Chapter ︳18


(German/n.) A person who needs to be slapped; a face that needs a fist in it.

~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

"Come on Zuko~!"

I whined like a child as I sat on Zuko's study, preventing him from working on the array of papers that were scattered. Aang chuckled, watching me try my hardest to look cute, although Zuko seemed indifferent; an irritable frown on his face as he rubbed his temples. The way his forehead scrunched up made him seem like an old man, a grumpy one at that. "Please~, pretty-pretty-pretty please~!" I purred as I pushed my hands tightly against my face, trying hard to look somewhat endearing.

Aang burst out laughing, his body sprawled along the chair he sat on as he watched me with anticipation, probably curious to see where this could go. I look like a complete fool, but I don't care. Zuko pinched his nose in irritation before growling under his breath, clearly getting aggravated with me – but that was my goal. It was frustrating how little Zuko told me about his duties, the things he did as Fire Lord, and as the 'Future Fire Nation Queen' how embarrassing is it that I knew nothing about Fire Nation politics?

"Yue, I swear-" Zuko hissed under his breath, as he tried once again to sign a document. With a kittenish swipe, I slide the paper away from him, only for him to drop the pen from his grasp. Zuko's head shot upwards; eyes narrowed as he glared. "My answer is no Yue; don't start," Zuko spoke strictly, and I pouted. I'm not taking 'no' for an answer!

"That's not fair! It's my duty to know what you're working on! At least the basics!" I moaned. Zuko let out a huff as he leaned against his chair, his arms crossed. And just like that, his whole attitude changed. An amused smile playing his lips as he watched me throw a temper tantrum on his desk. "You're meddlesome," Zuko said, and I scoffed, mimicking his gesture and folding my arms. "I want to know why the Earth King is visiting."

"For politics."

"ZUKO~!" I shrieked, annoyed at his vagueness, something which he did purposefully. It was like he was trying to annoy me with his stupidly vague answers. Is he a sadist? Does he enjoy getting me so upset?

"Katara helps Aang with his duties, Suki helps Sokka, why can't I help?" I shot back. Aang quickly stood up, throwing his hands up in the air, "Don't bring me into your marital issues!" Aang hooted. His voice raspy and nose still a bit stuffy from his cold. Although, his horrendous sneezes did seem to go away as well as his cough. It was amusing hearing Aang's voice so deep – Katara would be gushing about it if she were here.

Aang walked off to the door, "Oh come on, help me out Aang!" I grumbled as I watched him pull the study door wide open. But Aang shook his head, "My job is to resolve world affairs, not marital affairs." And with that, he slipped out the door like a breeze. Next time he asks for advice revolving Katara, I'm not giving him squat!

I pouted once again as I turned to Zuko, "I don't understand why you want responsibilities," Zuko spoke, a hint of bewilderment in his voice. I puffed out some air as I pushed my hair away from my face. "Zuko. I want to help you. It's my duty to serve this Nation as much as you. But I can't do that if you won't give me a chance." I never expected Zuko to open up to me wholeheartedly, hell, if he wants he can take all his secrets to his grave for all I care...well that may be a lie since I would be curious...BUT, that isn't the damn point!

'This' was different.

'This' was work, his job, and my duty.

Every night when we went to bed, Zuko looked stressed; tossing and turning in his sleep. No matter how early he went to bed, he would wake up every morning looking restless, as if he hadn't slept a wink and it killed me. It killed seeing someone who you loved carry so much burden when you're right there, ready to help them with anything. If I could relieve him of just a sliver of that pressure, it would mean the world to me.

Thoroughly beaten, I got off his desk and walked over to his side, my arms swinging as I played with my fingers. I looked like a defeated child; I just want to help him. Zuko's expression softened immediately, seeming to realize that although playful, I was somewhat hurt by his reluctance to let me bear some royal responsibility revolving the kingdom.

Reaching forward, he pulled my waist towards him. His head on my hip, as my hands lazily rested on his head, coddling him. I let my fingers play with the loose strands of hair that managed to escape his bun as he held me against his sitting figure. "It's not that I don't trust you, love..." Zuko muttered. I let out a sigh as I looked down at him, his eyes closed as he placed a chaste kiss over my dress. I could tell the wheels in his head were turning as he thought, clearly debating something.

