Chapter ︳20


(Greek/n.) the right, critical, or opportune moment.

~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

The rain pattered against the glass like stones, the distant rumbles of thunder carried throughout the kingdom; not a single voice could be heard. It was the first time the kingdom felt so - dead.

I groaned silently to myself, my body curled, and my eyes struggling to open. No mirror was needed to know how puffy my face was as I snuggled into the blanket; the teddy bear squished against my chest. Despite the brisk air against my face, my body was warm, the closest feeling of comfort I've felt since last night. The silky fabric of my dress grazed my legs as I stretched – I sighed. Kima and Lia tucked me in. I didn't even change out of my clothing. Gosh. I probably look like a mess...

But despite being tucked into accustomed blankets and the warmth that enveloped my body, a sense unfamiliarity still lurked in the air. I frowned and let my face drop against the pillow - I didn't need to look over my shoulder to know Zuko wasn't in bed with me. Another painful jab and I found myself breathing deeply. It was ironic – here I was, in a kingdom filled with hundreds of people, my friends and family, but I never felt as alone as I did now.

I need to get up, take a bath, and try to look somewhat alive.

I tossed the covers to the side, only then noticing there were extra blankets on top – but I dismissed it; I must have been shivering so much that Kima and Lia felt the need to heat them. My dress was wrinkled, and as I stood upwards, my legs tingled. I left in such a rush; I didn't get a chance to eat dinner, my stomach rumbling embarrassingly loud. But I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering to the neatly made side of the bed – Zuko's side.

It was empty, no sign that he came to bed last night, he hates me. He has to hate me. My fists tightened just thinking about it – Kayto knew what he was saying. He knew exactly what buttons to push, what would trigger Zuko, and damnit. If only I had known who he was – how was I supposed to know that Kayto was 'the asshole'? Why did Kayto hate Zuko so much, and vice verse? I huffed just thinking about it - Zuko saw everything, even the way Kayto touched my cheek.

With a jolt, I peeled my eyes away from Zuko's side of the bed. Shit. I forgot – Aang. That poor soul must be so confused – worried about what happened last night after I left like that.

I briskly grabbed my robe from the end of the bed as I strode across the room to the bathroom. The white marble floor was cold underneath my feet, and I scowled. I always loved it when Zuko woke up and used the bathroom before me; he unknowingly warmed up the marble floors with the heat he poured out. But evidently, it's either been hours since he woke up and left or...or he just never came back to the bedroom to start with...gosh don't make that true.

My eyes aligned with the mirror, and bewilderment took over me. My makeup was completely wiped off, leaving me barefaced - red and swollen. Kima and Lia really did clean me up last night. My body ached, and for the first time in my whole life, I could feel how off my chi was. Not even after the incident did I feel as disgusting and weak as I did now. A hot bath is what I need, then I can think. Think of what to say, what to do. I turned to start the tub, but swore under my breath, "You gotta be kidding me."

While I was able to twist the knob to let the water fill the tub, the water was freezing. Of course, the water was cold - why would they heat the water? It's the Fire Nation – either everyone heats their water, or they don't take hot baths because it's already so hot outside! I let my hand dangle into the tub, wincing – there's no way I can wash up in this, I'll turn into a popsicle at this rate!

"My Lady, what are you doing?" In a flash I stood up and turned, the bathroom door slightly open as Lia and Kima peeked in. Their arms crossed, and their eyes narrowed as they studied my figure, "Woah, no offence Ying Yue, but you look like shit." Lia blurted. Kima's eyes widen as she nudged Lia's stomach.

I smiled, a smile that failed to reach my eyes as a sigh of defeat escaped me - running my hands through my tangled hair. "Worse than last night?" I muttered under my breath as I infuriatingly stopped the water from running. Kima grimaced, "What happened...?" she questioned as she walked towards me. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. What did happen? It happened so fast; I don't even know what the actual issue was.

