Chapter ︳07


(Finnish/n.) The extraordinary determination in the face of adversity.

~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

"Although tempting, I prefer you don't hurt Zuko, Master Pakku," I said with a giggle as I sipped away on my hot cup of tea. Master Pakku shrugged his shoulders before seating himself on the fluffy couch while slipping away on his mug. He looked confused as to why I would reject such an 'amazing' offer. I smiled tenderly over my tea, finding myself in a trance, as I absentmindedly watched the tinted green water sway side to side in the cup.

I was confused, oh so confused. After the chaos that unravelled yesterday, Gran-Gran was kind enough to let me stay the night and cry out every emotion that I had. I was disappointed in myself; I should have remained calm, not snap like how I did. But between the argument with Katara and Zuko, I guess I had reached my limit. Gosh, Zuko. I bite my lip thinking about him again, was it stupid of me to still crave his company after everything he did? That in my weakest moment, my instinct was to cry to Zuko, even though he was the reason I was upset? Flashes of Zuko being shocked, angry, and then disappointed kept replaying in my mind.

"What are you thinking about so hard, you look like you are ready to run back to him," Gran-Gran spoke as she poured tea into her cup, it was clear her nose was still a bit stuffy from her cold. I looked up at her, a bit startled. "I-I don't know. I keep remembering his face. He looked so surprised when Katara mentioned his engagement." Gran-Gran snorted and waved away my concerns, "He was shocked because he got caught, that's why. You can't trust men." Master Pakku raised a brow at Gran-Gran, and coughed, "I'm right here you know?" He said defensively. Gran-Gran began swatting her hand once again, "That includes you too." She said as she turned back around and continued cooking away.

I smiled looking at Master Pakku's face of defeat, before he let out a breath and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "That's why I love her, she is a feisty one." Master Pakku gazed over Gran-Gran with a look of pure admiration before he took another sip, "She acts all big and tough, but give her one compliment, and she crumbles." He said with a chuckle. I smiled, seeing the way Master Pakku and Gran-Gran interacted made me happy yet blue, would Zuko and I have been like that? I groaned to myself, "What do I do?" I whispered.

"Hear him out." My head shot upwards, surprised to notice it was Master Pakku who spoke. He noticed my astonishment because he continued, "Your Grandmother is stubborn alright, but like any grandparent, it's not a nice feeling to see your grandchildren get hurt. But if your gut is telling you something is wrong, listen to it. Should Fire Lord Zuko be engaged, do you not think that word of it would travel around the Nations? It would be quite a grand occasion." He began. I listened carefully, taking note of what he was trying to hint, could it have been a misunderstanding? There was truth to his words, anything that ever happened with royalty always resulted in gossip amongst all Nations, could Katara have made a mistake?

" think...I should give him another chance?" I asked. Master Pakku eyed Gran-Gran, making sure she was still distracted and ear-shot away before shaking his head, "I know how it feels to not explain one's self to the person you care about most. It was my biggest regret not telling your grandmother how I felt about her during our times in the Northern Tribe. But it was also your grandmother's biggest regret not giving me a chance to speak, to listen before she left... But you didn't hear any of this from me." He swiftly ended before silently sipping on his tea.

As if on cue, Gran-Gran placed a large lid on a pot before wiping her hands clean on her dishtowel. Her stew must be finished. I stood up with my empty cup and placed it in the sink, "I should get going... the others must be worried." I started. Gran-Gran frowned and placed her hand on my shoulder, "Remember, if anyone starts trouble with you, you let me know. I'll straighten them out." She sternly spoke. I grinned and nodded my head, "I will Gran-Gran. Thank you for letting me stay the night and the tea." I started. Gran-Gran smiled before hugging me tightly. I embraced her back, "Anything for my Grandchildren." She muttered in my hair.

I pulled away before waving at Master Pakku, "Thank you for the advice... on Waterbending." I said, hoping he got my hint. Master Pakku smiled and nodded, acknowledging that he caught on. He waved swiftly and spoke, "I wish you the best." I nodded my head, me too. I said my final goodbyes once again to everyone before I shut the door behind me, leaving the comfort of their home.