"Then what is it? Zuko I'll do anything for you, and you know that I don't expect you to tell me everything. But this is different. I'm going to look like a fool when the Earth King arrives, and I have no clue why." I knew I could ask Aang or even Sokka, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to go behind Zuko's back; I wanted to hear it from Zuko, from his lips. Zuko let out another sigh as he rubbed his head against my dress, this man is the living definition of stubborn. "I know- I's just that..."

"What Zuko?"

"You shouldn't be bothered with this stuff. You may be off bedrest, but you're still weak. I don't want to burden you. You need to rest, heal, not stress about things like this." Zuko spoke distressingly as he pulled away, and I knew he was gazing at the newly formed scar that rested along my jaw. Although healed, a long pink mark formed, forever reminding me of that fateful incident just a few days ago.

Zuko looked torn, as he hugged my waist possessively. I smiled softly before letting my hand cup his chin, forcing him to look up towards me. "Good thing I'm not made out of glass hmm?" Zuko chuckled before planting another peck on my hip. A pregnant pause before he let out a huff.

"What do you want to know love?"

I grinned.

I won. I did it. I actually got my way for once with Zuko.

"I want to know why this meeting is so important, why the Earth King is even coming here. I know it's about Republic City but why does he have to come here?" I blurted. Zuko looked up at me amused, clearly taken aback by my questions, but little did he know I had another hundred floating around in my mind. What could I say, I was curious – shoot me.

"It's regarding the location of the new nation..." Zuko muttered into my waist.

"Why does it matter? It's being built on Fire Nation land, is it not?"

Zuko pulled away, itching away at his chin, "Kind of." I raised a brow, "What does that mean?"

"You see, after the war, we came to an agreeance that a piece of land in the Earth Nation would be Fire Nation land. There were too many Fire Nation citizens who settled there. They didn't want to leave, and many Earth Nation citizens didn't want to see them go." I nodded at Zuko's words, not surprised at all.

It caused quite a ruckus in the Earth and Fire Nation. Some thought another war was going to erupt since Fire Lord Zuko and Earth King Kuei had quite a few altercations regarding the land. That land was where the first Fire Nation Colony settled, and while the colony was built with malicious intent, it soon shifted and became a home. The number of families that had called that colony a home over the years, and not just for Fire Nation citizens but Earth as well, was tremendous. Ultimately, the Earth King backed down and gave the land to Zuko, and some could argue it forever caused an unspoken rift between the leaders – regardless of whether they choose to acknowledge it.

"It's a political move – you're asking for his permission to use the land to build the new Nation..." I muttered under my breath as I began piecing together the information. Zuko could build the new Nation without the Earth King's approval, but it would be another thorn in their relationship. So by asking the Earth King first, out of respect, it makes the Earth King feel like a king when in reality, he wasn't even a pawn in the matter. Zuko...that sly bastard.

Zuko grinned, tapping my nose with glee, "Ahh, you're smarter than I thought."

"H-hey! I was a public figure at the Southern Tribe in case you forgot; I know a few things." I grumbled, but I still couldn't hide the faint blush that tainted my cheeks at his praise.

"Well, there is that, but also funding. You see, us, the South and Northern tribe agreed to fund this new Nation, but the Earth Nation on the other hand..."

"They don't want to give any money."

"And why do you think that love?"

"Because you already stole their land."

"Exactly. What a good girl." Zuko cooed as he let his hand wander from my hip and up my stomach. I blushed feverishly at his praise, the first time he ever spoke to me in such a manner, and the worst part was I enjoyed it. Zuko's words of praise sent a shiver straight to my core. The way he spoke sometimes was utterly sinful, and yet he seemed completely unfazed. As if the phrases or spontaneous pet names he would often refer to me as were innocent – when we both knew that was far from the truth.

He let his hands drop from my stomach to my waist again, pulling me in between his spread legs, causing my knees to buckle slightly. But his hands held me in place, his fingers dancing along my hips.

"S-so that is why the Earth King and Queen are visiting?" I asked flustered, anything to distract myself from Zuko's presence; I'm drowning in him. But Zuko shook his head, "Unfortunately, the Earth Queen won't be joining him." I pouted, slightly disappointed. Two years ago the Earth King got married, while I was invited to their wedding, so was everyone else. That meant that someone had to stay behind to watch over the Southern Tribe, and I was the sacrifice. "Is she nice?"

Zuko's nose scrunched up in disgust, "No, she's a complete bitch." He grumbled. I raised a brow, did I miss something?

"I'm sorry, what? You just said, unfortunately."

