Prologue ︳00


(Greek/n.) the origin (or mode) of the formation of something.

~ Ying Yue Jiang ~

Despite my shut eyes, I could feel it.

The warmth of the sun, shining radiantly through my window, beaming onto my face and blinding me, despite my closed eyes.

A pathetic groan left my lips, grousing under my breath, hoping that somehow, by a miracle, my maid would draw my white curtains shut once again, allowing me to sleep. Would an extra hour really hurt?

All the grand openings and public events that I had to tend to this week had my body crying for rest.

Was I a lazy person?


But, did I enjoy sleeping in, basking in the luxury of my warm bed?

Yes – yes, I did.

With a tired pout, I found myself turning, hand falling over my eyes. It wasn't like I had to do much during named events, standing there like a delicate flower next to whoever was speaking, showing face in replacement of Chieftain Hakoda – my adoptive father.

Once the occasion was coming to an end, it was my cue to present whatever speech I managed to conjure up the night before.

Never did it bother me, attending such events – it's the least I could do for Hakoda. The moment I arrived at the Southern Water Tribe with Katara, Sokka, and Aang, he welcomed me with open arms – showering me with all the love and attention a person could ask for.

"My Lady, it's time to wake up," an ever so delicate voice spoke, a tone that brought a smile to my face – Kima. I mewled under my breath one more time, already imagining how she eagerly observed my resting figure, making sure I was indeed awake. Bless her soul; I would be lost without her.

Kima wasn't just some regular old maid; she was a friend above all.

Five years older than myself, yet the wisdom she contained was almost equal to Gran-Gran. Although she labelled herself as a maid, I couldn't disagree more – acting more like an assistant, helping me with events and organizing my thoughts.

My golden eyes fluttered open, stretching out lazily with a kittenish grin on my face. "Good morning, Kima!" I chirped, and Kima couldn't help but laugh under her breath. A sweet smile erupted on her face – a smile that always seemed to reach her soft blue eyes.

"Good morning, my Lady,"

"What does my schedule look like for today?" I hummed, sitting upright and reaching for the nearest elastic on my nightstand. My fingers tugged and pulled, tying my long black hair into a messy bun. "You're going to be happy to hear that you got one event today," Kima responded as she darted off to my closet, her boots pattering along the cold floor.

My ears perked up at the thought of only attending one event today, an excellent way to end the week. I pushed the heavy blankets off me, swinging my legs off the edge of the bed.

"What is it?" I shouted at the direction of the closet, already picturing her drowning in the sea of dresses. I was what some people call 'high maintenance,' but I liked to view it as treating myself. A little self-pampering didn't hurt anyone, did it?

"The grand opening of Katara's healing school!" Kima shouted back, but I could hear her light footsteps returning. She found something.

"I thought it was next week...?" I huffed, disbelief lingering in my tone. No wonder I barely saw Katara around the house. Kima snickered, shaking her head as she placed a wide variety of clothing options on my bed.

"No, it's today – that's why your schedule is pretty empty. First, you're going to cut the ribbon, let her give a speech, and then you're in charge of the closing speech. Afterwards, you're going to observe classes of students learning how to heal. You know – the fun stuff."

I grabbed my robe, securing it around my body as I listened to Kima. "Seems like it's going to be an easy day-" I started until loud footsteps right outside my doorway caught my attention.

Is that-

"Is Sokka just coming home from his morning training?" I questioned, raising a brow. Kima shrugged, still fussing over the clothing selections in front of her. "I heard Hakoda called him for a meeting. Someone is visiting, and we need top security."

My eyes widened at the news; someone is visiting?

Kima shifted her gaze to my face, watching the way my lip rolled between my teeth, mind swirling. Her mouth dropped, ready to interject because she already knew the warning signs.

"Oh, I'm curious," I whispered.

Kima didn't stand a chance.

The way I dashed to my bedroom door, one would've thought my feet had a mind of its own. I flung the door wide open, giggling under my breath as I played dumb – ignoring Kima's cries of protest.

"But you have to get ready!"

The door slammed shut, muffling Kima's shout, my eyes falling over the one and only – Sokka.

His chocolate coloured hair was up into a messy top knot, his baggy blue shirt sticking to his torso as sweat beaded down his temples and along his neck. Sokka reached forward, fingers grazing his bedroom door handle but the sound of my ungraceful entrance, and Kima's hoot, caught his attention.

He tilted his head, shooting me his signature grin. "Morning, Princess." He cheekily teased, pointing his chin towards me.

I stuck my tongue out, annoyed with his nickname for me, Princess.

"Did you just finish your training?" I asked, choosing to ignore the way he said, Princess. It wasn't even lunch yet, and he's already trying to get a rise out of me. Sokka yawned drowsily, shaking his head as he turned his bedroom knob.

"Naw, I finished a while ago, but Dad called me in for a last-minute meeting, which reminds me, I gotta shower."