It was cold outside, and I was thankful for the thick sweater Gran-Gran let me borrow for my walk home. I took my time regardless of the brisk air, enjoying the gentle tickles from the falling snow on my face. It was quiet outside, and I was grateful, it gave me time just to...think. There was no need for me to go home, since Gran-Gran demanded I wash up at there, as a symbolic way to wash away my troubles. Yet, the more I thought, the more anxious I got. Where do I even start? Do I go talk to the gang first, or do they come to me? I groaned to myself and threw my head back, running my hands through my hair, how did you get yourself into this mess?

I sighed and looked forward, noticing that I was close to the house, before I spotted someone. Bright yellow, bald with some blue... "Aang!" I shouted, not realizing that I had drawn his attention to myself. I mentally scowled, well I guess this is how it's going to start. Aang's eyes widened when he realized it was me who called him; he dashed towards me, snow flying from either side of him. I couldn't help but smile watching him keenly run to me; he looked like a lost child.

"Yue, are you okay? I was going to Gran-Gran's house because I know that's where you usually go when you're upset. I would have come sooner, but Zuko said-" Aang spat out speedily before stopping once he mentioned Zuko. It took me a few minutes to process what he had even said since he spoke so fast, he looks more upset than I was! The way his eyebrows pinched together, his mind turning, and eyes showcasing a large mixture of emotions. But it all came to a halt when he finally let out a long breath, and his shoulders dropped in pure defeat, "I'm sorry."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, a mixture of nervousness and confusion watching Aang struggle to stick to a single emotion. "What are you sorry about Aang? You didn't do anything-" I started, but Aang frowned and shook his head disappointed. "That's the problem. No one did anything. We should have never let this happen. I should have stopped Katara, and I should have stepped in when you and Zuko were fighting. What kind of Avatar am I if I can't even stop a conflict between friends?" I sighed and looked down at the snowy floor.

"It's not your fault..." I grumbled underneath my breath, and I didn't need to look up to know that Aang was distressed. "Yue, everyone feels horrible about what happened. We should have never let it happen. What happens between you and Zuko is between you two." I looked up at him and frowned, "Aang he didn't even know I was a Waterbender! And let's not forget about the fact that he is engaged, to Mai, his apparent ex-girlfriend. I think it's better you guys told me before he introduces me to Mai when I'm at the Fire Nation." Aang frowned and shook his head, "Trust me, Yue, you need to talk to Zuko."

I crossed my arms and bit my lip nervously, "I know he is your best friend Aang, but-"

"Please Yue, I know you are hurt, and you feel humiliated, but this is just a whole misunderstanding." Aang started, his eyes begging. I looked back at the ground as I was once again perplexed. "Aang... what should I do?" I cried out softly. I could feel Aang's arms wrap around my shoulders tightly as he brought me in close. I huffed as I let him hug me. It was an embrace filled with understanding and comfort. Aang was just one of those people who always knew what to say and what to do. And sometimes no words spoke louder than words. We must have stood there for a while before he patted my head gently and pulled away.

His hands were still tightly grasping my shoulders, but he looked down upon me, staring into my eyes. "I know Zuko is rough on the edges; he is not the best when it comes to talking about feelings and to be honest, he is a complete idiot when it comes to relationships too..." I looked at Aang with a pout, "You are not exactly selling him Aang." I said with a raised brow. Aang rubbed the back of his neck and huffed, "What I'm trying to say is as bad as Zuko looks right now, I can promise you one thing. He would never, ever, hurt you intentionally. He is stubborn and hard-headed, but he is not a cheater. Please, hear him out, even if it's not for him, but me?"

Aang looked at me with such pleading eyes that I couldn't help but smile weakly. Master Pakku's biggest regret was not talking, while Gran-Gran's was not listening. Although they ended up together in the end, happily married, it took them years to reach the point where they are now. Do I want the same thing to happen to us? What if Gran-Gran took the time to listen? Would they have been together from the start? "Aang...where is Zuko?" I asked.