Zuko scoffed, "I know what I said, and I meant it. Because the Queen isn't arriving, they're sending her brother in place, and he's a complete asshole." I couldn't help but laugh at Zuko. He really was something else at times.

"I would prefer the bitch over the asshole anytime."

"Should I bother asking?"

"I thought this was a purely business conversation," Zuko said with a smirk, but the way his hands travelled up my back completely contradicted his words. Purely business my ass. I let my hands rest on his shoulders as I rested my head against his forehead because while Zuko was definitely playing along the lines of flirting and work, I finally felt like I had a purpose.

Aang and Zuko needed the Earth King to provide his share of funding but also agree to the creation of Republic City. And given that there was a bit of 'political' tension between Zuko and the King, it was really up to Aang and me to pull out all of the tricks. "What are you thinking about so much babe?" Zuko hummed as his hands ran up my back, and I smiled innocently, "Just that I finally have a job."

Right away Zuko's eyes narrowed, the grip on my waist tightening. Tightening to the point that I gasped out in surprise and discomfort. "I promised to tell you, not for you to do," Zuko spoke lowly, a warning. And for a split moment, I was going to fold under his gaze and do as he said, but I couldn't. As Imperial Consort, it was my duty to assist him, and as his girlfriend, it was my job to make sure I was his support. I swallowed deeply, as I tried my hardest to match his death stare, "No."

Zuko's eyes lit up, a fire in his eyes as a smirk erupted, a grin that screamed trouble. "Are you...disobeying me?" Zuko purred, the way his finger trailed under my chin with ease caused me to bite my lip anxiously. His tone was falsely sweet; venom masked in honey as his finger trailed along my face far too gently, like a touch of wind.

"Yes." My voice nothing more but a whisper.

I was a kitten in a lion's grasp, and Zuko knew that as well.

But despite the obvious, he was relishing, the golden twinkle in his eyes gave that much away. Any chance to assert his dominance was a great time for Zuko. "So you're telling me, that you're going to go against Fire Lord's orders?" Zuko spoke eagerly, his lips just barely touching mine as his fingers wrapped around my jaw and pulled me close.

"I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't."

"And why is that love?"

"Because I made an oath to this Nation, but also you. You may order me to stay put, but I would argue that my oath to this Nation is just as important – if not, more." I said grinning to myself, because for once in my life, I spoke without a stutter, and – I made a semi-logical argument. The look of astonishment on Zuko's face made me high five myself mentally, as he seemed taken aback. The way his mouth dropped slightly and his eyes pointed. I won. I won this argument fair-and-square, and Zuko was having a hard time digesting it.

"Were you always this...cunning?" Zuko grumbled, his eyes burning, truly annoyed that I managed to outsmart him for once. I let out a small giggle, "" Zuko let out a chuckle as he shook his head. "But if there is a need, a want, then there is a way." I whispered before planting a small kiss on his lips, "'re too stubborn to admit that you need help." Zuko delightfully laughed into my lips, and I couldn't help but giggle along, his laughter being music to my ears, I could listen to him for the rest of my life.

"I guess I can punish you later hmm?" Zuko muttered half-heartedly as he devoured my lips with his own, his tongue tracing along the ridges of my mouth teasingly; I found myself falling into his embrace. A soft moan escaped my lips as I let my hands run up his neck. But just as quick, I cheekily pulled away, a new found confidence seeming to consume me, "That threat seems empty...last time you told me the same thing if I remember right."

Zuko's fingers dug into my skin, forcing me to look at him as he held my head high. My eyes meeting his. It was then I knew, I got too cocky. The way his touch seemed to burn into my skin, and the dark fire that glossed over his eyes proved to me that I over-stepped, and I was going to pay.

"I always keep to my word love; I was just being nice - waiting for you to heal up. But if you want to be punished that bad, so be it." Zuko growled. I found my mouth dropping, my lips dry as I scrambled to think. Zuko snickered at my distress, not at all pleased at my speechless stance. He let his tongue run along his lips, wetting them before teasingly brushing them against mine, "What's wrong love? Where did that feisty attitude of yours disappear off too, hmm?"

This was the problem between us; the tension that always managed to bubble up no matter where we were. It came to the point that my skin felt like it was always on fire whenever Zuko was around, and the fact that we're now sleeping together made it ten times worse. Yet no matter how heated it got between us, it never did escalate to much more than teasing. It was like he was waiting, for what – that was beyond me. But every time we teased, I could tell his resolve was cracking little by little, and when that time finally comes; I pray.