Sokka waltzed into his room, and I puckered, my curiosity getting the better of me. I followed him inside, and unlike my bedroom – Sokka's was an unorganized-organized chaos.

"What did Dad want to talk about?" I quizzed, Sokka not batting an eye at my inquisitiveness.

Not bothering to turn around, Sokka began stripping himself free of his sweaty shirt, "Fire Lord Zuko will be arriving here by next week, the first time any Fire Lord has visited, in good nature."

I couldn't help it, leaning into Sokka as I repeated what he just said. "Zuko is coming – here?" I gasped, a touch of disbelief in my words. My outburst had Sokka turning around in a flash, grinning madly.

"Don't tell me you're in love with him; you've never met the guy!" Sokka teased, and I rolled my eyes, plopping onto his unmade bed. "That's why I'm excited, you bum. I finally get to meet him after hearing stories about him for three years!"

Sokka laughed and began opening his drawers, looking for clothes to change into.

"You could've met him already if you, you know, left here for a bit and came with Aang and me to the Earth Nation or, better yet, to the Fire Nation," Sokka said sarcastically, it was practically oozing off him.

It was my turn to roll my golden eyes, even though he wasn't facing me.

"Unlike you, a military man, I have no reason to leave. Plus, I have my duties here, in case you forgot-" I huffed, flopping belly down on his sheets. "It's not like Katara wants to play politics and show face to events; she's too busy with Aang or teaching. And you, Sir, are too busy being Commander in-training. So I'm left showing face."

Sokka turned around and dumped his fresh clothes on the bed.

"Awe, must be tough being beautiful, huh, Princess?" Sokka said mockingly, crossing his arms in front of his bare chest, a taunting grin on his face. I glared, "At least I'm not so ugly that Dad sends me away on the excuse of 'military duties'" I bickered back, Sokka snorting at my retort.

But I still want to know...

"Seriously, why is Zuko coming here, Sokka?"

The sarcastic laugh that Sokka let out as he turned on his heel, walking to the bathroom. "I know why he's coming here, and I ain't telling you shit."

I sat up straight, "H-hey! Tell me, Sokka~!"

He turned around with a shit-eating grin on that smug face of his, "Sorry, I'm too ugly to tell you. But if you don't get out, I'm going to throw my sock at you, and just to let you know, I did an extra set today."

I didn't have to be told twice.

I bolted out his room and shut the door, still hearing his distinct laughter of success. No one, not even the worst of the worst, should ever have to experience the stench of his socks. I shivered just at the thought, but a high pitch panicked yell snapped me out of it.

"You're going to be late! Get dressed!"

~ Fire Lord Zuko ~

With a deep breath, the pen slipped from my grasp, hands falling against the wooden desk with a deafening thud. I pushed myself back against the chair; head hung low.

Fuck - I was exhausted.

A sigh escaped my lips; another six hours of work left, and judging by the lack of sunlight; it was already close to dinner. My eyes shut, trying to ignore the dryness of the air, and let out another deep breath; I had to finish.

Work had to be done if I was indeed going to the Southern Water Tribe.

I sat up and cracked my fingers, gazing sluggishly around my surroundings, when my eyes fell upon a painting of team Avatar.

A small smile played along my lips, seeing the goofy smiles plastered on all their faces. Expressions filled with happiness and a touch of innocence. No matter where they went, trouble followed.

But – I found myself eager to see them once again.

How long has it been? Almost a year since I last saw Katara and a bit less than a month since Aang and Sokka came to visit with Toph and Suki. Correction – more like a meeting.

I grabbed my pen once again, dipping into the glass vial containing the stark black ink. Endless piles of documents and papers littered my desk, all patiently waiting for my fancy signature to dance on top.

Although the visit to the Southern Water Tribe was more for leisure, there was an underlying motive – the beginning steps of a more political adventure set in motion by myself and Aang.

The creation of the United Republic of Nations.

It was a daunting task, the thought alone causing me to swear under my breath. The political communications, primarily between the Earth Nation and Avatar Aang, had me ready to pull on my hair. A little enjoyment before I become swamped with more political meetings wouldn't hurt much, would it?

"Fire Lord Zuko, Countess Mai, requests to see you."

My head shot upwards, wholly engrossed in my work, I failed to hear the doors opening, a servant entering. I groaned internally at the thought of Mai, struggling to keep a blank face, "Let her in."

The servant meekly nodded before leaving the room, and within seconds the doors opened to unveil the one and only, Mai.

"Fire Lord Zuko, you seem...busy." She droned indifferently.

Her black hair was placed in her signature half-up buns, wearing her classic outfit: a deep coloured red sleeveless robe outlined with a white border, kept in place with a white sash. Underneath she wore a lighter shade of red, a red that had long sleeves which covered her hands, a style she always favoured since youth.

"What do you want, Mai?" I asked bluntly, not in the mood to play games. Time was of the essence, especially when it came to her. But realizing how eager I was to get her out of my office had my sighing.