Aang eyes widen in pure delight as he jumped up, "Really?" He squealed. I smiled once again and nodded my head, "The truth is that I don't want us to end...especially if it's just a big misunderstanding, it would be silly wouldn't it?" I started. Aang grabbed my hands and smiled brightly, "I promise you won't regret it. We can go right now!" He said before pulling me away. I was utterly speechless as he tugged me away eagerly not towards the house, but off to the quiet streets once again.

"A-Aang! Shouldn't I see the gang first? Talk to-"

"They can wait, but we need to do this now. Trust me." Aang said as he waved away my concerns. His sympathetic demeanour completely disappeared, and suddenly he seemed determined. I couldn't help but smile seeing at how excited he was at the thought of Zuko and I reconciling. And deep down, I was hoping, and praying that it would happen. Was it foolish to want everything to go back to how it was despite how much he hurt me? Was I acting naïve and stupid, wishful thinking? Hoping for too much from something that just started days ago.

It was the sound of water that grabbed my attention, and I noticed we were at the dock, more specifically in front of the main vessel where Zuko stepped down from and where we met for the first time. "Is he leaving?" I gasped. Did I upset him that much? Did I cause him to want to leave? Aang turned around and noticed right away my concern as he stopped abruptly and rubbed the back of his neck, "No, he had to do something." He said quickly. I raised a brow and looked at Aang perplexed, "Do something?"

Aang smiled and nodded eagerly, "You worry too much. You over think things. Trust me...everything will work out in the end." He said. I pouted but nodded. It was Aang's confidence that seemed to calm down my nerves as he continued to pull me towards the grand ship. Right away the guards standing proudly at the lowered ramp nodded their heads towards us. "Does Zuko know we are going to see him now?" I asked. Aang didn't bother to turn around to answer me. Instead, he continued to guide me through the interior of the ship as if this was his second home. "You can say...that he has an idea."

I opened my mouth to question him more, but I closed it shut, as my attention was quickly drawn to the interior of the ship. It was huge, the walls were tall, and almost everything inside was decorated with vibrant reds and golds. Although the walls were metal, they seemed to have an internal glow, most likely reflecting the light from the lamps that illuminated the corridors. Dad was right...the Fire Nation do know how to decorate. Everything seemed expensive, lavish. As we continued walking, guards and servants would stop and bow at us and then leave once we moved passed them.

Finally, Aang came to a sudden stop, in front of two bulky metal doors. He turned around and smiled, "The moment of truth." My eyes widen, and I could feel myself starting to freak out. "A-Aang, I...I...I don't think I can do this." I spoke anxiously. It felt too soon, too... real. Aang shook his head and grasped my shoulders, "Just breath, in and out. I promise you; you won't regret it. I swear to you, as the Avatar." I bite my lip nervously, fighting the conflicting emotions raging internally.

Aang stepped back and spoke to one of the guards standing in front of the doors, "May you let Fire Lord Zuko aware that we have arrived?" Aang asked. The guard nodded before briefly opening the door and stepping inside. For a split second, I could see the flickering of lights inside before the door shut closed. Muffled voices could be heard, before the door opened once again and the guard nodded his head, signalling us to enter.

My hands began to shake nervously, and for a second I completely forgot how to breathe. Aang grasped my hand and squeezed it, "I'll be there with you. Don't stress." He said with a warm smile. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice before he stepped forward and began pushing the door open. I could see bright lights once again, and I was then able to take in the room we were in entirely. It was clear it was a study, bookshelves lining the walls, and a few piles of papers scattered across the floors. But when I looked forward, I finally saw him, Zuko.

I felt myself nervously bite my lip, realizing that I was officially face-to-face with him. He looked pale and tense. His hair was pulled back in a tight bun, as he wore formal Fire Nation attire. He was leaned up against his wooden desk, with his arms crossed against his chest. I felt my eyes trail upwards to his eyes, and at that moment our eyes locked. It was like the air was knocked out of me, and all the emotions I thought I had in check was trying to erupt from within me. Was it too late to build another wall of ice?