Zuko's hand swiftly rose up my back, his hands expertly grasping a fist full of my black hair. Just as I noticed, he pulled roughly. I gasped, not expecting Zuko to tug at my hair in the slightest. My head forcefully titled back, as Zuko grinned slyly, an intimidating growl rumbling deep in his chest, "Now be a good girl and run off, yeah? Don't you have a tea date planned with my Uncle in another twenty minutes?"

My eyes widen, fuck – Zuko was right. The grip on my hair slacked, and I found myself straightening up, not realizing that I was straddling Zuko's lap at this point. "Shit, I need to leave – now," I spoke anxiously as I quickly tried to fix my dress and hair, how is it possible that I look so worn out after a simple conversation with Zuko? But Zuko chuckled to himself, resting his hands behind his head as he watched me fix myself. That is why – because a simple conversation with Zuko isn't as simple as it seems. He's going to be my downfall at this rate.

"Be careful, if you get tired ask a guard to help you. And make sure you take the paths, don't try any shortcuts in the garden." Zuko lectured, and I couldn't help but pout, "I know~! Stop worrying about me~." I whined. Zuko laughed before leaning in his chair, his hand gently caressing my face, "It's my job."

I stopped my movements to look down at Zuko, a sweet smile on his face as he gazed over me with his gold eyes. My heart tightened just looking at him, "Zuko..." I hummed, only for him to nod, "Yes love?" I opened my mouth but quickly closed it. The overwhelming urge to just tell him that I loved him at this very moment ate away at me, but I knew better.

Zuko cared for me - yes, but he was a man of sense. And there was no way in the spirit world Zuko felt the same way, I was a helpless romantic, forever driven by my emotions. I foolishly fell hopelessly in love with him. I bit my tongue, before shaking my head, "...Good luck with work."

I swore for a minute, Zuko's smile wavered, as if he was disappointed to hear what I had said. As if he was expecting something more. But as fast as I thought I saw it, a brilliant smile appeared once again, "Thank you, now hurry. And save me a biscuit, will you?"


⋰△⋱▽⋰ △⋱▽⋰ △⋱▽⋰ △⋱▽⋰ △⋱

I couldn't help the small huffs that escaped me as I walked through the long ornate hallways. Although I was feeling better, my chi levels were still slightly off, meaning that typical tasks, like walking, was taking a more considerable toll on me than usual. I let my fingers gently brush against the walls as I walked, just in case.

I knew I could ask a guard, or a servant, for assistance. But the stubbornness in me told me otherwise. Starting next week I was set to begin my training, and the thought of bending once again made my blood run cold. But I also knew better; I had to get better, I had to move past this bump. If not for me, for Zuko, for Kiyi, for the gang. The nurse was right, I was strong, and by me refusing to bend, I was adding more stress on Zuko than needed. I refuse to be that annoying damsel in distress; I wasn't raised to be like that.

The sound of a few maids whispering down the hallway caught my attention, my ears perking up at the sound of their hushed voices. They bowed lowly, and my eyebrows scrunched up, trying to figure out who they were bowing at. Whoever it was, they still hadn't turned the corner. Probably just Ursa or maybe Noren...

But then again, I couldn't help but notice the way their hands shook as if they were fearful of the person who was walking towards them. A small scowl on their faces as looked down at the floor, a look I haven't seen on servants faces since I've been here...except that one time. My breath hitched, and I found myself standing still, not moving an inch. You've got to be kidding me – just my damn luck.

A tall woman walked around the corner, her hands carefully placed in front of her, although hidden underneath her long scarlet coloured robes. Her silky black hair was nothing less than perfect, her buns so tightly secured to her head that they didn't budge a single bit as she strode down the hall. Maybe if I just stand still, I can just blend in with the wall...but oh, of course with my luck, that was far from the reality of the situation.

The moment her cat eyes met mine, a cold shiver ran down my spine, and I found myself sharply breathing. Her fair skin contrasted heavily against her dark glaze. "Imperial Consort Ying Yue...Just the person I was looking for." Mai spoke elegantly. But her words were far from pleased. It felt forced, down to the way she spoke my name. Flashbacks of me trying to befriend her came rushing back – remembering how she scoffed at my presence as if I was nothing more than a bug. To hear her say my title, to tilt her head in some form of acknowledgement spoke wonders.