It was saddening, how sour our relationship has turned.

After dating on and off repeatedly, I finally had enough, realizing that my role as Fire Lord cannot be taken up by worrying about our non-existent relationship.

Which led us to where we are now.

A year ago, I told her enough, and ever since then, we can't stand the mere presence of each other, let alone be in the same room.

It took Mai a solid moment to realize that I meant it, that I was done playing children's games. And it was like the reality of us never getting back together again hit her like a ton of bricks – Mai trying to repair the unfixable.

I figured she was sorry because she realized she could have become Queenbut it could also be my bitterness regarding the matter.

"I heard you're leaving in two more days." She said soundlessly, her arms crossed across her chest.

The biggest issue with Mai was it was almost impossible to read her. Her eyes were stone cold, and her body never gave off an indication of happiness or anger unless she let herself express it. Walking on eggshells.

"I am," I said nippily, and with that, I returned to my work, hoping she would get the fucking hint. "I'm going to assume it's politics," Mai grumbled, her pitch low – I could feel the irritation in her voice.

"However, that's not why I'm here."

For fucks sakes-

My pen hit the desk, my frustrated gaze meeting hers.

"Then why are you here, Mai?" I questioned, my voice mimicking her level of irritation, and I saw the twitch in her eyes.

"It's actually because of us. You're twenty-two Zuko, and the council is questioning marriage. Thinking of possible suitors for future heirs to the throne."

My eyes narrowed, letting her continue. "Whether or not you're aware, I'm your top candidate. So I figured we should try and find some peace before you leave."

"It's Fire Lord Zuko, to you. And regarding this marriage and possible candidates, I can assure you that I'm well aware of the discussions regarding marriage and your position amongst the candidates. But I can assure you; I'll not be marrying you; therefore, the conversation is over. You're dismissed."

I was fuming.

While I was busy trying to work with the Avatar on the creation of a new Nation, a Nation where people of all ethnicities could live in harmony, I have my councilmen worried about who I will be bedding.

Mai returned my unforgiving scowl, and I didn't need an expert to tell me she was upset.

"For goodness sakes- Fire Lord Zuko, can't you just open your eyes and realize that I'm the best match you have?!" She snapped, stepping forward. "I've known you my whole life. We have a history, and to be honest, no one will put up with your attitude or family soap opera as I will! I love you, Zuko, and I always have."

Her mouth opened, another rant building, but I couldn't help it.

My blood was pumping, standing abruptly as my hands slammed against the desk at which I worked. Papers shifted, some flying as I stared at Mai. My lips pressed tightly, and I knew my fists were turning white.

"Countess, Mai, you're dismissed," I said slowly - pitch low and deadly.

Mai's eyes widen, "Zu-"

"Dismissed." I hissed.

Mai's eyes narrowed, scowling at me with such hatred. Enraged, she grabbed the hems of her dress and stormed out the room. The door slammed behind her, and I couldn't help but let out a gasp.

It was as if all the tension in the room disappeared with her, and I could once again breathe. My head hung low, and I couldn't help but feel guilty. How far gone our relationship has become.

Were we always this bad?

This toxic?

I heard my doors open once again, and my head shot up, ready to yell at Mai once again. But I was cut short, noticing it was just a servant.

Her hands were nervously placed in front of her chest, and she seemed to be cowering away internally, yet she stood still in her spot and spoke. "Fire Lord Zuko?" she asked carefully as if testing the fire.

At that moment, I noticed my position.

I was standing upright, my hands balled up in fists of anger as I hunched over my desk. I looked like I was ready to pounce. Letting out another deep breath, I stood up straight and let my hands relax in front of me.

"Yes?" I responded, pleased that my voice did not seem as tense or angry.

The servant smiled sweetly, "I'm aware that you don't drink tea at this hour, but may I offer you some Chamomile tea to help you...relax?" She eyed me cautiously, hoping that she didn't overstep her position.

I couldn't help but let out a smile, plopping on the chair behind me.

Her eyes widen, seeing such a casual gesture, something no servant ever witnesses. With a weak smile, I nodded.

"I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you."

Her smile reached her eyes as she quickly bowed down. "I'll get it ready right away, Fire Lord Zuko!" With that, she bolted out of the room, letting the door slowly close behind her.

I let out a breath of air; I can't wait till I go.

It may be a short visit to the Southern Water Tribe, but deep down, whether or not I wanted to admit it, I missed team Avatar.

Authors Notes:

I present to you, the prologue of Limerence!

Words can't express how happy I am to have published this, and hopefully, you enjoyed it as much as I wrote it. Don't be shy to leave comments/votes. Thank you all once again, and I hope you have a fantastic day/night~!

Lots of love,


Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang and any future creations.

Cross-posted on Ao3/Tumblr/Quotev/Wattpad to discourage plagiarism.