Lia's eyes narrowed as she walked forward with Kima, but unlike Kima who was ready to baby me, Lia looked prepared to fight, "Does Fire Lord Zuko have anything to do with this?" I looked up at her and shrugged, "It's difficult to explain-"

"I don't care who the hell Zuko is; I'm gonna kill him." Lia hissed furiously as she stripped herself of her apron. My eyes widen, Lia was pissed, she didn't refer to Zuko by his full title! Her face was inflamed as she threw her apron onto the floor, "Lia!" Kima scowled as she gripped her elbows, "Relax, we don't even-"

"I don't need to know what happened. My – no, our responsibility is to make sure Imperial Consort Ying Yue is happy – and she isn't! And if slapping that dummy up the head is what it takes, I'll do it." Lia groused, Kima sighed, picking up the crimpled apron Lia threw on the floor. And for once, a small laugh escaped me. Lia and Kima looked at me as I smiled softly – gosh I wish I had the backbone of Lia and the patience of Kima.

"Thank you, Lia and Kima, for cleaning me up last night. I probably looked awful." I huffed as I leaned against the tub, still filled to the brim with cold water. But Lia and Kima titled their heads to the side and looked at each other with a mixture of confusion and...more confusion? "I'm sorry, my Lady, what do you mean?" Kima spoke as she looked back at Lia and me. My brows furrowed, "Last night, you guys tucked me, brought extra blankets, and even cleaned my face."

Lia crossed her arms, "That wasn't us."

"What?" My body went rigid, the puzzle pieces starting to line up with one another. If that wasn't them...for the first time, a sense of relief washed over me, and a hint of bliss. Zuko – he did come, he took care of me. That warmth, it was him.

"Ying Yue?" Lia spoke as she waved her hands frantically, trying to catch my attention. I need to talk to him – gosh, he really is a stubborn man. "I'm sorry for bothering you guys, but can you help me wash up? I need to leave." I spoke as I started peeling off the layers from my dress, Kima and Lia continued looking at each other, "I'm sorry, what is going on?" Lia huffed, and Kima held her head puzzled.

"I need to tell Zuko the truth." I blurted.

"What truth?"

"How I feel about him."

Kima and Lia looked at each, Kima smiled while Lia frowned – seemingly speaking to each other without saying a word. "I guess we better get you into that bath then," Kima spoke brightly as she waltzed over to me, helping me slip out of the lingerie I wore. Lia still bore a frown, her arms crossed as she watched, "Come on-help me." Kima spoke as she helped me strip out of the final piece of clothing.

Lia huffed, "I will; on one condition." This time I looked up, and I could see a playful smirk playing along her lips, "What is it?"

"That I can still hit Fire Lord Zuko across the head for being an idiot." I couldn't help but giggle at her request. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"So, you grant me permission?"

"If he tries to stop you – tell him I gave you an order."

"Alright, let's get you all cleaned up Imperial Consort – you got places to be, and a man to snatch."

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"You see, while some may think Pai Sho is all about chance, I believe it's a game of strategy," Iroh spoke as he placed the rounded tiles upon the grid. But everything he said went right over my head, my fingers dancing along my lap as I anxiously bit my lip. Where could Zuko be? I frowned just thinking about it – I couldn't find him anywhere.

It was like he disappeared into thin air.

I checked the meeting rooms, his study, even the indoor training rooms but nothing. Maybe I have to just ask Sokka or Aang...yet the thought of asking them brought another wave of anxiety through me. I didn't want to ask – Aang already knew something was wrong; the last thing I wanted to do was add more people into the mix. Especially when I could fix this, fix us. The thought of us ending made my gut drop – no. I won't let us end because of that stupid guy Kayto. I can fix this; I can make Zuko happy again.

"Ying Yue?"

My head snapped up, hearing Iroh's soft voice, bearing him a smile, "S-sorry, can you repeat the rules?" I asked. Iroh chuckled, reaching for his cup of Jasmine tea. "I didn't begin explaining them yet." I flushed, embarrassed that it was evident I wasn't listening to a word he was saying. With a final sip, he placed his cup down on the wooden table, his hands resting on top of his belly. "Now. I think we both know you don't want to learn how to play Pai Sho. So what do you wish to know, does it have something to do with Zuko?"

