
Shiozaki's P.O.V.

"One down" Our opponent said as he looks at Satori lieing on the floor unconscious.

Satori's doing all the fighting , and I'm here stuck. I need to help her , but I can't break free from his roots. Wait - He even made sure to hold my vines. But he made a mistake , I can cut them off ! I moved fast. Cutting off my vines , I regrow some and cut my bindings. I was free !

Roots them looks at me impressed. "I can see you've managed to break free , I guess its your turn then" His roots were fast , I didn't have time to dodge so it was a head on battle.

Vines vs. Roots.

But Roots's roots were strong  , they cut my vines. If this goes on I'll get exhausted and I might reach my limit and run out of vines to grow.

I need to keep fighting !

"How dare you turn away from me"

That voice , I looked to see who said that and it was Satori standing. There was something different about her.

"I'm the one you should be facing" 

The look she gave us , that isn't Satori. Blood lust ... Eyes that wish to kill , a smile that any demon has. What's going on with her.

"Let me show you what I can do !"

She then lunges forward to her grandfather , and uses her quirk , making a rose spear on her hands. That's strange , Satori never used that move before.

Roots then summoned some roots to attack her . Rather than dodging , she charged it head on. Satori cutted every root coming at her. Such speed ... Satori didn't display this before.

Snap out Ibara , I need to focus on the match. With her grandfather focuse on Satori , this is a good time to attack. I used my vines to restrain Roots.

"Oh no you don't !" Satori exclaimed

Then I was then pushed hard to the wall. I was wrapped in rose thorns which hurt.

Did Satori attack me ?

Venus Fly traps are dangerously facing me , attempting to bite me at any moment.

"He is my prey , I'll be the one to beat down this blind coote ... I am better than the other one , stronger and more powerful"

Satori ... That isn't her. Is she possessed ? What sinister being has taken over her body.

"Ho ho" Roots began to spoke. "You've finally revealed yourself. Too bad I cannot see you with my own two eyes"

"You must be the other persona Miwa has created . Allmight has warned me about you. It seems my Granddaughter either has fallen into your clutches , or she has gotten weak and you took this opportunity to take over"

Other persona ? So its true that isn't Satori ... But I still don't understand...

"Tch, your granddaughter is the weakest of the weak. She has no idea on how to control this power ... But I can better manage it , better control it. You old man , teach me more about this quirk and I'll use it beyond your expectations"

"There is more to this quirk ... You are only hiding it"

"True , but this knowledge is for Neose , not you"

"Then I'll force it out of your dead body !"

Satori charges at her Grandfather. Roots does nothing. What is he thinking ?!

"Medusa's Garden"

Satori made thorn plants grow and uses it to whip Roots but , to my shock. Roots manage to dodge each attack. For such an old man and blind hero , he's definitely strong. I should ever underestimate a pro hero ... Mostly a Veteran.

"Tch.." Satori charges at him , and is about to pierce his chest.

"I maybe old but ... You made a big mistake of underestimating me"


"There are allot of things this old man can do" He dodges Satori's attack and chops the back of her neck.

Instantly , Satori looses consciousness again. The thorns around me start to loosen their grip on me , until they ultimately die. I was free.

I head to where Roots and Satori is. There she was lying on the floor.

"S-Satori" I went over to her , but I hesitated , thinking she might rise up and attack me. That image of her demonic side ... what was that ?

"I apologize for you having to see that" Roots began to speak. "I shall explain everything to you , so that you'll understand better"

I nodded.

"Tears , you can come in now" Roots called out and instantly Tears entered.

"What happened to Satori ?" She asked as she went inside.

"Her other side finally surfaced" answeres Roots.

"Really ?!" Tears was shocked on what she heard "What should we do now ?"

"The best thing to do for now is not tell her about it , I doubt she'll have memories of what her other side did... Now take her to the infirmary and get her treated , I wish to speak to Shiozaki about this"

Tears then picked her up bridal style. "Sure" she then left.

Now I was alone with Roots.

The hero gave a heavy sigh and went to his desk and sat.  "My , what a stress full day I've been having ... Anyways , you must be the other intern coming , am I correct ?" Roots didn't give me a moment to answer as he continued to talk. "First of all before we get into this whole internship thing ... I wish to talk to you about what's going on with my daughter for you to better understand..."


Neose's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes and looked around , I was at some sort of infirmary.

"Finally , good to see your awake" I was greeted by Amane.

I remembered what happened before I got knocked out...

"What happened to Shiozaki !? With our battle with Grandpa !?" I stood up but my body screamed in pain.

"Woah ! Woah ! No need to rush kid" Amaned then helps me. "You got injured badly , good thing I got some stored healing tears for you. But it doesn't mean your body isn't aching"

"Thanks" I muttered. But...

"If your thinking about the battle , you guys lost" Amane then gave me my glasses.

"We did ? " How pathetic ... Shiozaki got captured because of me , and Grandpa was too strong.

"Lighten up a bit kid" Amane said. "Don't expect to win a battle against Roots so easily. He's a pro hero for heaven's sake. You did well holding your ground against him. It was impressive for a kid"

I don't know if it was a compliment, but I decided to take it as one.

"Its already late , better head onto you dorms and call it a day"

"What the !? " I looked at the clock and it was already 10:30 pm. "I slept for most of the day !? I just wasted my first day"

"Hey , don't mope about it. Its just the first day , you have a whole week for this placement stuff" Amane said trying to make me feel better. "Anyways , Shiozaki's waiting for you at your designated dormitory. You already know where's the dormitory"

I nodded. Amane then told me what room we were in and I then headed to the said dormitory. I couldn't help but think about our  battle today...

So Frustrating !!!! I gotta improve myself during this internship. That needs to be my goal.

I then arrived at room 28 , this was our designated room. Shiozaki must be inside. I need to thank her for saving me and at the same time apologize ... As I opened the door Shiozaki was there looking outside the window. But something was strange. Her hair-

"Satori ?"



Ibara's P.O.V.

What Satori's grandfather told me was shocking ... Another personality created by her aunt for evil. Poor Satori , but-

"You musn't tell Satori about this , for she might have no memory about it"

Does Satori not remember it ? What if she mentions it ?

The door then opens , it was Satori.

"Satori ?"

"YOUR HAIR'S SHORT !!!!" She exclaimed , she looked shocked.

"Oh yes , it was cut off during the battle earlier" I calmly said.

Then she instantly bowed her head. "Thank you Shiozaki ! And I'm sorry !" She said.

"Satori , please raise your head"

"Just let me do this ... You protected me from Grandpa's fight  but still lost and did nothing. How embarrassing loosing consciousness in the middle of a fight" She said.

"Satori , you don't have to feel bad" She then looks at me , I gave her a warm smile.

"We both were overpowered by your grandfather , which is why . We'll get stronger together !" I cheered her up.

Satori gave a smile. "Right !". So she has no clue of her other side yet...

"Oh , by the way . I need to show you something" I then pulled her to the window.

"Shiozaki..." She was speechless at what she was seeing.

A beautiful view of the mountain and forest. It was dark but the moon gave a perfect lighting making it mysterious attraction.

Satori looked very much amazed at what she's seeing...

Satori , I'll help you loose that other side of you. Don't worry ...