"Ying Yue..." Zuko breathed out heavily. As if my very existence caused him pain. My eyes fluttered down to my feet, feeling completely out of place and almost underneath him. Although Zuko looked upset, miserable, he still had this aura around him that commanded attention. But could I have expected anything less from a Fire Lord? I let out a deep breath and looked upwards, directly at him. "Fire Lord Zuko..." I muttered. Trying to look somewhat confident. But in truth, I didn't know what to say, or where to start for that matter.

So there we stood, looking at each other like complete fools, a waiting game as to who will speak first. Zuko's golden eyes seemed clouded as if he had so much on his mind. What happened when I left? Suddenly, feeling brave, I stepped forward and spoke, "Congratulations, on your engagement, I'm glad things worked out in the end with Mai." I said softly, trying my best to sound happy. Happy at the fact that he was engaged, but the moment I said those words, it felt like reality was rubbing alcohol in an open wound.

Zuko sighed heavily and shook his head, letting his head drop as he gazed at the ground, "Save the congratulations because I'm not engaged." My eyes widen, and I looked at him confused, not...engaged? Did I hear right? "But I asked you yesterday; you said you were," I said. Zuko uncrossed his arms from his chest and instead gripped the edge of the table. "So are you telling me you lied?" I asked once again after he remained quiet. Zuko chuckled lowly to himself and finally looked upwards, looking at me directly in my eyes.

"It's...complicated." He started. I frowned and crossed my arms. "You want the truth? Well, here it goes. I'm not getting any younger, and as Fire Lord, it's expected that I have at least some idea of who will bear the heir to the throne. My councilmen thought Mai would be the best option." I looked down, not wanting to hear the rest. So he is in an arranged marriage? For the sake of his Nation...bound to duty. "But, I refused. I don't love her." He finally added. My eyes widen, and I quickly looked up at Zuko.

For a split moment, a sense of relief engulfed me. Was it wrong for me to be happy? Zuko seemed to take notice at my shift in demeanour because he gave me a weak smile, "I...I don't want to marry for politics. Look how that turned out for my family." He said sarcastically. I sighed heavily, knowing very well that his family life was a touchy subject in itself. "But regardless I'm still engaged, just to no one. Since I refuse to marry out of convenience." Zuko finally stood away from the table and slowly began walking towards me.

It didn't take long for his steps to stop right in front of me, so close that I could tell he barely got any sleep last night as his eyes seemed so tired. This must have completely consumed him... "I wanted to tell everyone, but it never felt like the right time. The only person who knew was Sokka, who told Katara. And now we are here..." Zuko finally ended off. I bit my lip anxious, taking in everything he told me. A big misunderstanding, Aang was not joking at all. I shook my head and softly laughed to myself.

" of now. You are...single?" I asked. Zuko laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "As single as can be." The moment those words left his lips the urge to smack him completely overcame me. And I punched his arm, hard. Zuko's eyes widen in shock as he gripped his arm, "That hurt!" He cried out as he rubbed his arm. I looked at him upset, "You should have said no to begin with, you-you idiot! You made me feel like a complete fool." I cried out. It was then I realized I let my tears fall and this time I punched his chest hard.

Zuko tightly gripped my wrist that punched his chest, pulling me towards him. My body was entirely pressed against his chest, as his whole frame engulfed me. One arm snaked around my waist while his other hand caressed my head, "I'm sorry. I was an idiot. A fucking idiot." I didn't care that I was ruining his expensive Fire Lord clothing at all with my tears and snot. That's the least of his worries. "I'm going to kill you," I muttered in his chest, and I could hear Zuko chuckle. "Can you at least wait till I ask you something?"

I pulled away and wiped away my tears on my sleeve. Zuko smiled at me sweetly, but I could still feel his arm snaked around my waist. "Ying Yue, although I know you probably hate me right now, and this is probably the worst time to tell you this. But...I like you." I couldn't help but start laughing. Zuko likes me? He actually just confessed that he has feelings for me? "And this may be wishful thinking...but hopefully, you still feel the same way?" He asked me carefully, probably anticipating another punch to either his arm or chest.

I shook my head, "Aang was right. You may know how to rule a Nation, but you are a complete fool when it comes to relationships. Of course, I like you! Why would I cry or bother coming here to talk?" I whined. I could tell Zuko was about to refute Aang's claim, but instead, he laughed. Zuko patted my head, messing up my hair, and I pouted. "I guess that leads us to a more...serious conversation." He said.