I shamefully looked down at my lap; I totally got caught. Although I was definitely interested in learning the classic game of Pai Sho, it was after all a favourite pastime that Zuko and Iroh shared; I came here for help. Wisdom from Iroh to help me with the man who stole my heart and is causing an internal battle within me. "I'm sorry, I don't want you to think that I'm trying to take advantage of you..." I muttered under my breath, but Iroh just scoffed.

"I was waiting for you; I could tell something was wrong the moment I saw Zuko huffing like a bull this morning. That boy is going to get wrinkles faster than me if he doesn't see you soon."

"That's the problem...I think...I don't think he wants to see me anymore." Iroh's eyes widen, almost choking on his tea as he sat up straight, "You're wrong." Iroh spoke sternly, shaking his head as he leaned across the table we sat at, "That man is the definition of-"

"Stubborn?" We said in unison. Iroh laughed, and I couldn't help but giggle – both having a mutual understanding of how frustrating Zuko could be.

"You really are the definition of water." Iroh mused, taking another sip of his tea. I titled my head to the side, puckering as I tried to understand, "You're emotional – something that Zuko struggles with deeply. Zuko is a lot more sensitive than people recognize. He has so many emotions, feelings, conflicting and swirling about like the flames he harbours. And for the longest time, he found peace, dealt with his past, moved on. But you-" Iroh titled his cup of tea towards me, nudging his chin to emphasize the 'you' part.

"You dear, are something my poor nephew has never dealt with before. And it's both exhilarating and petrifying. You have the power to soothe Zuko's flames just like how he has the control of boiling you up – but together, you form a perfect harmony – a dance that only so many have tried to do. And when perfected; it's a combo people desire to experience and watch with envy."

With a swift motion, my head fell against the table, and I snivelled, hearing Iroh's words just tore my heart into a million pieces. Words I needed so desperately to hear yet made the overwhelming sense of guilt eat away at me. "Iroh..." I whined, "I love Zuko." Iroh chuckled once again, his ceramic cup hitting the table. A gentle clap caught my attention as I looked upwards, "He's outside training." My eyes widen, a gasp escaping my lips.

"Is he nuts!? It's pouring outside, he could get sick or-" What an idiot this Zuko was! It's thundering, lightning, the whole nine yards and he is outside training? I stood up, pushing myself away from the table that we lounged at the library, the entire time Iroh beaming madly, "I'm sorry, I need to get Zuko before he gets sick or hurt." I muttered as I grabbed the thin scarf hanging on my chair and fiddled around with it over my shoulders.

"Thank you."

I stopped my fussing, looking up at Iroh with confusion.

"I always worry about Zuko – he's not just a nephew to me, but a son. And now that he has you I know...I know he's going to be okay, that I'm no longer needed – and it's okay." It was a look of sadness. Even though his smile reached his eyes, the way his eyes glossed over hinted at a combination of comfort, relief, but sorrow. "Iroh..." I muttered, he was old. I knew that, but the way he was speaking, "Don't talk like that, you're young. And for Zuko's sakes and my sanity, we need you, the both of us."

Iroh chuckled before taking another sip of his tea, humming softly to the patters of the falling rain, "Death is never the end. It's only the start of a new chapter."

"A chapter without us."

"But a new chapter, nevertheless."

Iroh set down his tea once again, "A story for another day, Ying Yue – don't you have a stubborn Fire Lord to comfort?" I smiled and nodded, but before turning on my heel, I found myself pouring some more tea for Iroh. The giant look of appreciation on Iroh's face as the tea trickled into his cup, "I promised to love him forever."

"I know," Iroh whispered, his voice faint. "You made that promise to yourself long before I asked, I just made you realize."

"Thank you, for everything," I said once more, before turning on my heel and pushing the library doors wide. A sigh escaped my lips as my eyes scanned the windows, the rain was pounding, the glass screaming against the harsh droplets of water. Zuko – what are you doing outside? I scowled, my hands tightening to fists as I grabbed the fabric of my dress and ran through the hallways. Maids and guards watched me frantically – but I dashed too fast for them to stop me. I swear if Zuko gets sick, ughhhh – the thought of dealing with an ill AND grumpy Zuko – let the spirits pray for me.

