down "Satori ..." she pulled her back with her vines. "Please calm down" but Satori resisted. Continued on demanding.

"Behave yourself Neose !" Roots Spoke up.

"But ... Grandpa"

"We'll go and rescue Tears. Treat Detects injuries with the Healing tears" Roots spoke. He then left the infirmary. Satori and Shiozaki followed.

"So Don Gasho has some sort of connection with the villain leagues... If we take him down , we might find a lead on where the league of villains is" Roots muttered to himself.

"Grandpa/Roots " Satori and Shiozaki said at the same time getting his attention.

Roots stopped walking and turned to the 2 girls.

"Grandpa , so what's the plan ?"Satori asked.

"We want to help save our comrades" Shiozaki added.

"I'm sorry girls , but you'll not be part of this" Roots said.

"But ! We're heroes ! This would help us in our placement- for experience !!!" Satori complained.

"This is different !!!" Roots spoke up. "It isn't like capturing thugs on the streets. We are dealing with a bigger threat. One which has threaten to wreak havoc and has shown its true colors... They've already taken down many of our men , and you still wish to join this blood battle ?! You will only be dead weight !"

Hearing those words , Satori was hurt. She then ran away , crying.

"Satori" Shiozaki followed her but Roots stopped her.

"Shiozaki..." Roots spoke to her. "I know I am being to hard on her. But I don't want her to get hurt... I am only doing this to protect her. Neose , she still has a long way ahead of her , she'll face trials she never thought to face. She's been overcoming it little by little , alone ... I hope you watch over her"

"You can count me on that. Satori's my friend and I'll never leave her" Shiozaki said full of promise.

Satori barged into her room and slammed the door , tears rolling down her cheeks. "Stupid Grandpa ...I just wanted to help ..."

Your Grandfather is a fool ...
He does not trust the powers you possess

"Stop ..."

You are much more ...

"Stop ..."

We are much more...


Embrace me and let us show him... Show them all what we can accomplish. Accept me and we shall-

"STOP !!!!!" Satori screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Satori..." Shiozaki said as she opens the door. "A-are you alright ?"

"Shiozaki ,I-I'm fine... Just fine" she then wiped the tears of her eyes. Shiozaki approached the her and sat beside her.

"You don't have to lie ... I heard you screaming" Satori was silent on the vine haired girl's words. "Don't tell me it's trying to take over again , Isn't it ? Don't lie Satori"

The girl nodded her head. "I'm confused Shiozaki ... Her screams are getting louder. Its as if her voice is right in front of me while I'm... disappearing"

"Don't say that Satori ! Don't be afraid of her. She's feeding of your worries for Amane and the others" Shiozaki said comforting the girl.

"What if ... Amane is-"

Shiozaki cut her off. "Stop thinking such negative things ! They are strong heroes Satori , and your Grandfather will do everything to rescue them and stop those villains. Have hope"

Satori nodded. "Right , it was wrong of me to think the worst"

Shiozaki gave a soft smile to the girl. "Now cheer up ... Your Grandfather has called a meeting to all the heroes left behind about the threat" she then stood up.

"Where are you going ?" asked Satori.

"Well , we are heroes... We may not be part of the operation. But we still have the right to listen to them. So are you coming ?" Shiozaki offered her hand.

Satori smiled and took it. "Right"

All of the remaining heroes in Roots Agency are all in the meeting hall. So were Satori and Shiozaki who sat in the back. Roots then stood at the stage , to be seen by all. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Earlier today , I have sent out 12 heroes to apprehend Don Gasho. 12 left but only 1 came back. Due to unforseen events , we are now on high alert. We have been informed that he possesses one of the League of Villains most heinous creations that had attacked USJ and just recently , Hosu City. The Nomu" murmurs were heard about what Roots said.

"Nomus at Hosu... Isn't Iida taking his work placement in Hosu ? I've missed so much news ... Tch , why must we be taken away from any technology and communication?" Satori muttered to herself and continued on listening to her Grandfather.

"Don Gasho's group is a force not to be underestimated. Which is why we attack them with everything we've got ... I know you are worried for our comrades , I too as well. But believe that they are still alive and are still fighting this battle... Which is why , let us combine our brethren and stand by them as we triumph !!!!!!" Roots exclaimed and raised his right hand.

All the heroes roared with determination and agreed to their boss. So did Satori and Shiozaki.


'Amane... Everyone ... Please hold on , you'll be saved soon. By your fellow heroes !'