My ears perked up at the thought of a serious conversation, but he still held me close. "I think we both know that this is not going to be easy." He started. I nodded my head, he was right. Whatever we were, we were literally screaming out for trouble. It was the type of relationship your parents would advise against, yet here we were. "It's because I'm a Waterbender?" I asked. Zuko sighed and nodded, "You not being royalty is one issue, the bigger issue at hand is your bending. I couldn't care less...but the council on the other hand do." I frowned and played with my fingers.

"Yesterday, when you left, I spent hours thinking about how I could make us work. And I think I found a way." He started. I looked at him confused, found a way? Zuko pulled away from me before walking over to his desk. He crouched down, opening a drawer in his study before he pulled a small rectangular box. As he walked back towards me, I could see how ornate the box was; a beautiful red, decorated with gold ink. "Open it." He said as he passed me the item.

I gently gripped the box, and I took note of how heavy it was. I carefully lifted the lid, the box was lined entirely with red silk, but in the center was a piece of black marble, shaped like an elongated circle. It had a Fire Nation symbol engraved into it, with a golden dragon swirling around it, embracing the flame. But more importantly, there was a pink gem placed in the forehead of the dragon. At the very bottom, there were words engraved. My fingers gently touched the words, feeling every divot and bump. Imperial Consort...My eyes widen, the heaviness of the words finally sinking in. Imperial Consort? Doesn't that...Doesn't that mean...

"Are you proposing?"

Zuko's eyes widen, and his face flushed, "Wait, what, no! Not that I wouldn't want to marry you or something, but, uh, no." He stuttered out. I laughed at his reaction and shook my head, "Imperial Consort, that refers to the Emperor's wife, the Empress." I said. Zuko shook his head and gently lifted the marble slab from the box, "For the Earth Nation, in the Fire Nation it means something different." I titled my head confused, and Zuko thankfully continued.

"Imperial Consort refers to the partner of the Fire Lord; it's the highest position I can give to my partner, without marrying her. With this seal, you are fully protected under Fire Nation rule, and have the full respect of royals in the kingdom, since your rank would outrank everyone, besides me. If you accept this seal, you will become a Fire Nation citizen. We could date freely, and it would give me enough time to figure out the finer details in regards to us. But more importantly, this would protect you."

The seriousness of this seal was overwhelming, and it was crazy to think that this slab of marble, meant so much. If I accept this... I would have to leave here forever. I would be a full-fledged member of the royal family in the Fire Nation. My duties and roles would completely change. Zuko gently grabbed my hand and brought it up, his other hand still grasping the seal, and just hovering over my open palm. "I hope you know, that although this seal represents a lot, it does not mean that we must change. Should you want to remain friends or whatever, it doesn't matter. It's just a placeholder, a protective symbol until we figure out what we want to do."

I watched the seal dangle upon my palm, the dragon tightly holding the Fire Nation symbol, it was symbolic, the dragon literally held the Fire Lord's heart. "I guess this finally leads me to the question. Do you, Ying Yue, accept this seal, and want to become the Imperial Consort of the Fire Lord?" I was utterly speechless at the question.

There were so many factors that I had to think about. Gosh, what would Dad say about this? Katara, Aang, Sokka, Toph, and Suki? Who would look after everything that I was in charge of? Does that mean I have to leave Kima behind? I looked up at Zuko as if I could find my answer, but instead, I was greeted with his stunning gold eyes. He looked down at me with such warmth and happiness, and he smiled at me so gently. I bite my lip nervously, trying to come to a decision. No matter what I say, there were pros and cons, but I knew deep down, what answer would give me the most happiness.

"Fire Lord Zuko...I...I accept."

Authors Notes:

I'm incredibly excited for the upcoming chapters because now the shift of 'drama' changes from misunderstandings to actual political issues and past enemies. And you guys can look forward to a lot of firsts for these two lovebirds...-coughkisscough-...

Thank you once again for taking the time to read, and I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Lots of love,


Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