"Imperial Consort – the weather is horrendous, please-"

"I'll be fine – Waterbender~!" I shouted back to the guards as I pushed by them and bumped against the large wooden doors. Right away, the water slapped against my body; my dress sticking to me like a second layer of skin. I hissed under my breath; it was freezing outside, haze forming as I huffed. I knew where the training grounds were; they weren't too far away but this rain. It was absolutely atrocious.

The rain hit the ground, springing up slightly, and while I was secretly a lover of rain – even this was a bit much. But I kept on trekking through, not bumping into a single soul along the way. No one in the right mind would walk in this weather, let alone be outside. But Zuko, gosh - I would walk to the edge of the world for that stubborn man. What am I even going to say? My walking slowed down; realization hit me. What makes me think he even wants to see me? He could just push me away – ignore my existence till the day he dies.

But if what if he lets me talk - what am I even going to say? Do I just blurt out my feelings? Or do I ignore what happened and not mention about last night? I huffed, my emotions attacking me at so many angles as the possibilities of how this could end up made me dizzy. The first thing I'm going to do is drag that man back inside before he gets sick and then- The sound thunder rumbling in the skies ripped my attention back in front of me, catching sight of the random bursts of light.

My body froze, fire.

The flames erupted from his hands furiously, not meticulous or thoughtful like how I've seen before. I could see the frustration written in his face despite the distance and fog that sat between us. The way his damp hair stuck to his face with every twist and turn, the way his chest heaved agonizingly with every heavy breath. Zuko was in pain – so much pain.

My arms fell to my side; I knew exactly what to do – nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Without a second thought, I walked to the bench that lined the training fields, the wood soggy from the moisture as I sat. It was right then, and there I decided. I wasn't going to force him to go back into the palace to dry up. I wasn't going to speak to him or try to talk until he made a move. I wasn't going to do anything – except watch him take out every single bit of frustration inside him.

I watched the way Zuko punched the air.

The way he kicked the rain.

The way his flames crackled and hissed against the water.

His flames were erratic. Aimlessly being thrown and cutting through the rain with such ease. Zuko's flames were scorching, so much so that I could feel a vague warmth from where I silently sat, his warmth. The warmth that I grew to crave, the warmth that I wanted to feel next to me for the rest of my damn pitiful life.

Bright yellows and reds reflected off the ground with every burst, Zuko's flames stretching well beyond the norm, not trying at all to control the span nor the temperature of them. And for a split moment, I swore, I saw hints of blue mix in with his flames. The air around us continued to mist, as the water cried and boiled mid-air the moment it touched his fire. Zuko grunted underneath his breath as he spun on his heel, another burst erupted from his hands.

It was breathtaking.

It was beyond imaginable how beautiful fire was – and despite the destructive tendencies people labelled fire as they were wrong – oh so wrong. People think water is the element of emotion, but I beg to differ. With every flame Zuko threw, I seemed to understand more about him and the conflicting emotions that coursed through his veins. Frustration, confusion, and pain. The broader and less controlled the flames – the wilder the feelings in him were. They weren't precise nor constraint – Zuko let the fire run rampant. Silence spoke louder than words, and Zuko right now was going on a tangent.

This was the first time I ever saw Zuko so ruffled, unrelenting, letting his emotions get the better of him. His guard was down, and despite wearing nothing more than wore-out pants, he seemed utterly naked in my eyes - stripped to the rawest of emotions.

Zuko's feet stomped onto the dirt underneath him, his back towards me. But I knew that he knew, that I was here – watching him this whole time. His shoulders were slumped in defeat as his back rose with every worn-out breath. Steam floating upwards as he panted profoundly, his face looking down at the ground underneath him - as if it was the most impressive dirt he has ever seen. He was burning; the raindrops searing as they touched his skin.


My voice sounded foreign, seemingly winded as it travelled in the air. A shaky breath escaped him, before turning on his heel and facing me. The first time I got a good look at his face. Eyes bloodshot, face strained as his thoughts consumed him. He didn't utter a word, just stumbled towards me — every step my heart beat faster, wanting him to say something, anything, at this point.

My head tilted upwards, trying to get a good look at him, he was covered in a mixture of sweat and rain. And just like that, he dropped. His knees hit the ground, his head fell on my lap, and he sighed into my thighs. His warm breath against my wet dress and cold legs felt terrific, only noticing then that I was shivering like a leaf.