I nodded my head and smiled at her, "Countess Mai, what may I do for you?" My voice was steady, didn't waver a bit as I tried my hardest to channel my inner Toph or Suki. But I found myself entirely memorized by Mai. Despite her cold hard appearance, she was stunning. She wasn't your typical beauty - curvy or flirtatious, rather the opposite. She carried herself with the utmost respect, and her lean figure exhibited just how much she trained and took care of herself. Mai was the exact opposite of me...and I envied her.

While she looked like a warrior, I looked like a delicate flower. The way Mai spoke, always commanded attention, she was born to be a royal, to be a leader; things I wasn't. I anxiously bit my lip as I took in how different Mai and I were. What could Zuko possibly see in me? Mai is nothing but a leader...she would make a better Queen than me...

"I came to say my thanks." My eyes widen in disbelief, completely taken aback by her statement. "I'm sorry, what do you mean Countess Mai, I'm afraid I don't-"

"You saved my brother," Mai sputtered, although I noticed the way her eye twitched in irritation. Just breathing the same air as me was about to set her off. My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, unsure what to say. Was Mai, the Almighty, the one who couldn't even look at me since I have arrived here, thanking me? She watched the way I looked at her, and kissed her teeth, unpleased by my dumb expression, "My brother; Tom-Tom." She said, a hint of attitude in her tone.

Tom-Tom? That shy little adorable boy is Mai's younger brother? I smiled before pushing back some of my hair, Mai was thanking me. Maybe I misunderstood her; perhaps she isn't as cold-hearted as I thought...Maybe Mai is like Toph? A bit rough along the edges but sweet in the inside. This could be the start of something new between us...

"No need to thank me, Countess Mai, I couldn't live with myself should anything-"

"I don't need your damn speech," Mai spoke swiftly, raising her thin hand to shut me up. I didn't even get a chance to blink before she turned on her heel, not bothering to spare me another second. My eyes widen at her actions as I looked at her back. Her shoulders' were tense, visibly distressed and I frowned. Why is she mad? She was the one who came to me; she was the one who spoke to me first. Why does she hate me so much? It seriously can't be because I'm with Zuko.

I sucked in a deep breath, I knew deep down I should let her go, that I should just listen to what Zuko has said countless of times and leave Mai alone. As Zuko would say, 'be a good girl and listen to me. Don't try to be friends'. But that was just it, sometimes my big heart got the best of me, and I ignored Zuko's warnings. I couldn't live with myself knowing that someone hated me just because. I don't expect me and her to be best friends, but damnit, you can't just hate someone to hate. There had to be a reason; I didn't talk to her but twice since I've arrived – what could I have possibly done to make her hate me this much?

"Countess Mai-"

Mai stopped dead in her tracks the moment she heard my voice. Despite her long sleeves, I could see the way her hands balled up in aggravation as if she was trying to keep her composure. With a sharp turn on her heel, she faced me. Although this time, I could see the way her jaw clenched with infuriation, her eyes glaring nothing but daggers at me. "Listen mut, listen very carefully," I flinched at her words, did she seriously just call me a mut?

"I came here to say thank you because as much as I wish you were dead, I know when to pay my respects. So don't you dare, for a single moment, think that there are any chances of us being friends." I couldn't help but take a deep breath, trying my hardest not to snap back. As my dad always said; 'two wrongs don't make a right.' But the way Mai looked at me with disgust had me biting my lip to keep my cool.

"Mai, I don't understand why you hate me so much. I know you and Zuko had a history, but that is between you two, not us. I didn't do anything to you." I spoke sensibly. But the last thing I expected was for her to laugh; a bitter, manic laugh that brought chills upon my skin. The way her lips twisted to a wicked smile as she shook her head.

"Did nothing? You said it yourself, you knew about Zuko and me, yet here you are. Leeching off him like a little pest." She hissed. I frowned, a pest? "I don't know what Zuko sees in you. You're nothing. You're not a royal, not a Firebender. Nothing but a sorry story."

My hands instantly balled into fists as she stomped closer and closer to me. She was taller than me that I knew, but it didn't matter. I'm going to tear her to shreds if she didn't shut her mouth in the next ten seconds. To think that I envied her, forget that. But Mai wasn't finished. As if a second wind hit her, she took another step towards me. A menacing smile on her face as she tapped her long boney fingers on her chin; "But I guess I'm not giving you enough credit. To think, that someone as useless, obnoxious, and pathetic as you could whore their way to such a rank. You're nothing more than a royal bed warmer."