Without a second thought, my hands fell upon his head, running my fingers through his wet hair, tangling between my fingers. He groaned, his face buried in my lap, seemingly enjoying the coldness that consumed my body – but I accepted it because he was the warmth I so desperately needed. "Zuko..." I whimpered once again. Zuko's head rose, looking at me with an expression of frustration. His amber coloured eyes looked dead as I struggled to look for that twinkle.

"Do you much it hurts, thinking that you may find me as something disgusting? Something to pity over because of my scar? A scar that is so fucking obvious to the world, and a daily reminder of what I can become – what type of man I can become because it's in my blood – being a monster?" He spoke, his voice brittle.

His father – he feared that he'd one day become like his father.

I knew that his past, specifically his family, was a sore spot, and although Iroh knew Zuko had in some ways closed that chapter in his life – clearly last night arose new emotions. "Zuko..." I croaked, my hands untangling themselves from his damp hair to his face. It was bold, but I didn't care. I let my hand trace along his scar – skin rough, constricted, but more importantly, red. A deep, blistering, red.

This scar affected him in so many ways. Sokka told me in secret how the burn has affected Zuko's vision, the skin so tight it was hard for him to focus at times – yet he suffered mutely. I saw the creams and oils he often put on in the morning discretely, thinking I was too busy getting ready for the day to notice. Creams to stop the dryness that came with the forever damaged skin. But while I saw all the physical pains that went with that scar, I didn't realize the emotional damage it afflicted upon him.

"I'm sorry..." I sobbed, failing to notice that it was not the wetness from the rain that ran down my cheeks, but my tears. Zuko was in so much pain, and I never realized how much. Zuko shook his head, pressing his warm hands against mine, letting me touch his scar without hesitance, "It's not your fault, I should've never snapped at you like that. You didn't know-"

"No, Zuko, I'm sorry that you're in pain. I wish I could take it away; I wish I could bare it for you. I just want you to be happy."

"But I am happy. Fuck Yue, I've never been happier in my whole life till now. You alone managed to consume me; I couldn't get rid of you without killing myself along the way." Zuko let his head fall once again on my lap, my hands tracing his features as his eyes closed, a sigh escaping him. "When I snapped at you, I knew I fucked up. And despite being the one to hurt you, I'm the one running to you for comfort." I smiled, coddling his head into my arms. Without a second thought, my lips grazed his scar, pecking him sympathetically, "I was never mad at you – I thought I hurt you."

"You could never hurt me, love," Zuko pledged under his breath, sighing blissfully at my butterfly kisses, and I smiled. A sincere joyful smile as I hugged him even tighter to my chest. "And I think you're perfect - scar or no scar, you're incredible – don't you ever forget that." His arms wrapped around my legs, as we stayed like that. A pregnant pause as the sound of rain hitting the ground and the rumbles of thunder above us. But somehow, the rain didn't seem as lonely.

The grey skies were suddenly comforting, and I found myself giggling in absolute ecstasy. "I'm sorry for letting Kayto touch my face, he caught me off guard, I didn't mean to make you jealous." Zuko huffed, suddenly sitting upright as he scowled, "I wasn't jealous." He spat, trying a bit too hard to seem poised. Suddenly a smug smile found its way to my lips, my fingers poking at Zuko's puffed out chest, like how a peacock does to impress his mate. "Oh? Enlighten me, what was that about then?" I mused.

A faint pink blush tinted his cheeks, scoffing to himself as his burning hands ran up my legs, "...I was being...territoral." I giggled. A loud, endless fit of giggles escaped me as I pecked Zuko's forehead with admiration, "Ahh, thank you for clarifying. I thought the mighty Fire Lord was jealous for a moment."

Zuko grinned, chuckling to himself, "Glad we cleared that up, but love...your shaking. You're going to get sick." The way Zuko's hands ran up and down my legs made me groan in pleasure, the sudden warmth bringing comfort back into my bones; I was freezing, frozen to the core. Zuko grimaced, seemingly realizing how cold I was, "Let's get inside. You're a fool for coming out here without an umbrella or jacket." Zuko nagged, pulling away and starting to get up from his knees. "Wait, I can just-" I didn't think twice, and for the first time, I bent.