"Jealousy is an ugly colour Mai, even for you." I scowled.

Mai's eyes widen for a split moment hearing my stern voice, but she quickly composed herself and grinned mischievously. Keep calm, don't let her get under your skin- "Aww, so the slut does know how to use her pretty mouth besides sucking."

Fuck her.

As if an unknown force overcame, I found my knees slightly bending, my hips tilting as my right hand rose. The rude remarks, the insults, the backhanded comments – I had enough. With whatever strength I could muster, my right arm tensed while my hand balled up into a fist that swung with a purpose; her face.

Mai's eyes widen, clearly not expecting a 'royal bed warmer' to throw a punch; but I guess today is just full of surprises. For someone who was supposedly 'trained' in hand-to-hand combat, she sure had slow reflexes. I could feel my top knuckles clash against her boney nose, her eyes widening for a split moment before she cried out in pain. Her eyes teared up in reaction to my punch, as her hand instantly went up to cover her face.

My breathing was laboured as I pulled back, my left hand falling against the wall; trying to steady myself. That punch took all of my damn energy, but fuck was it worth it. The look of pure anguish and disbelief was written all over her face.

I knew I messed up.

I knew I broke every single royal protocol in the book – again.

But I also knew that the pleasure of seeing my fist in her face was remarkable. A once in a lifetime memory that I was going to take to my grave and bask.

"Y-you punched me!?" Mai screamed as she held her nose, a few drops of blood trickling down her hand.

"I'm sorry, did a pathetic, useless, ugly, mut hurt you?" I spoke sarcastically; hurling back every single insult she threw at me. Mai huffed, sending me glares of death but I easily brushed them off. I'm dating Zuko, the master of death stares, Mai's stares were nothing more but a tickle at this point. With a tight grip on her nose, she hollered, "GUARDS!"

My eyes widen in surprise; she was going to try to get me in trouble. Right away heavy steps echoed behind me, a few gasps of surprise signalling to me that they saw precisely what I saw. Countess Mai with a bloody nose and my hand still balled up in a fist, "S-she punched me!" Mai shrieked as she pointed a thin finger at me accusatorily. The guards looked at me, confusion on their faces as they stood hesitantly, and I couldn't blame them. Here you have an Imperial Consort accused of punching the ex-lover of the Fire Lord in the face, and the worst part was, it did happen.

"Imperial Consort Ying this true?" A guard spoke cautiously, a hint of disbelief in his voice. Fuck. Zuko is going to kill me. "I-I-"

"Countess Mai started it! Imperial Consort was defending herself!"

My eyes widen as a voice shouted from behind Mai, and it was then I realized who it was. The maids from earlier, they saw and heard everything, they're going to defend me. Mai hissed as she turned to stare at the group of maids that eagerly ran towards us. But instead of rushing to Mai's aid, they ran to me, tightly gripping my arms as they helped me stand straight.

"Countess Mai was harassing Imperial Consort Ying Yue – she was insulting her and the Fire Lord." The maid spoke breathlessly, but I could see the sparks in her eyes as she spoke. They wanted to help me, but more importantly, they wanted to see Mai get in trouble. Personal revenge for them - seems like Mai wasn't exactly welcomed at the Kingdom after all.

Mai's face drained white, "Y-you-" Mai stuttered, so consumed by anger she couldn't even speak. But the maids held their ground, holding on to me as they glared at Mai.

"Countess Mai, you will be placed under house arrest for insulting Imperial Consort Ying Yue and the Fire Lord." The guards spoke with ease. The irony – the fact that she tried to get me in trouble, but she was the one getting arrested. Mai's eyes widen in disbelief as the guards approached her, their large hands tightly gripping her upper arms. Fuck, as much as I wish to see her get put in her place-


Everyone stopped their actions to look at me, even Mai herself. With a deep breath, I stepped forward, pulling away from the support of the maids.

"Mai, you can say whatever you wish to me. You can make me your punching bag. But remember carefully, if I'm going to be your punching bag, I'll make you my punching bag."

"I'll remember this." With that, Mai hastily shook the guard's arms off her as if their touch was venom. Mai turned on her heel, her hand still tightly gripping her nose as she dashed off. Her red robes and tight buns disappeared along with the guards, probably going to their original posts. I let out a breath; I can't believe this just happened. I found myself leaning against the wall; trying to come to terms with just everything that had happened.

"Imperial Consort Ying Yue...?" I turned quickly, remembering the group of maids were still standing beside me. Gosh, if they weren't here who knows what would have happened. "Ahh, uh, thank you. For defending me...I wouldn't know what to do." I spoke. The maids smiled, giving me low bows, "Do you need assistance...?" I smiled but nodded my head no, "I should be fine, but sincerely- thank you all." The maids grinned to themselves before waving, "Take care Imperial Consort! It was our pleasure." And with another step, they dashed off.

I let out another heavy breath, my right fist tingling. I can't believe I just punched Mai in the face. Zuko is going to kill me, what am I going to say to him? How do I even begin explaining what had happened? I don't even know what happened! I straighten out my hand, wincing a bit at the soreness, but I could only imagine the world of pain Mai was going to be in. I grinned to myself. As horrible as it was, it felt great.

A gentle hand on my lower back caught me off guard, my body turning swiftly to my right. "Iroh?" I gasped. He stood there, his hand still on my lower back while his other hand gently held mine. He wore a warm smile, a smile that highlighted every single happy line on his face. "You did a number on her didn't you?" Iroh spoke amused. My eyes widen, and I flushed nervously, he saw. He saw me punch Mai.

"I can explain-"

"Ying Yue?"


"Thank you." My mouth dropped as Iroh laughed, his belly rumbling in joy. "I don't understand-"

"Do you know why Zuko and Mai never worked out?" Iroh spoke gently while carefully inspecting my hand for any damage. I pouted at Iroh's question because I didn't even know why Zuko would go for someone like Mai. Curiosity ate away at me every day, eager to know more about their history, but I knew Zuko was naturally a private person. Someone who would tell me his secrets, but at his pace. I shook my head, "I never asked. It didn't feel right..." I muttered under my breath.

Iroh smiled, "Too many chefs in a kitchen." I giggled at Iroh's idiom, completely taken off guard. It was something my dad used to say whenever mom tried to help him cook. "What does that have to do with Zuko and Mai?"

"A lot. They're both takers. Leaders. It's easy for them to want – but hard for them to give." It was like something in me ticked. They were too similar – that's why it never worked out. Aang was careless while Katara was serious – but together they made a perfect combination. Same with Suki and Sokka – they completed each other, made each other change for the better. But Mai and Zuko...they were so much alike that instead of helping each other – they fed into each other's flaws.

"Zuko and Mai were in a world of pain, the only stable thing in their lives was each other. It's easy to mistake friendship for love when you're vulnerable." Iroh spoke wisely, and I nodded. I got it now. They were friends. And a part of me felt horrible. Zuko didn't lose a 'girlfriend' - he lost a friend. A best friend who had been with him his whole life. The bitterness from Mai – she misses him.

"There's a reason why Zuko loves you-you understand him. But why do you love Zuko?" My eyes widen as I found myself biting my lip, "Zuko doesn't love me..." I whispered before looking back down at our hands, but Iroh scoffed. "I've known him his whole life, and not once have I seen him look at someone like how he looks at you. So hurry up and tell him how you feel, because the Avatar only knows how long it will take him to confess."


"Yes, Ying Yue?"

"...the better question is what is there not to love about Zuko..." Iroh grinned sheepishly, before gently patting my hand with his own, "Let me get you to the infirmary, take a look at your hand. Then we can get our afternoon tea in the gardens." I smiled and nodded, "Zuko is going to kill me..." I muttered to myself, but Iroh laughed, "Let's make a deal. I'll keep this under wraps if you promise me something." I looked up at Iroh, a curious look on my face which made Iroh laugh more.

"I'll keep this whole 'punching Mai in the face thing' under wraps if you promise me to love my nephew forever."


Authors Notes:

I DID IT. I posted all of the chapters from Quotev to here and starting this week, updates will now solely be on Fridays! I still plan on going through all of the chapters and doing minor editing because there are few nitpicks I want to fix. But at least everything is up to date now!

I'm super pumped for the next chapter because #jealousZuko will be a thing. So stay tuned guys! Also, was I the only one who was kinda happy and sad at the same time for Mai? She is such an interesting character and I can't wait till I write about her more. Also, don't think I forgot about Yakone and never know when they'll sneak up.

Thank you once again for your love and comments, and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and stay safe!

Lots of love,


Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