Willingly and happily.

My hand rose, swaying side to side, letting the rain that poured above us build up and slowly begin to freeze. A thin crystallized layer of ice covered us, a perfect curved circle as I built the handle downwards to my hand. Zuko looked up in amazement, "You're bending...," he whispered. "Hmm?" I perked up, not realizing the gratitude of his statement until I grasped the make-shift umbrella in my hand.

The water that poured didn't touch our skin, the ice-umbrella providing us with a temporary shelter. But the smile on Zuko's face, it was enormous. So big, he looked like the cat that got the cream, "You did it." He blurted, looking up at my ice-umbrella with wonder, "Y-you bent. Fuck, you don't realize how beautiful you look when you bend." He was right; I did it. It was because of him – just being with Zuko made me feel safe, comfortable, confident. It was because of was because of him...

"I love you."

My cheeks flushed red, realizing what I had just blurted. Zuko's face dropped, his body stiff as his head shot towards me, "What did you say?" He exclaimed. Zuko's eyes were beyond blown out, his jaw almost hitting the ground. Regret seeped through my veins as I studied Zuko's face. It was like I told him I was actually the Avatar or something – damnit. I messed up. Gosh, it was too late, I said it, and there's no going back now.

"I-I-Zuko. I know, you don't feel the same way, and I know I'm annoying. I'm needy, I-I always want hugs and cuddles, and I know I drive you up the wall, but I love you. I love you so-so much." I cried. I was embarrassed, my emotions got the better of me, and as a result, I blurted something so foolishly premature after we finally reconciled.

But nothing would have prepared me for how quick Zuko moved. His hands gripping my face with such a force, my body pulled forward, and without a breath to spare, his lips slammed against mine. The beautiful umbrella that caused the whole situation slipped through my fingers, crashing like glass against the floor, the rain dropping against our skin. But I wasn't given a single second to mourn.

Zuko's lips moved furiously, devouring my own as if starved. I mewled, his hands dancing along my skin and into my hair, gripping me so tightly as if I was going to evaporate. "Say it again," Zuko grunted breathlessly into my mouth.

"I love you," I choked, trying to breathe, uselessly grabbing onto him — anything to steady myself. My face coloured seeing the way Zuko moaned, his golden eyes rolling to the back of his head, as he fell into my neck, "Ugh, fuck. Again."

"I love you." I moaned out, his lips dancing along my neck, sloppy wet needy kisses trailing. Too quick to leave a mark but yet long enough that I could feel his heavy breath against my skin. Goosebumps forming along my skin, "Again." he groaned.

"I love you."


"I love you."


"Zuko-" I gasped. He was panting. I could hear his short rapid breaths in my ear– heavy and anxious. "Do you know how long I've imagined-imagined you saying those cursed three words. How many nights I've dreamt?" He pulled away, pressing his forehead against mine. His face was flushed like mine; lips parted as he struggled to breath, let alone speak. "I love you." He laughed as if he just blurted the biggest secret in the world - as if all the stress he bore was suddenly relieved. Zuko's eyes twinkled, and he chuckled with merit - as if he was the luckiest and happiest man in the world.

He loves me.

He loves...


I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close as I enthusiastically rubbed my nose against his — the feelings. My stomach was fluttering, and I couldn't even think straight. "I love you, babe, so much. Don't you ever forget that."

"I love you too..." I whispered, words I never thought I would ever get to say.

Authors Notes:

I'm so incredibly happy to end this chapter on a positive note before the mess that is about to arrive within the next few chapters (some good, bad, and thirsty chapters).

But the joy to finally have Zuko and Yue just admit their feelings to one another was just amazing. I think I was more happy writing the damn piece, than the characters happiness in the actual chapter (the moment when you start treating your characters as real people - I need a break). Also, I may have done a bit of foreshadowing revolving Uncle Iroh - but I'm keeping my lips sealed as of now because that won't become prevalent until later.

Thank you all for the support, the votes, and the comments you've left, it's merely magically to read. But I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thanks again for the love - be safe, be healthy, and take care~

Lots of love,


Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
